
Nail diseases

Nail diseases
The causes of fungal diseases of the nails. Methods of treatment and prevention.

Fungal diseases of the skin and nails are most often found. Such diseases are caused by an infection of pathogenic fungi.

Prerequisites for the disease of nails and skin around


There are two types of fungal diseases of the skin of the arms and legs and nails: epidermophytosis and Rubrophytius. The former affect the skin, the latter - the nail itself. Superficent and submarine or internal mycosis of nails are also distinguished. In turn, external mycosis is easier to remove from the surface, but the sub -gap will have to be treated longer and more complex methods.  Onychomycosis is often accompanied by mycous skin lesions.

The main factors contributing to the disease:

  • close and hot shoes;
  • flat feet;
  • narrow gaps between the fingers;
  • poor drying of the legs after the bath and shower;
  • scuffs and wounds;
  • sweating or dryness;
  • cracks or abrasions;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • varicose veins;
  • frostbite of the limbs;
  • vascular diseases and blood circulation;
  • standing work;
  • work in wet and raw rooms;
  • metabolic violation;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • stomach diseases;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

How to determine the disease by nails?


The disease does not proceed imperceptibly, so you can easily determine its presence or absence by several signs:

  • unhealthy nail color (green, yellow, black, brown, white or gray);
  • dullness and opacity of the nail;
  • uneven and rough surface;
  • deformation;
  • cutting and stratification of the nail surfaces or their thickening;
  • pain in affected places;
  • itching of the skin around the nail plate or its inflammation.

Nail diseases in children occur less often than in adults and older people. The exception is children living with the carrier of the disease. Often, adult men are carriers of the disease.


Before the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails, a medical examination and diagnosis that a dermatologist conducts a medical examination and diagnosis. Self -medication is often ineffective and dangerous to health. For diagnosis, you just need to pass the sowing or scraping of the affected area.

The disease of the fungus does not go on its own, moreover, it will progress, affecting new areas. The fungus can also cause various types of allergies. The treatment process will depend on the stage of the disease that the analysis will determine.


Treatment of nail diseases

Treatment of nail diseases should be carried out after consultation and under the constant supervision of a dermatologist. Only the doctor will determine the necessary and effective drugs taking into account other diseases, age, nature of the disease and the scale of distribution.

Drugs can be external and internal use. External ones are used in the early stages of the disease and are usually used in combination with internal use drugs to accelerate and enhance the effect. The drugs have a number of side effects and are recommended for limited use, especially in combination with other drugs.

Drugs for external use fungus


For the prevention and initial course of treatment of nail disease on the arms and legs, various external products are used:

  • Varnish for covering the nail surface (cyclopiroxolamine or betrafen).
  • Antimicose solutions (Mycosan or Locerin).
  • Antimycous plasters.
  • Means of removing affected nails (nails or nails).
  • Creams and ointments:
  • Atifin;
  • Bifosin;
  • Zalain;
  • Lamizil;
  • Mikozoral;
  • Mikospor;
  • Mifungar;
  • Nizoral;
  • Terbizil;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Fungotin;
  • Eczifin;
  • Exoderil.
  • Sprays (lamizil, lamotor, terbix).
  • Creolin (used in veterinary medicine, affects the skin).
  • Fucurcin (carefully, if it enters the skin, a burn can cause).
  • Tea tree or lavender oils.
  • Apple vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Listerin (rinser for the mouth).

All funds are used to soften and remove external affected areas of the nail. Also, baths with facorcin, vinegar, lemon juice and leterinum will help to disinfect damaged places.

Internal use drugs


It is better to treat diseases of the nails of the arms and legs in combination with internal antimicous drugs:

  • Diflucan;
  • Irunin;
  • Itrazole;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Candithral;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Lamizil;
  • Mikomax;
  • Mycosyist;
  • Nizoral;
  • Onychon;
  • Orungal;
  • Rumicosis;
  • Terbizil;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Flucostat;
  • Forkan;
  • Fungavis;
  • Fungotin;
  • Ecziphin.

For the treatment of internal use drugs, an obligatory consultation of a doctor is necessary once every 2 weeks or a month. You should also limit the intake of alcohol and other drugs of internal use. The course of treatment is repeated if the fungus has not passed or appeared again.

Laser methods of treating nail mycosis


This is a completely new treatment for the treatment of nail mycosis, which is used relatively recently. Its features are the lack of the use of antimicose internal drugs, safety, effectiveness, as well as the high cost of the procedure.

There are special devices that allow this procedure in clinics. Mostly drugs are produced in Europe, the USA and Israel. Laser therapy is not toxic and allows you to get rid of the fungus dispute, treating both the nail surface and the skin around it.

Some clinics give a laser to treat the work of broadband light or use low -intensity lasers that will be ineffective. It is worth certainly paying special attention to the quality, reviews and certificates of the clinic and the device itself.

Treatment of nail diseases. Video

Disinfection of mycose infection of nails

During treatment and after its end, it is necessary to complete the complete disinfection of things and surfaces previously in contact with the patient. Disinfection is subjected to:

  • personal belongings of the patient (shoes, linen, personal hygiene items and manicure or pedicure accessories) are treated with formalin or vinegar, boiling in soda-soil solution or alcohol;
  • walls and floors, plumbing and shower inventory, bath or bath (treated with a solution of equal parts of lysol, chloramine or lime of chlorine and washing powder).

Prevention of nail diseases


It is recommended to fulfill several important conditions for the prevention and prevention of mycous diseases of the nails and skin:

  • Do not wear someone else's shoes. Even if you know a person or he is your relative.
  • Do not wear hot shoes. Shoes should be ventilated, especially in summer, and sewn from natural materials.
  • Do not wear sports shoes for a long time and give preference to more open models in the summer.
  • Do not go to wet shoes. This will not only lead to fungal diseases, but can also cause a cold in the cold period.
  • Do not wear too close and uncomfortable shoes. In such shoes, the legs can be rubbed, damage to the nail plates and rapidly steaming.
  • Make constant care of your shoes. It should not be in a raw place and after getting wet it needs to be thoroughly dried.
  • To visit public places (baths, souls, pools), always use shoes. The use of preventive antimicose creams, gels and sprays will also be appropriate.
  • Do not use strongly absorbing rugs in the bathroom. They retain moisture for a long time and dry poorly, which contributes to the spread of fungi and microbes.
  • Be sure to wear shoes on the beaches.
  • Wear socks and tights only from natural materials. The change of linen should be daily.
  • After visiting the shower or bath, wipe your legs dry. Try to make your legs always warm and dry.
  • Home shoes should also be individual for each family member.
  • Use only your towel.
  • After visiting pools and saunas, be sure to take a shower.
  • Do not wear someone else's homework at a party.
  • Do not measure shoes on a bare leg in stores.
  • In the procedures of manicure and pedicure, treat alcohol accessories. If the procedure is performed in the cabin, then the master is responsible for his tool and your health.
  • Do not trust the procedure of manicure and pedicure that does not inspire confidence in specialists. Even for an inexpensive price.
  • In order to avoid wounds and damage to the skin and nails, make baths before manicure and pedicure.
  • Do not wear low -quality jewelry that can cause fungus and allergies.
  • Do not wear other people's gloves or mittens.
  • Avoid wiping your hands with public towels and stand on rugs in public places with bare legs.
  • Follow the rules of hygiene of the arms and legs. Wash your hands after public transport.
  • Make preventive baths from diseases of the nails in the hands based on the article with the addition of soda, vinegar, oils or lemon juice.


It should be remembered that the fungal disease of the nails will not disappear on its own. Moreover, it can temporarily pass with insufficient treatment, and then recur with recurrent again. Nail disease is an aesthetic problem and may be a consequence of reduced immunity or other diseases.

Do not hope for self -medication or that the disease will pass by itself. Think about the fact that it affects the general condition of the body, it can worsen the state of your health and your loved ones. It is also worth remembering that the longer you will not apply treatment courses, the longer and more difficult it will be to be cured later.

It is especially pleasant to realize that fungal diseases of the nails of the arms and legs are cured at any stage. However, you should not make hasty independent diagnoses and use drugs yourself.

Be sure to undergo an examination to clarify the nature of the disease. Only an experienced dermatologist will be able to determine the degree of infection and quality treatment methods. In the initial stages, only external methods can be used.


In prolonged diseases, methods for treating the integrated use of external type and internal use drugs are used. Treatment courses can be repeated several times after a while.

With a repeated occurrence of the disease, it is worth repeating the course of treatment. It is also necessary to follow a dermatologist during treatment and some time after. Repeated diagnostics may be needed to determine the reduction or cure of the disease.

The new method of treating the fungus without the use of drugs - laser therapy - is very effective. The cost of such a procedure will be expensive, and the effect can be achieved in several sessions. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the devices and the reputation of the clinic.

After the treatment of the disease, do complete disinfection of premises and personal belongings. Be sure to maintain dryness and heat in the rooms, especially the bathroom. Remember personal hygiene products. Prevention is also ensured by a constant change in linen and towels.


Never wear someone else's or hot and uncomfortable shoes. Do not use other people's tools of manicure and pedicure. For this procedure, use personal, alcohol treated, after softening your arms and legs in the bath.

Using all of the above preventive and therapeutic methods, you will provide yourself with an excellent mood, the growth of healthy nails, you can boast of well -groomed nails on the arms and legs, and most importantly, warn the appearance of nails in your family in loved ones. Do not put off your health care for tomorrow!



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