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The reasons for the appearance of peeling on the face. How to get rid of peeling on your face is the best means. Face peeling masks at home

The reasons for the appearance of peeling on the face. How to get rid of peeling on your face is the best means. Face peeling masks at home
The article considers how to remove peeling on the face with medical and folk methods. Folk recipes are presented.

Such an aesthetic problem as peeling of the skin is known to many women of almost any age. Peeling of the face in men occurs quite rarely, since the mechanism of the sebaceous glands is slightly different from the female. There can be several reasons for such a cosmetic problem - from external factors to genetic diseases. True, the latter happen quite rarely. We will tell you about how to remove peeling on the face.

Peeling on the face: causes

The reasons and provoking factors causing peeling include the following:

  • The main reason for the appearance of skin exfoliation is its dryness. Loss of moisture and elasticity leads to exfoliation, drying and destruction of its upper layer, which lags from the surface, creating the effect of exfoliation.
  • The reason for the loss of moisture skin can be a stay in the open space for a long time. This is especially true for winter time and windy weather.
  • Also, the skin of the face often loses moisture when using soap for washing and alcohol -based. The alkali, namely, it is used in the production of soap, and alcohol is dehydrated, which leads to its exfoliation.
  • The main reasons for the appearance of peeling of the skin on the face include damage to its upper layer due to injuries, cuts.
  • Allergies on the face can lead to peeling of the skin. The rash on the skin, as a rule, ends with its exfoliation.

  • Also, the reason that causes exfoliation may be the use of some drugs. Especially the onset of peeling and stains on the face differ in drugs for the treatment of skin infections.
  • If peeling and itching appears on the face, this is the first signal to contact a dermatologist. The coincidence of these factors indicates the infectious nature of exfoliation.
  • Genetic diseases. Some hereditary diseases cause constant exfoliation of the skin of the face, which creates a sense of discomfort in humans. Unfortunately, such a kind of disease is treated quite poorly. Only consequences are adjusted.

Treatment of skin peeling on the face

The main points of treating skin peeling on the face

  • Basically, the treatment of skin peeling on the face in adults and children should be aimed at eliminating the causes of its appearance. This can be anti -allergenic therapy, which is aimed at relieving symptoms of an allergic reaction, treatment of skin diseases and other measures.
  • It is also necessary to carry out a set of local events. First of all, they are aimed at moisturizing the skin of the face. For this, special creams, masks and lotions for moisturizing are used. The use of therapeutic masks should be constant, especially if dry skin is its normal condition.
  • It is also worth excluding the reasons for overdrying the skin of the face. To do this, it is worth refusing to wash with soap, alcohol -based lotions, walks along the street in frost or with a strong wind.
  • Before going out into the street with the problem of peeling of the skin, a protective cream should be applied to it. They are produced separately for each season. “Winter” cream is useless to use in the summer. Apply the product to the skin no later than 30 minutes before leaving. If there is no one at hand, you can use the usual ointment from peeling on the face or petroleum jelly.
  • If the symptoms continue when washing with water, you can try to clean it with vegetable oil. The most successful choice in this case may be the use of sesame oil. It perfectly dissolves and removes pollution on the surface of the skin, which often cause peeling of the skin on the face around the nose.

How to get rid of severe peeling on your face:

  • With serious problems with skin peeling, you can use a hydrocortisone cream. The concentration of the drug in the cream should not exceed 0.5%. It is not recommended to use stronger creams.
  • It is also necessary to limit the treatment time with this cream, since it is a drug, not cosmetics.

Face masks from skin peeling

One of the most effective treatment methods is the application of therapeutic masks. There are a lot of recipes for masks for dried skin. But they must be taken selectively, since not every of them is suitable for a certain type of skin.

Home masks from peeling face with vegetables not only help to fight the peeling of the skin, but also nourish it with beneficial substances, which perfectly affects its condition:

  • One of the most popular masks is a mixture of milk, oatmeal and carrots. Oat flakes are just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are useful to the body, carrots are rich in beta carotene, milk introduces calcium into the skin. Claires and carrots in equal proportions are crushed and added to the mixture. As a result, a porridge mixture should be obtained. It is applied to the face and hold it for about 20 minutes. The mask is great for any season. The course of treatment with masks should not be at least 10 days.
  • As ingredients for the preparation of masks against peeling of the skin, you can use egg yolks, olive oil or sour cream, and instead of oatmeal and carrots - fresh cucumber, gruel of a dull banana. Such masks are extremely nutritious and contribute to filling moisture with skin, which prevents exfoliating the upper layers.
  • In winter, especially when the window is frost and a strong wind, use masks with a high content of nutrients (based on oil, milk or sour cream) daily. In this case, problems with peeling of the skin should not arise.

  • To reduce skin peeling, a mask based on flax seeds is used. For its preparation 2 tbsp. Flax seeds are poured with 2 cups of warm water and put on a slow fire. Cook the seeds until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Then it is filtered through gauze and the remainder after it cools down a little, it is applied to the surface of the skin. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  • If problems with its color are added to peeling skin, you can use a mask based on vegetable oil and mustard. It is prepared as follows: for one tablespoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive) they take 1 tsp. Dry mustard and stir until a homogeneous mass. Then a little boiled water is added to the mixture so that the mask does not cause severe irritation. The finished mass is applied for 5 minutes and washed off with warm water. The mixture should not bake too much, and if there are sensations of burning, it is better to rinse it without waiting for the allotted time. Otherwise, you can get light burns.

An excellent nutrient mask that is used for peeling the skin on the face is a honey -based solution. Honey has excellent antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties. The following ingredients are used to prepare a honey -based mask:

  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.

All the components of the mask are mixed in one bowl and thoroughly grind until a homogeneous mass, and also heated a little in a water bath. Then the first layer of the solution is applied to the face. After 5 minutes, the second layer is applied, and with the same interval - the third and fourth. After applying the last layer, the mask remains on the face for 20 minutes. At the end of this time, the mask is washed off with warm water or a swab moistened in a fake decoction.

The use of drugs with dryness and peeling of the face

If the use of masks and moisturizers does not lead to the expected results, the use of drugs that contain dexapanthenol is necessary. This substance is often used to treat various skin diseases, including mild burns. However, the use of drugs to treat peeling on the face must be agreed with a dermatologist. Independent treatment can lead to uncontrolled results.

Peeling drugs:

  • Panthenol. One of the most popular means from peeling of the face and other skin problems. Available in the form of a spray. It must be carefully applied to the skin and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Bepanten. Suitable for both children and adults.

Peeling of the skin of the face in a child

In young children, the skin is very delicate and quickly dry out, which leads to its peeling. Often such a problem occurs when heating is turned on, when the air in the room becomes very dried.

Another important problem of peeling of the skin can be a change in nutrition. Children very “painfully” tolerate the change in nutrition, which affects their skin. Dermatitis, and with it peeling are the first signs of nutrition problems.

In order to avoid peeling of the skin in a child, you need:

  • Constantly monitor the humidity in the room, ventilate it, use moisturizers.
  • Correct the nutrition of the child depending on the reaction of the body to it.
  • Use special Johnson’s Care, and similar to moisturize the skin.
  • With prolonged peeling of the skin on the child’s face, you need to contact a dermatologist. It is impossible to engage in self -medication in this case.
  • The cream from peeling of the skin on the face of Panthenol is used in the case of very overdried upper layers. It has anti -inflammatory properties, reduces irritation, helps to recover skin cells. It is used similarly, like the pantheon spray.
  • Another excellent drug that can help with peeling of the skin is Bepanten. It has healing and soothing properties, moisturizes the skin, promotes wound healing. This drug can be used to treat children.

Features against peeling of the skin of the face

One of the reasons for redness on the face and peeling can be malnutrition, namely, the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. This is especially true for B vitamins B. If a woman's peeling exists on the face, you should change your diet towards products that are rich in natural vitamins. Particularly useful will be:

  • Seafood.
  • Liver.
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products, especially cottage cheese and hard cheese.
  • Black bread made of whole grain.
  • Fresh greenery: parsley, spinach salad, etc.
  • Fruits: apples, bananas. It is better to limit citrus fruits, as they can cause an allergic reaction, which will also aggravate the situation.
  • Nuts.
  • Brown rice.

If there is a problem with fresh fruits and vegetables (mainly occurs in early spring), you can use vitamin complexes. However, they must be taken very carefully. Despite the fact that they are balanced, an uncontrolled technique can have bad consequences. It is also worth noting that vitamin complexes are worse absorbed in comparison with natural products.

Face mask from peeling: video


Tatiana 17.12.2017 Answer

If the skin lacks moisture, it peels. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for holding moisture in the skin. With age, its volume in the body decreases. It is worth trying creams with hyaluronic acid, and it gives the best effect when taking orally. Evalar has one - tried. Peeling and dryness precisely leave after a month, two reception. Tonus and elasticity will appear.
