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Spirulin - useful properties, indications, contraindications. Spirulin tablets - instructions for use. How to take a spirulina for weight loss. Spirulin for face and hair at home

Spirulin - useful properties, indications, contraindications. Spirulin tablets - instructions for use. How to take a spirulina for weight loss. Spirulin for face and hair at home
Useful properties and contraindications of spirulina. Health recipes based on hair and face and face, increasing immunity and with the aim of losing weight.

Recently, spirulina is increasingly positioning as a product of the future. It has an impeccable chemical composition, including the necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals. It can easily make up for the energy and nutritious resource of the body, balance the diet, and have a general strengthening effect. There is an opinion that spirulin algae helps to get rid of excess weight, increase immunity, overcome allergies and even rejuvenate. And it is not necessary to go to the sea to get fresh spirulina, because it is sold in a convenient tablet form or in powder. What really is spirulina, is this product so useful and how to use it correctly? The answers to these and other questions are discussed in detail in this article.

What is spirulina: composition, description

Spirulin is an ancient genus of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), which live in tropical and subtropical reservoirs with a predominance of bicarbonates and a high level of pH. This lively filamentary organism, in which the cell spiral -like structure, can contract, and also move as a snake.

Only two types of fifteen spirulina - Arthrospira Platensis and Arthrospira Maxima have nutritional value. They are found off the coast of America, Asia, Africa.

This is what a living spirulina looks like in the photo:

Note! The optimal medium for spirulina is warm salty waters. Now such conditions are easily created artificially, which allows us to successfully dilute algae in specially created reservoirs.

Spirulin contains a number of enzymes - ficocial, slopofill, carotenoids. They stain spirulina in a rich blue-green color. Thanks to them, algae is able to accumulate and synthesize over 2000 unique nutrients with increased biological activity through simple photosynthesis.

The saturated composition of the spirulina is represented by the following nutrients:

  • proteins;
  • pigments;
  • fats;
  • fatty acids;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamin-mineral compounds.

The vitamin composition of the algae is perfectly balanced. Spirulin contains B vitamins, provitamin A, Tocopherol, Niacin, ascorbic acid.

Especially a lot in the spirulin of minerals. Of all plant products in it, the highest concentration of iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine and magnesium. In addition, it has a lot of calcium, selenium, copper, sodium and zinc.

In algae, 18 amino acids are identified. Especially important for the body: glycine, arginine, lysine and cysteine. They, like other compounds, are in bio -accessible form for a person, so their digestibility is close to 100%.

However, despite her benefit, sometimes spirulina does harm. The fact is that it is like a sponge absorbs hazardous substances, for example, mercury. Therefore, it is very important that the algae is collected only in environmentally friendly zones. In order to enclose yourself from poisoning with heavy metals, you need to purchase an exclusively certified product.

Interesting! As a result of the study, it was found that spirulina has existed on Earth for about 3 billion years. She was one of the first microorganisms capable of photosynthesis and participated in the filling of the atmosphere with oxygen. For many centuries, she underwent changes in both appearance and biochemical composition.

Spirulin - useful properties

This algae is often used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking. Among its anti -aging and medicinal properties, one can distinguish the following:

  • Cleans blood, vessels of toxins.
  • Increases the supporting function of the body.
  • The hemoglobin indicator quickly runs to normal, which leads to getting rid of anemia.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the visual function, useful for various eye diseases.
  • It has an anti -inflammatory effect, perfectly removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Promotes the regeneration of cellular structures, activates the synthesis of new cells. This allows you to extend the youth of the skin.
  • It is a plant antihistamine. Especially useful for seasonal rhinitis on floral pollen.
  • Reduces the level of non -layered cholesterol, leads blood pressure to normal, maintains the desired vascular tone.
  • It is considered an anti -cancer product that can inhibit the division of cancer cells.
  • Accelerates metabolism and restores normal metabolism, so spirulina has the effect of losing weight.
  • It is indispensable for the functioning of the hypothalamus, thyroid gland and reproductive system.
  • It is an excellent sorbent that allows you to quickly relieve alcohol or food intoxication.
  • Promotes physical and psycho -emotional restoration.
  • Helps reduce the number of headache attacks.
  • Allows you to restore sexual activity.

Note! Spirulin tablets are a good alternative to iodine -containing drugs. It contains organic iodine that can be completely absorbed by the body, while synthetic compounds of iodine are able to absorb only half.

Spirulin: Instructions for use

Spirulin, as a pharmaceutical drug, has its own indications and rules of use. It belongs to a group of means that affect metabolism and digestion. Medical studies show that the vitamin-prothein and mineral composition provides oxygen nutrition, improves energy processes, provides full digestion of food, and creates a favorable intestinal microflora.

Pharmacists call the main indications for taking spirulina:

  • gastritis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • heart failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • immunodeficiency state;
  • as part of a comprehensive treatment for oncology.

Spirulin: manufacturers, forms of release, analogues

The production of spirulina in various forms began in the 80s of the last century. The largest manufacturers of these algae were Pakistan, Chile, Greece, China, India, USA. Moreover, algae in incubators with an alkaline environment began to grow even in the USSR.

Today, spirulina in retail trade is available in the form of fresh, dry or frozen algae. And in the pharmaceutical industry, Bad Spirulin is represented as a multicomponent supplement, although it is more often found as a monopoly. It does not belong to the number of systemic drugs and is considered a plant addition to daily diet.

Spirulin in pharmacies is available in the following forms:

  • on fruit syrup;
  • in tablets;
  • in powder;
  • in flakes (chips);
  • pastilles.

No matter what kind of spirulina is realized in, the price in the pharmacy network and specialized Internet resources varies significantly. The price also depends on the shape of the product: in the tablets of the spirulin is cheaper (about 200 rubles per package), in the form of pasta - the most expensive (approximately 5000 rubles per 100 g). Well, the final price is affected by the trademark. Impeccable manufacturers of the drug are the domestic “Sochi”, “MSU” “VAL” “Spirulin-S”, and among the imported ones-“Tiants” (China) and “Aurosphyli” (India).

Unfortunately, in nature, spirulina has no analogues that would completely repeat its therapeutic effect. Therefore, with individual intolerance to this algae, it is difficult to replace it with something else.

How to drink spirulina: dosage and features of application

Spirulin is considered a full -fledged food product, many nutritionists and doctors claim that it is “superfood”, so there are no clear restrictions on its use. However, if you do not like this fresh delicacy, you can take it in a different form with a clearly spelled out dosage. For each manufacturer, it may differ slightly, so it is advisable to get acquainted with the instructions before the start of treatment.

Spirulin - how to accept:

  1. Algae in tablets is convenient in that it can be taken with you, it is tasteless, it is easy to swallow. The daily dose is from 2 to 12 pcs. (It depends on the manufacturer, the concentration of dry substance, age, state of health). The duration of the reception is at least 1 month. The capsules additionally contains: cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.
  2. Spirulin powder can be used as a medicine or taste supplement. It can be dissolved in kefir, juice, and also combined with cereals, cottage cheese and other dishes. In this form, algae does not contain other binding components. The daily dose is 1-5 g (this is ¼-1 teaspoon).
  3. Spirulin with dried flakes can be consumed just like that, or added to food. It is enough to eat 2 teaspoons per day to replenish the supply of all the necessary substances. If desired, you can increase the number of flakes: there will be no harm from this, but this is already considered not a target technique, but a gastronomic hobby.
  4. Paste of pharmacy spirulina is used in a divorced form. To do this, 10 g of the substance is dissolved in a glass of warm fluid, and drunk on an empty stomach.
  5. It is forbidden to prescribe spirulina for children under three years old. After this age, the dosage of the drug should be below the generally accepted-1-2 tablets or 1 g of powder per day.

Note! It is impossible to get an overdose of a spirulina. But for the prevention of diseases, only 50 g of fresh or 4 g of dry algae is enough. If you use it from above, the therapeutic effect will not increase.

Spirulin: Contraindications and side effects

Unfortunately, cyanobacteria have not only useful properties. Algae have a number of restrictions and contraindications, so inept use can cause certain harm to health.

The list of contraindications of the drug Spirulin is as follows:

  • recent transplantation of organs (the risk of rejection increases sharply);
  • rheumatoid arthritis, red lupus;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • states associated with the hyperactivity of immunity;
  • passing therapy with immunosuppressants;
  • reception of anticoagulants.

Important! Spirulin in capsules or powder is not recommended to be taken together with garlic, turmeric, as well as ginseng and fresh ginger.

Extremely rarely taking spirulina causes side effects. Often this is due to individual intolerance to the product. In this case, nausea, increased pressure, diarrhea, dizziness, abdominal pain may occur.

Spirulin: benefits during pregnancy

Some manufacturers include the period of gestation to the list of direct contraindications to the use of spirulina, others, on the contrary, consider it very useful for the future mother. How are things really?

As some experts note, you can take spirulina, the main thing is not to deviate from the established dose. For pregnant women, it is 30 g of fresh or 2.5 g (1/2 tsp) dry algae.

It is often prescribed for the prevention of iodine deficiency and chronic constipation against a background of reduced peristalsis. Spirulin is also shown during the activation of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, since it perfectly increases immunity. However, it is better to take algae in the form of powder, which does not contain chemical excipients.

Important! Spirulin during pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor in the presence of good indications. Before her reception, a pregnant woman should take an examination by the therapist, gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Spirulin: Application for beauty and youth

Algae contains many antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins, therefore it is successfully used in cosmetology. Masks, scrubs and wraps with her participation prolong the youth of the skin, strengthen hair, relieve cellulite and stretch marks.

Spirulin for the face

For smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing, exfoliation and updating of cell membranes there are many effective recipes with spirulina. For these purposes, algae can be used in any form.

Homemade masks with spirulina:

  • Cleaning mask: 3 tbsp. l. Blue Kaolin, 1.5 tsp. Spirulina powder, 2 tbsp. l. milk, 4-6 drops of the air of the ylang-ylang or tea tree. It is necessary to mix dry ingredients, dilute them with milk to the density of sour cream and add oil. Apply a mask to cleansed skin and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • A rejuvenating mask: 10 g of spirulina powder, 1-2 tbsp. l. water, 3 drops of lemon juice, 1 tsp. olive oil. The ingredients must be connected, applied to the skin and withstand for 20 minutes.
  • Toning mask: 12 g of dry tea leaf, 50 ml of boiling water, 10 g of spirulina powder, 30 ml of kefir (cream or yogurt). You need to brew tea, then strain it, add algae and kefir, apply 20 minutes to the face.

Hair spirulina

Spirulin is able to saturate the hair with the necessary minerals, strengthen it, give it shine and silkiness. Algae moisturizes the scalp well, can help with seborrhea and psoriasis.

Spirulin - Mask recipes:

  • Beer for weakened curls: 140 ml of beer, 40 g of coconut oil, 2 egg yolks, juice ½ lemon, 20 g of spirulina. All components need to be mixed, distributed through clean hair, washed off after half an hour.
  • Onions are against hair loss: 50 ml of onion juice, 40 g of honey, 30 ml of water, 20 g of crushed spirulina. The mixture is applied to the hair for 1 hour.
  • Milk for dry hair: 60 ml of milk, 1 yolk, 20 g of spirulina, 7 drops of lavender ether. The mask is applied to the hair, rubbed into the roots, withstands at least an hour.

Note! You can use spirulina at home for cosmetic purposes in the form of tablets. To do this, they need to be crushed in a mortar or grind in a blender. If you have flakes, they need to be soaked first, and then turn into mashed potatoes.

Spirulin for weight loss

Spirulin is an indispensable assistant in the fight against excess weight. It activates metabolic processes, improves digestion, prevents putrefactive reactions in the stomach. In addition, she creates a feeling of satiety for a long time and fills with energy.

But to call her a wonderful fat burner, alas, does not have to. If you do not combine the intake of spirulina with a diet and fitness, it is unlikely that you can lose excess weight. An excellent solution would be the introduction of spirulina into its diet in the form of an additive to a smoothie and cocktails. You can also use spirulin loaf for extreme snacks, so as not to increase the calorie content of day diet with harmful buns, sandwiches and other high -calorie foods.

Spirulin: Reviews of doctors and patients

Experts speak very encouraging about spirulina. Nutritionists recommend it as an accelerator of metabolism and natural detoxification agent. Gastroenterologists say that algae accelerates the scarring of intestinal ulcers, facilitates the course of liver diseases and pancreas. Fitness trainers consider Spirulin an ideal source of protein, which is necessary during strength training. The opinions of people about Spirulin are different: some are satisfied, others - they do not notice any healing effect.

Perhaps Spirulin is not able to heal serious diseases independently or reduce your weight, but in any case it will make up for your supply of vitamins and minerals, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, give a surge of strength and, possibly, will make a new taste to your menu.

Video "Spirulin - Magic Algae for Beauty and Youth"



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