
What is ultrafonophoresis. Indications and contraindications to the procedure of ultrafonophoresis. How ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology is carried out

What is ultrafonophoresis. Indications and contraindications to the procedure of ultrafonophoresis. How ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology is carried out
The use of ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology and medicine. What are the indications and contraindications for ultrafonophoresis.

To date, there are a huge number of different types of physiotherapeutic treatment. All of them are aimed at eliminating certain health problems. However, such a procedure as ultrophonophoresis is most popular.

Today we will talk about this method of treatment. Well, let's figure out what ultrafonophoresis is and in what cases it is shown.

Ultrafonophoresis: Indications and contraindications

Ultrafonophoresis is a type of physiotherapeutic treatment aimed at warming muscle tissue, removal of edema, as well as improving blood flow through their expansion. This method is widely used not only for the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also in cosmetology. The effects of ultrasonic waves of ultrafonophoresis are supplemented with the help of drugs that are applied to the skin.

Auxiliary medicines are aimed at removing inflammation, accelerating the regeneration of the skin, eliminating pain. Also, antibacterial and hormonal agents are used for the ultrafonophoresis procedure, which effectively cope with acne, infectious diseases and fungus.

For therapeutic treatment, this method is used for the following diseases:

  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Bronchial asthma in children.
  • Enurizes.
  • Shegren disease.
  • Chronic gastritis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Fibrous changes in the skin.
  • Post -traumatic bruises and infiltrates.

In cosmetology, ultrafonophoresis helps with the following indications:

  • Cellulite.
  • Wrinkles and facial folds.
  • Acne.
  • Scarring.
  • Scars after burns and injuries.
  • Loss of elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

However, this method of treatment, in addition to useful properties, has a number of contraindications in which the effects of ultrasound waves can harm health. Therefore, the doctor prescribes the course of the procedures, and in the case of an independent visit to the cosmetologist, before using ultrafonophoresis, it is necessary to report a number of existing health problems so as not to aggravate the current stage of the course of the disease.

The main contraindications include:

  • Paralysis of the facial nerve.
  • Owners of polymer materials fillers.
  • In the presence of gold and platinum threads in the body.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • After operations on eyeballs.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Pregnancy in the early and late stages.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • When forming kidney stones.
  • Women who have installed an intrauterine spiral.

Nevertheless, the attending physician may prescribe the procedure in the presence of contraindications if the procedure affects another part of the body, without contacting the area where the affected organ is placed.

Ultrafonophoresis medicinal

So, let's talk a little about the device itself with which this procedure is carried out.

  • Ultrafonophoresis - a device aimed at providing therapeutic properties using the effects of ultrasound waves on the body.
  • It is used both by a separate method of therapy, and in combination with medical and cosmetic drugs.
  • When using ultrafonophoresis with biologically active components, it is called medicinal. The effect of ultrasound improves the patency of medicines, transporting them into the deep layers of the skin, muscles and the circulatory system, thereby increasing the effect of use.

The procedure is ultrafonophoresis painless. It is prescribed not only to adults, but also to children. The main conditions:

  • Do not have contraindications.
  • Do not move in the process of the procedure.
  • Go through the entire course of treatment without breaks and passes.

The duration of one procedure is 10-15 minutes. As a rule, the standard course lasts for 10-15 days, the procedures take place daily or after one day.

  • Medicines, depending on their form of release and action, are applied to the body in a natural consistency or diluting in water. The active components that are in the composition are transported to the deepest layers of the body and are preserved in the body for 2-3 days, replenishing the reserves of the necessary trace elements.
  • When using fillers, as well as threads made of gold and platinum of the procedure, a doctor prescribes. In the case of using ultrasound in those areas where there are no interventions, with a minimum effect, the course may be permissible. However, it is strictly forbidden to carry out procedures on those parts of the body where foreign substances were established. Since, under the influence of the power of sound waves, they can break under the skin, or shift into deeper layers of the skin, pose a threat to life and health.

The ultrafonophoresis with hydrocortisone is also in high demand. It is especially useful for patients with osteochondrosis. Hydrocortisone is a medication with anti -inflammatory and anti -allergic properties. In addition, this drug has a wide list of properties that allow you to use it for various diseases.

Hydrocortisone is prescribed to fight:

  • Hypercalcimia.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Leffler's syndrome.
  • Focal or disseminated form of tuberculosis.
  • Exfoliative dermatitis.
  • Symptomatic sarcoidosis.
  • Congenital hypoplastic anemia.
  • Regional enteritis.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Neurodermatitis.
  • Laryngotracheitis.

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules for injection, as well as ointments. However, this medication has many contraindications, so it is prohibited to use it without prior consultation with the doctor, as this can significantly worsen the course of the disease and well -being.

Ultrafonophoresis in combination with hydrocortisone cannot be prescribed for:

  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Hypertension 2-4 stages.
  • Chronic nephritis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage.
  • Hemophilia and other diseases of the vascular system.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Pregnancy in the I and III trimesters.
  • SARS and ARS.
  • Pustuity inflammation.
  • Tendency to bleeding.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.

In addition to the hydrocortisone, the following preparations of different prescriptions are used as an auxiliary substance to increase the effectiveness of the procedure:

  • Bishophyte.
  • Baralgin.
  • Iodine.
  • Caffeine.
  • Levomycetin.
  • Papaverine hydrochloride.
  • Analgin.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Serotonin.
  • The poison is bee and snake.
  • Elastolitin.
  • Vitamins (group B, C, PP, E, P, U).

During the consultation, the doctor, based on the results of analyzes, as well as symptoms, selects the most effective drug. In case of full satisfaction of all indicators, the doctor may prescribe the procedure without additional medicines for the purpose of prevention, as well as the general strengthening of the body tone.

Ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology

In cosmetology, ultrafonophoresis is used at least in medicine.

  • Ultrasonic waves stimulate connective tissues, increasing the permeability of the skin, increase the effect of active components of medicines, and also enhance the exchange of liquids inside cells, which helps to activate the processes of skin rejuvenation at the intracellular level.
  • Promotes stimulating the work of local immunity and improving the movement of blood and lymph through the vessels. Molecules of the drugs used to penetrate the skin through the output ducts of the sebaceous glands, intercellular spaces and extracellular substance. Thus, the body better absorbs the drug, and also allows you to accumulate active ingredients, in deep layers of the skin, preventing moisture loss.

The procedure of facial ultrafonophores is very common. Apply it for the following indications:

  • Acne (acne).
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Mimic folds.
  • Increased dry skin.
  • Scars and scars.
  • Cellulite.
  • In order to prevent signs of aging.

Unlike the device that is used in the hospital and the clinic, the equipment intended for cosmetic rooms has not 2, but 3 degrees of control of the effects of ultrasound waves. Thus, the specialist selects the optimal effect on the client’s skin without the possibility of damage.

Ultrafonophoresis is also characterized in that in therapeutic procedures, applications are used, and the cosmetologist performs massage using the influence of waves. Also, a number of cosmetic and drugs are used for an enhanced effect in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Among the most popular:

  • Lipolytic drugs.
  • Extracts and hoods of medicinal herbs.
  • Vitamins and trace elements.
  • Collagen -containing cosmetic products.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Hyaluronic acid.

The use of these drugs prevents skin dehydration, stops the growth of infections and fungal diseases, and also smoothes the contour of the face and wrinkles. Regular procedures allows you to update the upper layer of the epidermis, as well as align the color and rejuvenate the skin, giving them a radiance and a healthy tone.

Often, ultrafonophoresis is carried out using hyaluronic acid. This acid is an effective tool for combating wrinkles and the first signs of aging.

  • To enhance the effect, in addition to the main drug, extracts of herbs and plants are also used, as well as vitamin E.
  • Due to the deep effects of ultrasound waves on the skin, cosmetic products penetrate inside the cells. Thus, the effect is similar as after injection procedures, but the client does not feel pain. There are also no swollenness, irritation and swelling, which allows you to not limit yourself to the use of a standard cosmetic program for facial and neck care.

The use of ultrasound phonophoresis in cosmetology is divided into several stages:

  • Cleansing (the specialist removes the residues of makeup, keratinized cells and excess sebum).
  • Antiseptic processing (this stage is necessary to reduce the risk of infection).
  • The use of a special tool is the basis (which will be the main source of nutrients from the procedure).
  • Ultrasound exposure (the cosmetologist processes all the necessary areas of the face using the apparatus).
  • Moisturization (in order to extend the effect from the procedure, moisturizers and serums are used).

Most clients passing this course of therapy note a comprehensive effect on the skin, as well as its noticeable improvement. The main advantages that the phonophoresis procedure possessed include:

  • Elimination of edema.
  • Normalization of complexion.
  • Narrowing pores.
  • Normalization of the level of oily skin.
  • Improving lymph flow and blood supply to cells.
  • Sensitivity decrease.
  • Analgesic effect.
  • Elimination of acne and redness.
  • Rapid healing of scars and scars.
  • Smoothing wrinkles and preserving the lifting effect.
  • Increased elasticity.
  • Elimination of dryness and peeling.

Despite the obvious effectiveness, women note not only advantages, but also a number of disadvantages of such a procedure. They are ranked to them:

  • A large number of contraindications.
  • Individual intolerance to many components of auxiliary products.
  • A large number of necessary procedures.
  • High cost with regular repetition of the full course.

Nevertheless, after exposure to phonophores, you should not additionally resort to cosmetic products and beauty injections. It is enough to maintain a full -fledged level of moisture in the cells, as well as follow the basic rules of care. Since the effect after the course of procedures from ultrasound waves remains long for a long time.

On the Internet about ultrafonophoresis, reviews are mostly positive. Here are some enthusiastic women share their impressions:

  • “The procedure is good - microcirculation, complexion of the face are improved, skin is moistened.”
  • “Not so long ago, a course of treatment was prescribed by the therapist for the back. I felt improvements in just a couple of days. I really liked it. Choose the right doctor and follow all the recommendations! ”
  • “The course to combat the post -acne helped me, but the result could be even better. Of course, there are definitely improvements, and they are noticeable, but completely smooth skin will not be even after 3 courses of procedures. But as an option for smoothing scars - I advise. "
  • “Great prophylaxis of deep wrinkles. I went through the course, the nasolabial fold has become less pronounced, the complexion is pleasing. ”
  • “After the procedures, phonophores managed to cure acne from the face and neckline. Used antibacterial drugs. Now I am passing a second course, but to remove scars and scars. I think to regularly walk and not throw home facial care. ”

There are also many less positive opinions about this procedure. For example:

  • “I took a course in order to remove the manifestations of cellulite. The result was small. I won’t go anymore. For that kind of money you can find a more effective tool. ”
  • “Phonophoresis - money down, wanted to remove wrinkles, completely all the procedures passed. There is no result at all! I do not advise anyone. "
  • “I turned to the cosmetologist with the problem of seasonal dry skin. They picked up the drug to me, began to carry out a set of procedures. There is a result, but small. Wrinkles decreased, dryness, a vacuum and peeling passed. But the procedure is not worth your money. ”
  • “After one procedure, nothing has changed. There is no result even the slightest manifestations. I did not like the effect, although maybe after a full course of improvement will appear. ”

At the same time, the standard course, depending on the condition of the skin and age of the client, can last from 3 to 15 procedures.

  • Also, this method must be used regularly, 6-7 months after the previous stage.
  • Ultrafonophoresis is available in almost every hospital, and the price can vary. For example, in state institutions in the presence of a direction from the doctor, the course of treatment will be free. For cosmetologists, as well as in private clinics of different levels, the cost is from 450 to 1300 rubles per 1 session.
  • It will also not be superfluous to pay attention to the following points. If you work as a cosmetologist and plan to use ultrafonophoresis for personal purposes, you should look at portable devices. Despite their high cost, with regular use (for customers), it is quite possible to return the spent amount for the first six months of use.
  • For home use, those who actively monitor their appearance can pay attention to portable devices of unprofessional purpose. However, it is worth observing all safety measures, as well as monitor the proper operation of the device, taking breaks between the courses of procedures.

Ultrafonophoresis is a very useful and necessary procedure that helps people get rid of many problems of different nature. However, despite all the benefits from this procedure, you need to pay attention to the possible negative consequences for health. Pass the procedure only in specialized places and be healthy!

Video: ultrasonic phonophoresis in cosmetology



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