
How to choose a hair curling iron

How to choose a hair curling iron
What you need to know to choose a good hair curler

Elastic flirty curls to the face of every girl. Therefore, even the owners by nature are even, they strive to curl them at least occasionally. So, regardless of the structure and length of the strands, the purchase of curls for creating curls will be relevant for every representative of the fair sex.

However, many questions arise here: what a curling iron to buy, so that the result from its use pleases the eye, does not spoil the hair, and the purchase itself justifies its cost. Consider this issue in detail.

What you might not know about curves


Many girls still think that the curves spoil their hair. This is so, but only partly - not all forceps worsen the structure of the hair. For a long time there have been such devices that can not only not spoil, but even improve the appearance of curls. True, the more “more useful” the styler, the higher its price - here the choice is yours.  In addition, curves are equipped with thermostats, so even the most “fragile” hair can be closed without consequences, setting a minimum temperature for this.

It is also worth parting with a prejudice that the thrill can only be useful for creating curls on holidays, and the rest of the time it takes an extra place on the shelf. Modern samples not only model curls, but also create a variety of waves, dry their hair, level it. In addition, thanks to a large number of nozzles, they allow you to make a hairstyle on both long and short hair.

By the way, if we talk about wet hair, then for a long time they sunk into summer times when it was necessary to first dry the hair with a hairdryer, and then move on to the creation of curls. This not only gives an additional load on the strands and overdles them, but also takes away a lot of time from you. If you want to wind up the hair just washed, use thermal caring, which has already received its folk name “Fengage”.

Manufacturers also took care of the fire safety of modern styling devices - most of them automatically turn off when the desired temperature is reached or after a given time.

Types of painting on the material of the coating


Our mothers and grandmothers knew only one type of curling forceps. It was a metal round curling iron, which often spoiled the hair, burning it with an exposure to too high temperature. Today, the beauty industry is developing with seven -mile steps: on sale there are devices for styling from different materials, for different types of hair and, of course, for creating curls of various shapes.

  • Curred with a metal coating.  This is the same “classic” option. To date, for regular use, they are acquired by girls who are not afraid to damage their hair or those who use the device extremely rarely, for example, to create holiday hairstyles. Such a device is inexpensive and is sold in any store, even in a regular supermarket.  If you decide to purchase forceps with a metal working surface, then choose those in which there is a temperature adjustment - this will allow you to at least be a little reins in hair burning.
  • Technical curves with Teflon coating.  This is a good option for household use. While the coating retains its integrity - the hair is protected from overdrying and severe damage during styling. However, over time, the coating may begin to crack, or scratches will appear. From this period, the tool cannot be considered safe for strands. In principle, if you use forceps not daily or are you ready to purchase a new tool after damage to the Teflon, then this option will suit you.
  • Ceramic curve.   This device is good and safe. It heats up evenly, during styling does not form creases, and the curl curls well over the entire surface. Many models of such thighs are equipped with an ionizer, which, creating a negative ionic charge during styling, closes the hair scales.  Thus, the hair acquires protection against damage and external smoothness, and also retain moisture. A ceramic coating device can be used quite often. Especially if you regularly make nutritious and moisturizing hair masks, then nothing bad threatens curls.  However, when choosing ceramic forceps, pay attention to the quality of the coating: the working surface should be completely made of ceramics, and not just covered with a thin layer.  Otherwise, the thin spraying will soon deteriorate, as it happens with Teflon curves. Having bought such a curling iron, treat it very carefully - ceramics can be easily damaged. If the surface cracks or part of it breaks down, the device can no longer be operated.  In general, this option for curling curls today is optimal today: the ratio of price, quality and life of the device is satisfied with most of the fair sex.
  • Tourmaline coating.  Such curves greatly ionize curls and do not have a negative effect on them during styling.  The bonus after laying will be the lack of electrification of strands and their healthy shine. Such devices are used by professional stylists.   The price and quality of the forceps are high.

Choice Choice: what to pay attention to


To buy a good hair for hair, which will suit you in all respects and will be happy to use you, you need to pay attention to a number of factors when buying.

  1. Thermostat. Of course, if you do not want to harm your curls during the modeling of the hairstyle, then you simply need a thermostat on the curling iron.   Curls from 60 heats up oFrom to 200 oC, therefore, if your hair is thin and easily damaged, it will be necessary to set a minimum temperature - it should not exceed 80 oS. So you will not only create a light curl, but also maintain the health of the curls. For naughty and hard hair, even a temperature above 150 will be safe  oWITH.
  2. The diameter of the curling iron will depend on which curls you want to get. Everything is simple here:
  • for small curls you need a device with a diameter of not more than 1 cm;
  • for romantic waves of medium volume-2-2.5 cm;
  • a large curl will turn out if the diameter of the curling iron is more than 3.5 cm.
  1. The length of the curling iron correlates with the length of your hair: the shorter the strands, the shorter the working surface of the forceps can be.
  2. Nozzles. Many models are equipped with a set of nozzles for creating different types of curls. You may be interested to create different hairstyles every day.
  3. Cord. The quality of the cord is important and largely affects the life of the device. It is desirable that the cord rotates, this will avoid its twisting and deformation during operation.
  4. The power of the device. The greater the power, the faster the forceps will heat up. There are curves with a capacity of 25 to 90 watts. For personal use at home, 50 watts will be quite enough.

Types of hair


Finally, the most important question: we determine the shape of the curling iron. It is on it that the convenience of work and the shape of the curls, which will turn out in the end, will depend on it. Consider the main types.

  1. The curling iron with a clamp. This is the usual option for many girls. Such a device is convenient for independent use, lightly and allows you to create various hairstyles.
  2. A carriage in the shape of a cone (the working surface narrows closer to the edge). Such a curling iron, as you might guess, forms curls that become more tight closer to the ends of the hair.
  3. A curling iron for creating a volume at the roots for fairly short hair. Short hair is easy to lift with a curling iron - all day the styling will be magnificent. It will not be possible to make curls with such forceps.
  4. The curling iron is corrugated.  Creates a wave of different widths known to all fashionistas.
  5. Double curling (consists of a double working surface). With its help, zigzag strands are created.
  6. A triple carrier for hair. Cooks more unusual waves and allows you to simulate a hairstyle in different styles. The use is very simple.
  7. Spiral curling. A strand wrapped on such a curling iron will have an elastic structure and spiral shape.
  8. Automatic styler. This is a sensational novelty that provoked real discussions on the Internet.   The device itself winds the strands, creating elastic curls.
  9. A curling iron with a triangular section. Creates very unusual "broken" curls. It is unlikely to be suitable for daily use, however, for modeling hairstyles, “output” can be suitable.

Do you need a professional hair curler


It is believed that even for a home it is better to buy professional tools. To make sure or refute this, we will consider the main differences in the deaf for domestic use and salon.

  1. Coating.  Professional curling iron always has a very good coating that can protect hair during styling (for example, titanium-turmaline or excited). Household curves, even the best and most expensive, have a ceramic coating.
  2. Nozzles.  Usually stylists have curves with a rich assortment of nozzles in their arsenal. What is not surprising - the master should create hairstyles in various styles daily.
  3. Power.  Since the stylist time is very often painted in minutes, he needs devices with high power, which will heat up in just 30 seconds. And to work as long as the master needs it.
  4. The service life. The quality of the tool is quite high - it is designed for a very long period of work. Therefore, if you buy a professional curling iron for your home, then most likely it will last you for more than a dozen years.
  5. Modes.  Salon curves have many switching modes-often about 30 options. While in household curves there are no more than 8.

Given all the facts, decide for yourself whether you are ready to pay a high price for a professional styling device.

What is a triple curch

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Let us dwell on an interesting model of a curling iron, which makes unusual wavy curls. At the same time, the hair becomes more voluminous, and the curls are held for a long time. Such a styler is suitable for creating everyday and evening hairstyles.

As it becomes clear from the name of the tool, it has three working surfaces: two laterals, 2.2 cm in diameter, and the average - 1.9 cm. The thrill quickly heats up and evenly affects the hair.

You can set the optimum temperature for curls yourself:

  • if the hair is thin or damaged, then no more than 160 oWITH;
  • if the hair is hard and healthy - up to 200  oWITH.

Using the tool is very simple:

  1. Divide the hair into strands.
  2. Close the curl with a curling iron and slowly stretch it from the roots to the ends of the strand. The main thing is not to touch the scalp tool, this can cause a strong burn.

You can use the curling iron on dry and wet hair - the effect will be different. And if you need to get smooth hair - a triple curling iron will also cope with the task of leveling.

Automatic carrier Babilyss


Perhaps, you can’t find a girl who has not heard about this to a new styler: forums, advertising on television and in magazines - they talk about Babilyss everywhere.  Many people want to buy, but the high price does not suit everyone.

So, the Babyliss Pro device is professional, which means that has high power, ceramic coating, creates different types of curls (in shape and direction), and besides, it turns off itself, avoiding overheating.   But most importantly, the machine shuts off the curl itself.

  1. When the styler has heated to the desired temperature, bring it to the curl (thickness 3-4 cm) and click the device chamber. You do not have to wind the hair around the working surface of the curling iron - the device will do everything yourself.
  2. When the signal sounds, open the forceps.

The timer must be set depending on what result you need to learn:

  • 8 seconds - soft waves;
  • 10 seconds - curls;
  • 12 seconds - elastic curls.

The undoubted advantage is that the Babyliss curle should not burn - the heating element is inside the device body. Also, many fashionistas will like the uniformity and accuracy of curls that last up to several days.

However, not everything is as simple as I would like:

  1. The device is quite heavy. Girls note that wrapping in yourself can be problematic - uncomfortable, also hands are tired.
  2. The owners of the fashionable apparatus note that it can “light” hair, and it will be difficult to unravel them. The fact is that the curl should be placed in the device chamber exactly in a certain direction, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.
  3. The minimum temperature is Babyliss - 190 oC, which is not suitable for owners of thin hair, which can easily be spoiled by such a high temperature.
  4. Such a curling iron for short hair is not suitable.

How to choose a curling iron: video

How to choose a curling iron for hair: photo

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