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The use of geranium essential oil

The use of geranium essential oil
How to use geranium essential oil at home.

Traditionally, in many houses all year round, as well as in the summer in garden areas, you can see such a common plant as geranium. It is easy to recognize it not only by flowering, but also by the characteristic fragrant aroma that surrounds the granic leaves with the cloud - it can hardly be confused with another smell. Essential geranium oil has found its application in the perfumery industry to compose various kinds of compositions. In addition, thanks to its many healing properties, it is widely used in folk medicine.

Application of geranium essential oil: Composition

The plant of pelargonium, also called geranium, is actively cultivated in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. Its fruits resemble the shape of a bird's beak, hence the name a crane or a Granium (crane). As raw materials for the production of essential oil, the aboveground part of fresh plants collected in the middle of summer (their stems, as well as leaves and flowers) are used. The processing points of raw materials are usually located near the grounds for the grinding of pelargonium, the release of geranium essential oil is about 0.5%. As a result of steam distillation, a yellow, sometimes with a greenish (olive) shade is a transparent light -coating liquid that seems to be radiant in the light. The composition of this tool includes components such as geraniol and qitroneloll, as well as Nerol and rosenoxide.


Application of geranium essential oil: characteristics

Geranium oil fully conveys the characteristic smell of the leaves of the plant with a warm, tart and bitter base, which is complemented by sweet -coil flower and fruit nuances. In it, you can also distinguish between tarry, lemon, pink and mint notes. Many people like this smell. It is generally accepted that the geranium aroma is most suitable for mature and confident women. Despite the fact that this tool has a specific and fairly bright smell, it goes well with many other oils. It is worth considering that this tool is characterized by intense exposure, so it is recommended to use it in limited quantities.

Application of geranium essential oil: beneficial properties

It is known that pelargonium planted in pots drives flies, helps to cleanse air and normalize the microclimate in the room. In the old days, it was believed that pelargonium oil protects from the evil eye, drives off evil spirits and neutralizes poisons. Currently, this tool is used for various purposes - for example, as a fragrance for various cosmetics, soap, perfumery, food and various drinks. Geranium oil can be sprayed in order to refresh air in the room, in addition, it effectively scares away various insects, including mosquitoes and mols.

The use of geranium essential oil: psycho-emotional effects

Geranium oil restores the energy balance of the body, causing positive emotions and setting up in a positive way. Its aroma helps to relieve accumulated tension, the speedy restoration of forces after unpleasant communication, eliminating nervous exhaustion and apathy, getting rid of evil thoughts, chronic fatigue and stress. This tool helps to find inner harmony, as well as an adequate perception of various situations and actions, and is indispensable in the fight against depression. In addition, the aroma of geranium oil gives vigor, helps to increase physical and intellectual activity, and also affects self -esteem, eliminating anxiety, complexes and insufficient confidence, dependence on extraneous opinion. Bioenergy believe that geranium oil helps to bring human aura to the optimal state. The aroma of pelargonium contributes to increased sensuality and trusting communication, sets up on a romantic wave.

Application of geranium essential oil: therapeutic effect

Geranium oil has a wide range of healing action. In folk medicine, this tool has been used for many centuries to stop bleeding, eliminating inflammatory processes and intestinal infections.


Geranium oil is characterized by many useful properties, among them:

  • bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal effect;
  • anti -inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • binding, diuretic and anti -reducing effect;
  • acceleration of healing at various microsnations and skin injuries, stimulation of cell regeneration;
  • antispasmodic and analgesic effect, improvement of blood vessels;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • antitumor and antiparasitic effect;
  • stimulation of the activity of the lymphatic system, the removal of toxins from the body, an increase in immunity;
  • normalization of the hormonal background and menstrual cycle, relief of the state in PMS and menopause;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver and pancreas.


Methods for using geranium essential oil

Both external and internal use of geranium essential oil are practiced. This tool is successfully used for the treatment of ENT painting. Geranium oil helps relieve inflammation in the middle ear and tonsils, as well as the sinuses of the nose and vocal cords. In addition, it helps to reduce blood pressure in hypertension, normalizes blood circulation and heart rhythm. This tool is characterized by an anthelmintic effect, with its help you can also get rid of lice. Geranium oil effectively affects headaches and migraines, helping to eliminate vascular cramps. It is also used for neuritis, facial neuralgia, rheumatism and arthritis. Thanks to the astringent and healing properties, geranium oil is used to treat wounds. In addition, it is used to remove stones from the kidneys, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. Thanks to the phytoestrogens contained in the composition of phytoestrogens, he will help preserve female youth and beauty, normalize hormonal background, delay the onset of menopause, and also easier to transfer its offensive.


Internal use of geranium essential oil

This tool is used inward:

  • as a tonic and antiseptic;
  • in order to reduce blood sugar;
  • in intestinal disorders;
  • as an anthelmintic agent;
  • in the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • in order to remove stones from the kidneys.

External use of geranium essential oil

The external use of geranium oil is advisable for treating damage to the skin, wounds and frostbite, with joint pain. In addition, it is suitable for eliminating dermatological problems (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, herpes, eczema, scabies), as well as pediculosis.

At home, the following methods of using this tool are popular:

  • to flavor the room, it is recommended to place 6-7 drops of geranium oil in the aroma lamp;
  • to carry out massage for 15 ml of the base (vegetable oil of your choice-for example, olive, almond, grape seeds or wheat germ), 4-5 drops of geranium oil should be added. For acupressure, the essential oil and the base vegetable in equal proportions should be mixed;
  • inhalations using this tool are very effective-for this you will need to add 1-2 drops of geranium oil per 0.5 l of hot water;
  • in a headache, a mixture of 1: 3 basic oil and geranium is applied in the temple, as well as the forehead and the back of the head, lubricate the back of the palms and feet from below;
  • you can prepare a compress by moistening cotton tissue with warm water with the addition of 3-5 drops of oil;
  • in order to eliminate inflammation with otitis media, a cotton swab moistened with a mixture of basic and geranium oil (2: 1) is inserted into the auditory passage;
  • in the presence of inflammation in the oral cavity, the geranium oil moistened with oil is applied in the right place;
  • manifestations of herpes, wounds, areas of burns and frostbite are lubricated with undiluted geranium oil;
  • to rinse the throat, a couple of droplets of oil should be added to 150 ml of boiled water;
  • 1 drop of the product is taken inside with honey or jam, or on a bread crumb - after eating, washed down with tea, kefir or water.

The use of geranium essential oil in cosmetology

It is not difficult to enrich the composition of masks and creams, as well as leather lotions, adding 2-3 droplets of oil per 10 ml of the basic product.

Pelargonium oil has found its application for skin care of various types:

  • in the presence of a overdried epidermis, as well as a fat and combined type, this remedy normalizes the production of sebum, softens the skin and restores its elasticity;
  • for mature skin, geranium oil is useful, as it is characterized by severe properties of restoration and rejuvenation, smoothes the skin and eliminates small wrinkles;
  • herani oil for the face acts antiseptically, helps to get rid of acne, eliminate inflammation and irritation. Thus, with regular use, it will help strengthen the immunity of the skin sensitive and prone to inflammation of the skin;
  • this tool stimulates the regeneration of damaged epidermis cells after frostbite and burns.


To normalize the condition of problem skin prone to the appearance of acne, you can prepare a steam bath with the addition of 1-2 drops of geranium oil and cedar or lavender. With point application of the affected areas, geranium oil effectively fights rosacea, eliminates various rashes, manifestations of herpes and fungal infection. This tool helps to remove toxins from the body, restores the protective properties of the epidermis. Since geranium oil has the ability to remove excess fluids, eliminate swelling and level the skin relief, it is used as an anti -cellulite agent.

Geranium oil is useful for hair-to care for the hair, you need to add 1-2 drops to shampoo or balm. Similar procedures can be carried out daily. These measures will help strengthen the hair bulbs and get rid of dandruff.


The use of geranium essential oil: restrictions and contraindications

Pelargonium oil is non -toxic and does not cause irritation. However, there are restrictions on its use. Heraens should not be taken on an empty stomach. It must be taken into account that this tool stimulates the surge in activity, so it is undesirable to take it immediately before bedtime.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil are:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • pregnancy period, especially 1-5 months;
  • the period of taking hormonal contraceptives.

The use of geranium oil is video



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