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How to use a facial concealer

How to use a facial concealer
A fresh, rested appearance is already a key to success. It is especially important to look 100% to women - this is real if you use a concealer!

It is very rarely possible to say with one hundred percent confidence that a woman is satisfied with the condition of her skin. There are so many negative factors around that do not add beauty, but on the contrary, make it all forces to fight for it. Stress, lack of sleep, improper nutrition, smoking, alcohol, ecology, medication - all this affects the skin. Redness, acne, peeling, capillaries, pigment spots, circles under the eyes - is familiar? Every woman at least once came across such “tricks” that her skin gives out. Cosmetology has stepped far ahead, and today in any cosmetics store you can buy a concealer - a tool that can improve the skin, make it almost impeccable.

Clae for the face

Concealer is a special liquid cosmetic product that is produced in the form of a pencil, cream, gel. It is used in order to mask problem areas on the skin. Experts say that the concealer helps from many troubles - from circles under the eyes, wrinkles, irregularities, spots of various origin.

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It is worth noting that a concealer is not a tonal cream and not the basis of makeup. This is a separate cosmetic product that is applied to the skin, but only to its problem areas. It cannot be applied to healthy skin. The concealer is applied even under the eyes, because thanks to its dense texture, it will save even small wrinkles, reliably masking them.

Concealers are different, mainly bodily shades, so choose a tool, taking into account your skin tone, is not a problem. A masking agent must be selected a little lighter than your base for makeup. In addition, the concoor is applied to the very first - before applying the foundation.

For example, in order to hide dark circles, you need to choose such a concealer - its photo below, which has reflective particles - "Illuminante". It is precisely due to the fact that the composition has a reflective pigment, the face will look fresh and rested.


If there are inflamed or reddened areas on the face, then they will not work to hide the Illuminante.

To mask acne and redness, you need to choose a concealer that has a very dense texture. They include antibacterial additives that will help not only hide defects, but also come into the fight against the process of inflammation.

Concealers are produced in various containers: tubes, jars, pencils. The remedy is applied with a brush. It is necessary to practice a little in applying a concealer to the face - otherwise, if there is a “overkill”, then the face will become like a mask.

How to choose the best concealer

Concealer is a great masking tool, but you can only check and believe this on one condition - if you correctly choose a color that praises your skin pigment for yourself. But this can not be worried about this - the concoor palette is so great that you will need to devote a little time to study the cosmetology of camouflage proofreaders proposed by the cosmetology market.


  • If your skin has a blue pigment, then the color, of course, will be cold. If your skin has a dominant pigment red, then the color will be warm. With a large amount of carotene, the face will have a yellow tint.
  • One of the main properties of a consultant is to neutralize an excess of color, so that the skin tone becomes smooth. That is why it is important to choose the right shade. Colors are able to level - on this and the "work" of the concealer is based.
  • If your skin is often inflamed and redness appears, then you need a green tint concealer. Such a corrector copes with the camouflage of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Do not worry - the face will not be green or earthy. By applying such a shade of a masking corrector, you will see that there will be no trace of redness and acne.
  • The concoor of a yellow-honey shade is also capable of masking redness.
  • If the eyes are blue or purple circles, then you need a masking product of a yellow shade. Thanks to this concealer, you will remove traces of fatigue and lack of sleep from your face.
  • If you have a gray skin tone and an earthy complexion, thanks to the yellow consultant, you can align the tone - the face will become bright and fresh.
  • If you have wreaths near your eyes that shine through the skin or often there are blue-green circles under the eyes, then you need to pay attention to an orange hue.
  • If the skin has a gray shade or the skin itself is dim, then the use of a pink -shaped masking agent will be a great solution to refresh it.
  • If you have a brown eye circuit, then it can be hidden using a pink corrective tool.
  • If your skin has a yellow tint, then you need to use a lilac (purple, lavender) shade of a masking corrector. Thanks to this, the yellowness of the skin will hide, and a healthy pink radiance will appear.
  • If you have a lot of freckles or face spots are present on your face, there is a bruise or just a tired look, then a lilac tint is a sirenshole in these problems.
  • If you sunbathed or after the solarium, the skin has acquired a too rich color, then a more even and calm shade will help to make lilac concealer.
  • If you are a blonde, you have light skin with a reddish tint, there are freckles or red pigment spots, then you need a masking tool of a blue tint.
  • The skin reddened from the first tan can be “saved” with a blue shade with a concealer.


How to use a facial concealer correctly

Experts advise following the following rules for applying a concealer:

  • Wash your face.
  • Apply a moisturizer (cream, milk).
  • Let the tool absorb for 10 minutes.
  • Use special brushes - they will allow you to smoothly apply the product (in extreme cases, use fingertips).
  • The concealer is applied pointily - only to a really problematic place.
  • Apply a concealer on a brush or fingers.
  • Bend the product at a problem place or with your finger with your finger, carefully score it into the skin.
  • Do not rub or rub the concealer into the skin!
  • The edges of the contact with the skin with the skin gently grow with a brush.
  • Give the time to dry the masking agent.
  • If the concealer is colored or lighter than the skin shade, apply it only to the foundation.
  • Apply a standard tool for you: apply a foundation or powder on top of the concealer very carefully.
  • Around the eyes, the foundation is not applied, you can only fad this area a little.
  • If you want to hide the wrinkles using a concealer, then you need to fill the recesses in the skin with a kitty, let the product dry, then apply the tonal base.
  • If you apply the product with your fingers, follow the fact that they should be warm.
  • Experts advise applying the concealer on the skin of the back of the palm first and from here to use for application to the face.


Clae for Facial: Review

Do you need a concealer? Only you can answer this question - honestly and critically examining your reflection in the mirror. If the opinion is inclined closer to the answer “Yes, this thing will come in handy”, then buying a concealer is not a problem at all. The problem is to choose the right cosmetic product for yourself. Today there are a lot of brands that have replenished the line of funds with masking corrector. It is best to purchase a brand conciliar, and not unknown brands - it most often has good reviews. In addition, if you are not chasing cheapness - and price concealers are different, then choose the product that has long been known, even if you have to overpay for it - your appearance and health are much more expensive!

  • Max Factor Conceler. Refers to budget cosmetic means. Max Factor MasterTouch Concealer combines not only a concealer, but also a highlighter. Outwardly, this is a pencil with a miniature application. This tool is used to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, masking acne and other skin defects.


  • MAYBELLINE corrector. A great masking agent that is used locally. Affinitone Concealer Maybelline has a universal formula, so it can be used for any type of skin. The product is remarkably hids the imperfections of the skin and flaws: spots, acne, close vessels, freckles and other visually noticeable defects. Due to the fact that this tool includes a natural pigment, this concealer gives an excellent result, since it provides a natural appearance.


  • Consiler Mac. This tool is produced in liquid form and has a very light texture. Mac Pro Longwear Concealer is well applied - this concealer is advised for applying the middle or dense layer. He copes with pigment spots and dark circles under the eyes perfectly. A distinctive feature of release is a dispenser that facilitates the convenience of use. The super formula can keep the skin fresh up to 15 hours.

Mac Prolong Wear Concealer NW30

  • Concaler Vourjois. A great remedy for giving the skin of radiance and fresh appearance. Thanks to Healthy Mix Bourjois, you can quickly remove traces of fatigue: to mask circles under the eyes, align the skin tone, and remove various defects. A very tender tool, it includes fruit extracts: raspberries, apricot, melon. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, gives it dullness and gives a fresh and rested look.


  • Concaler L’Oreal. A very effective corrector that is used as a concealer and a highlighter. He levels his face tone, masking flaws on the skin. L’Oreal True Match Touche Magique Concealer is compact. It has a very light texture. Blagroot to his amazing composition, this tool remains on the skin for a very long time and perfectly protects it from the influence of the external environment.


You can clearly see how to use a concealer on the video:



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