
Class hour dedicated to Knowledge Day. Class hour September 1

Class hour dedicated to Knowledge Day. Class hour September 1
Class hour dedicated to Knowledge Day: technology and features, scripts and recommendations.

The 1st academic day in schools is always unusual, according to a special scenario. After the solemn line, on which the newly made first -graders yawn so funny and the future graduates close the scene with wide backs, the students will disappear from classes to their first lesson in this academic year.

In order to inspire and give a good start to their students, their wise mentors try to spend the class hour interestingly and approach its preparation creatively. Children of different ages require different approaches in the presentation of information.

Classroom scenario for September 1 for grade 1


First -graders teachers are a serious responsibility. They should interest their future wards, be strict and affectionate and remember that these children were kindergarten pupils yesterday.

Fairy -tale characters for class hour September 1

The development of a classroom hour for grade 1 for September 1 should be built in a fabulous way and represent a small performance with the obligatory participation of cartoon or fantastic heroes. Famous characters will help create a relaxed atmosphere and make even the most serious students smile.

Excursions and games for the class hour September 1

The first lesson may well be non -standard both in terms of duration and requirements. If the window is good, then after a small tour of the school with a visit to the dining room, toilet, medical room and other important places, go out into the fresh air and hold a small competition or fun competition.

Acting on the screen - class hour September 1

Modern children are very early mastering computer equipment and enthusiastically freeze in front of a large screen above the board. If there are such opportunities, then this should be used and organize a class hour on September 1 with a presentation.

On slides, you can show friendly pictures that reveal the essence of future lessons. The letters and numbers can have bizarre forms and have different characters, and the photos of crafts taken by former students of primary school classes in labor lessons can cause a desire to get down to business right now from newly arrived first -graders.

Class hour September 1 - Communication

The class hour September 1 for students of grade 1 can be carried out in the spirit of dating if the students did not do this before in the preparatory classes. You can divide the children into interest teams, asking to raise their hand first music lovers, then football, drawing, designers, dolls or cars, and then make an exciting game with them.

Young students also like communication with important and such adult graduates of a younger school. For children of two ages, you can arrange a meeting with interesting verses, songs, wishes and, of course, gifts.

Diplomas for class hour September 1

First -graders are very enthusiastic if they are solemnly presented with awards and commemorative signs. As a signature, you can use encouraging words and emphasize the new status of a school student. Small gifts, in addition to the official document, will additionally cheer up.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 2


  1. Second -graders are already more experienced schoolchildren. They already know each other well, the school system and the rules of conduct. Nevertheless, they are also not averse to running, competing and having fun.
  2. For the presentation in the first lesson in the new academic year, you can already prepare more serious topics. Children can think about ecology and order around themselves, about the protection of plants and the right behavior with animals, about real friendship and respect for the elders, as well as the rules of the road. This is important, because many cross the road before going to school.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 3

  1. Previously matured and gained, return to school after summer holidays, students of grade 3. They cannot be patient to tell each other and their beloved teacher about the wonderful time they spent at leisure.
  2. Children will be pleased if the teacher helps them plunge into warm memories. If it is possible to contact students a few days before starting studies, then you can ask them to bring photos with moments of rest, from which you can make wonderful slides.
  3. You can continue the topic of leisure to get to know the main attractions of the hometown or region. They can also be arranged in the form of a colorful presentation, after which it is desirable to visit one of such wonderful places.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 4


  1. “The first time in grade 4” is a wave and a slightly sad event for schoolchildren. After all, this is their last September 1 with a favorite teacher who was sometimes like a mother.
  2. As memories and slides of presentation, you can offer children their photographs from grade 1. They will be interested to look at the little, slightly confused students who first crossed the threshold of the school.  Such a viewing will be cheerful and lively, especially if you choose the appropriate music and suitable comments for it.
  3. Of course, general topics, such as the world, patriotism, a healthy lifestyle and all kinds of extracurricular interests, will not be superfluous. Children of this age are happy to demonstrate their abilities to their classmates, so you can successfully organize a small concert with musical instruments, dance compositions or vocal numbers.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 5


  1. Fifth graders have already graduated from elementary school and switched to a new level of educational system. They are waiting for acquaintances with new teachers, subjects and a more strict approach to assessing knowledge.
  2. At the presentation in a friendly form, with humor and good mood, you can demonstrate new classes of grade 5. Only you need to do this in the original manner, so that from the very beginning of the classroom, the attention of students who have not seen each other for a long time and really want to chat.
  3. It is important to focus on the need to gain new knowledge. After all, many students do not have enough motivation for further prosperous development of new material.
  4. A very good idea can be to attract fifth graders for an introductory lesson in grade 1. Advious children can feel what responsibility is, and become an example for younger students.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 6


  1. The older the children become, the more difficult it is to surprise them to teachers. But still, this is quite possible if you go towards them and show what fascinates most of all. Sixth graders do not represent their life without computer technology. Therefore, they will easily captivate the process of creating Internet pages for the class.
  2. With its help, students can share news from personal or school life, set interesting videos of performances at concerts or competitions, help each other in doing homework.
  3. Information from the category of cybersecurity will become useful for them. It is important to focus on the ability to control the time spent at the computer, defend itself from viruses, to refuse dubious acquaintances. Well, most importantly, to show that social networks cannot fully replace real relations between people.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 7


Grade 7 is an amazing and difficult period for schoolchildren. Many of them experience the process of growing up and more and more insist on free and expression of their own opinion. It is important to show students their friendly attitude, willingness to understand and accept them as they are.

A presentation for a classroom hour can contain elements of psychology and talk about accepting oneself and others, the correct understanding of their own boundaries and priorities, real friendship, self -control and discipline.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 8

Beautiful Teacher Questions Pupils at Algebra

  1. The essence of the first lesson for eighth graders is the same as for students for a year younger. You can diversify the beginning of the school year with a small trip to the nearest park, where lively communication can be combined with a small picnic.
  2. There or in the school walls you can organize games that will help you tune in to the training wave and cheer up. You can make school items and with gestures try to convey their meaning so that others can guess them. Such fun for schoolchildren will be fun and enthusiastic.
  3. Make a quiz brains with serious and not very questions about the features of school life. It can consist of pre -prepared questions and answers, which, in any case, create a fun mood and can give out completely unexpected and witty combinations.
  4. With the help of a presentation, you can show the biography and merits of former students of the school, who stimulate schoolchildren for successful studies and will come across the idea of \u200b\u200bchoosing a future profession.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 9


  1. Grade 9 for some students will be graduation. Many will face a choice of direction for further study, even if they remain at school. This can be devoted to the presentation for September 1 to help schoolchildren make such a responsible choice.
  2. The current name for such a presentation for class hours for September 1 is the world of professions. In it you can tell in more detail in which areas each item is in demand. It is worth showing the importance of those lessons that can favorably strengthen the main professional characteristics of the future specialist.
  3. For example, computer technology lovers will not be superfluous to know that English is very often in demand in the IT sphere, and its knowledge at a high level immediately becomes a great advantage in the eyes of employers.
  4. Knowledge of chemistry and biology will be required in medicine and pharmaceuticals, and a humanitarian profile can become a strong basis for future journalists, teachers, psychologists and just cultural people.
  5. Fans of drawing should pay attention to computer science, because modern designers often use powerful computer programs, and knowledge of geography and foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill come in handy in the field of tourism.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 10

  1. Ten -graders are almost adults. In addition to study, they show more and more activity in other areas of society.
  2. At the presentation of the classroom hour on September 1, you can delicately raise the topic of war and the world, delve into reasoning about bad habits and their consequences, for which to invite knowledgeable people to the class. Interesting topics will be the financial sector, the compilation and maintenance of the budget, the ability to save and invest money.
  3. Pupils can be used in creating a presentation, because many have become real professionals in this matter.

Presentation of the classroom hour for September 1 for grade 11


  1. So the school time is coming to the end, filled with a variety of adventures, emotions, dreams and achievements. It's time to arrange a mental meeting on September 1 to future graduates.
  2. Modern technologies in this case are always in a hurry to help. You can devote a presentation for the oldest students of the school very relevant for them - the choice of a profession.
  3. To begin with, you can talk about the features of local educational institutions, up to the cost of training and the number of applicants applying for 1st place. It is worth considering statistical information about how many students really employed in their specialty after studying in a particular place.
  4. It is important to focus on the fact that the direction that is now fashionable is not always suitable for a specific graduate. The main thing is to know your true calling for sure.
  5. Pupils need to be configured for a serious final stage of school life, talk about the features of final exams, about the importance and values \u200b\u200bof the time that they have left before entering.

The timely topic of the presentation for classroom hours will always help the teacher organize the beginning of the school year, direct the attention of children in the right direction and achieve an understanding between the teacher and schoolchildren.



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