
Jessner peeling for cleansing the skin of the face. How is the chemical peeling of Jessner in salon and home conditions. Skin care after jessner peeling

Jessner peeling for cleansing the skin of the face. How is the chemical peeling of Jessner in salon and home conditions. Skin care after jessner peeling
Jessner's chemical peeling is one of the most common services in beauty salons. We will tell you in more detail what he is, and how they do it.

Chemical peeling Jessnerthis one from most common services v salons beauty. Let's tell in more detail, what he from myself represents, and how his do.

Peeling Jessner was invented absolutely accidentally. Doctornavigator by name Max Jessner v one from their own travel by sea decided make means, which prevented would spreading infections. IN compound means were included dairy and salicylic acid, a also resorceine. Invented peeling was used sailors v quality lotion. By arrival home relatives sailors noticed, what those steel look younger. WITH those por peeling became wide used v cosmetology.

Now v compound peeling Jessner maybe be included not only dairy, salicylic acid, a also resorceceine, but and lemon acid, isoprox alcohol and glycolic acid.

Peeling Jessner apply at pigmentation, acne rash, freakies, scars, shallow wrinkles and failing skin. Also peeling showed people with fat skin, so he removes excess fat, does skin more elastic and fit.

Types peeling Jessner

Exists three species peeling Jessner.

  • Surface. Such view peeling designed for elimination shallow wrinkles and others insignificant defects. He moisturizes skin and does her more elastic. IN the course procedures on skin apply one layer solution. Result after such peeling can see through 23 day.
  • Median. IN the course middle peeling touched horny layer skin and part epidermis. Mixture apply v 3 layers, after what rinse. Such view peeling Jessner allows get rid from mimic wrinkles, rubtsov and others visible defects skin.
  • Deep. Deep peeling Jessner acts on horny layer and affects lower layer epidermis. Apply he v 5 layers. In time conducting peeling maybe feel burning and tingling, a after conducting procedures need to wait near two weeks, to leather fully restored. Such view peeling allows eliminate deep wrinkles, get rid from rubtsov and significantly rejuvenate skin faces and neck.

Preparation to piling Jessner

Before conducting procedures necessary reduce pH skin. For this often cosmetologists urgently recommend use special exfoliating drugs. Not recommended use cream. Previously cosmetologist maybe conduct some superficial peeling, to increase concentration acids. Some customers recommend apply fruit acid v flow several days to peeling. IN myself day conducting procedures it is forbidden use neither fruit acids, neither cream.

Before conducting peeling Jessner cosmetologist checks availability allergies on components drug.

Procedure peeling Jessner

Conducting peeling passes v some basic stages:

  • Stage 1.

The skin is applied with a level of pH from 4.5 to 5.5.  It is applied with massaging movements.  Then wash off this solution with water.  After that, the skin is degreased with a special lotion.

  • Stage 2.

Apply the first layer of peeling.  First of all, the forehead is processed, and in the last - the zone of the eyelids.  During the procedure, a slight burning sensation may be felt.

  • Stage 3.

The second subsequent layer of peeling is sequentially applied, if necessary.

  • Stage 4.

Peeling residues are removed, after which a mask and cream are applied.

After jessner peeling, the face can turn great.  If a deep peeling was made, then a burning sensation may be felt

the skin is tight, after which a thin film forms on it the next day, which descends after 3 days.

Care after peeling Jessner

Restorative period after peeling maybe last from 2 to 14 days. IN this time it is forbidden use decorative cosmetics. Also recommended avoid sunny rays and not visit solarium v flow 1 months after conducting procedures.

For recovery skin after conducting peeling Jessner  can use moisturizing cream or thermal water for spraying faces.

How do peeling Jessner v home conditions

For conducting peeling Jessner houses necessary buy special means. Apply all means and sweep peeling need to very carefully, so how inappropriate actions can bring to damage skin. At correct use means home peeling Jessner allows achieve such the same results, which mol be received v cabinet cosmetologist.

All procedure shares on some basic stages:

  • Stage 1.

Leather fully cleaned from cosmetics and others means. For this used light foam, which apply on all cutaneous cover and subsequently rinse. Then apply special mask, which moisturizes and nuts skin. After this mask need to rinse.

  • Stage 2.

Gradually apply layers peeling. In time application first layers maybe feel lung burning and tingling skin. Next layer apply only after togo, how previous layer covered white raid.

  • Stage 3.

WITH help special means remove the remains peeling.

Can lee do peeling Jessner in summer

Many set question o volume, can lee conduct peeling Jessner in summer. Far not all cosmetologists they will recommend conduct this procedure v spring and summer period, so how v this time sun especially actively. Exactly v summer period recovery skin maybe occur much slower, a effect from peeling will far away from desired. Exception it is only surface peeling skin. He affects only upper layers skin, that's why maybe be conducted and in summer.

Contraindications to Jessner's peeling

Peeling Jessner suitable far not all. Contraindication to conducting procedures can perform the following diseases and states:

  • Herpes.
  • Furunculosis.
  • High temperature.
  • Allergy on components peeling.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Availability abrasion and cuts.
  • Sunny burns.
  • Auto -monged abrasions.
  • Moles large size.
  • Cooperosis.

Where buy peeling Jessner and how many he costs

Peeling Jessner can buy v professional cosmetic shops or the same v internetshops. For example, on official site company Martinex sold complex means, designed for conducting peeling Jessner v salons and offices cosmetologist. Buy means for procedures can and on site, where sold chemical peeling Jessner from spanish company Mccosmetics. IN average, price on peeling volume 30 ml. it is 6000 rubles, a for peeling v jar volume 100 ml. – 10000 rubles.

Price on peeling Jessner

Price procedures v salons and offices u cosmetologist will depend from species peeling and yourself masters and salon. IN average price one procedures it is 30008000 rubles. Price course it is approximately 20 000 rubles.

Reviews o  peeling Jessner

Many girls neither  once noticed, what most effective is median and deep peeling. He allows put away irregularities skin and do her more smooth and velvety. However on recovery after conducting procedures need to not so few time: near 710 days. IN this time maybe feel tightness and burning, which passes through some days.

Costs notice, what most effective girls and women recognize peeling, spent v salons and cosmetic offices.

Peeling Jessner, photo

Peeling Jessner, photo to and after

Persistent effect from conducting peeling can get, if do his courses. Recommended do near 5 procedures with break v some weeks. First peeling recommended do in the fall, to v autumnwinter period can was be on time do necessary quantity procedures. Chemical peeling Jessner, executed professional with help high -quality drugs, it will help to you do skin even, smooth and velvety.

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