
What is neurolinguistic programming. Neurolinguistic programming techniques. How to learn neurolinguistic programming

What is neurolinguistic programming. Neurolinguistic programming techniques. How to learn neurolinguistic programming
The article presents neurolinguistic programming techniques and how to learn how to learn.

You probably heard once about NLP, but you have no idea what it is and for what reason this direction of psychology is considered so popular today.

Using the principles of neurolinguistic programming, you can describe each human activity in detail, making without problems the deep changes of this activity.

Introduction to neurolinguistic programming

Let's try to give you some elements that you can learn thanks to this technique.

  • Thanks to neurolinguistic programming, you can extract a human phobia and other unpleasant feelings.
  • NLP helps low -senseed children and adults to overcome the appropriate.
  • The technique eliminates bad habits, for example, a person can quit smoking, drinking, overeating, he will lose insomnia.
  • NLP makes changes in family relationships, in those organizations where it is necessary that people function more productively.
  • NLP cures somatic diseases.

NLP - a process that models the unique capabilities of a person, his conscious and unconscious types of behavior, directs that he constantly moves to reveal his own potential.

Neuro is a way of human thinking, a certain human character. The worldview of man, his stereotypes, which appeared due to contact with the environment and society. The key that leads to personal and business luck is directly in a person. Therefore, studying how he thinks, it allows you to disclose his internal resources.

Linguistic is a human language, an important part of life. From the very beginning, a person does not even think about how much speech means for him and his life. But still it is worth noting that communication does not come down only to a smile and nod. Training, which helps to understand and control the structure of the human language, plays an important role in a world where the ability of communication is more than more than every year.

Programming - each of us controls our own life with the help of tactics in the same way as the PC applies the program in order to achieve certain results. Realizing the tactics that control life, we give ourselves some choice: then act or develop potential and our own effectiveness.

NLP is a study of human thinking, its behavior and speech capabilities, thanks to which a set of productive tactics is built. These tactics will help you make an important decision, build relationships, create your own business. Therefore, thanks to NLP and his tactics, you will learn how to manage people, making your life calmer and more balanced.

Neurolinguistic programming: training

NLP is a practical psychology, thanks to which you can influence other people, change your own behavior, and cope with stress. Skills and special exercises will definitely come in handy in trade and various trainings.

  • Training in methods and special exercises will take a certain period of time. You can engage in yourself or with a professional. Thanks to the teacher, learning will significantly accelerate, the risk of errors will disappear. But in the first and second option, you will need to make a lot of effort and regularly do exercises, monitor yourself, as well as other people.
  • To master the Azov NLP, get some books. If you are a newcomer, then it is advisable for you to buy works by Richard Bendler, John Greener. By acquiring a book, read it carefully, follow all the rules that will be described in it. You will have experience when you gradually engage in practice, and not accumulate the theories in yourself.
  • Read not books, but various articles, finding them on the pages of the Internet. Often in such articles there are excellent techniques. Of course, in order to become a real professional, sometimes it is necessary to start with the usual something, get good results, and only after that to deepen into science. Thanks to the material found, you will see superficially about human behavior, this is enough for you to change your own life.
  • Currently, you can find many webinars to train NLP. Many novice authors conduct such classes for free in order to collect many listeners and make a “loud name” for themselves. Famous masters also use this method, but they can ask for a fee. This method is very convenient, because you do not need to leave your home, just purchase a PC and connect it to the Internet.
  • The maximum effect is brought by trainings. During them, you can monitor actions and participate in training yourself. It becomes possible to apply several methods at once, to learn to use them more efficiently, getting instant results. In order to change something in life, you can go through the training only, but you cannot master a large number of methods. To get tools, try to study with different teachers.

In order to learn NLP, you will need to be patient. Understand how exactly people think how they behave and what they expect. This works perfectly in public, during the sale of goods or during a psychological consultation.

Neurolinguistic programming as a technology of influence

From the very beginning, what needs to be done during the initial therapy of neurolinguistic programming - to adapt to a person, to establish the main representative system of this person. Thus, you can make contact during communication.

NLP adjustment is divided into the following categories:

  • Complete adjustment - you can adjust to each person’s parameter (voice, breath, gestures, postures).
  • Partial adjustment - acts only on some person parameters, for example, on his voice and poses.
  • Cross adjustment is the most appropriate. A reflection of one or another gesture occurs, only in a completely different form. This method makes it possible to adapt to a large number of people, for example, during a presentation. Adjustment is carried out under the voice data of one person, gestures are copied by another person, the pose is given from a third party.
  • Direct adjustment or mirror. There is an accurate reflection of each gesture and movement of one or another person. A person moves forward, his interlocutor repeats his movements behind him, the first raises his hand up, the second repeats behind him again.

Neurolinguistic programming techniques

The most popular NLP technique is the anchoring. Thanks to it, a conditioned reflex is programmed, which is called the "anchor". Conditional reflexes appear themselves. For example, while listening to the same music at the time of experience, when a person has a reflex.

NLP develops the necessary conditional reflex - the creation of an armature. Such anchors carry positive or negative influences with them. In order to fix certain moments of life in a person’s memory, it is necessary to put “anchors” on them. To consolidate them in the resource of consciousness, a person is called in associations with those moments that he wants to remember. The resource, for example, can serve as music, melody, aroma.

The most universal technique is a swing. It is used even by beginners. It is invented in order to change the life positions and roles that a person chose. A similar method includes 2 performances:

  • The first is connected with associations and can meet a certain sound, a feeling that arose during the situation, and maybe a habit.
  • The second performance is a condition that a person wants to have as a habit. For example, a person wants to quit smoking. He must imagine a feeling that he causes associations with smoking. Then he must imagine a second image that he wants to get, replacing a bad habit. Only after that can you start practice. The first picture is presented in the form of a large image on a huge screen (the hand in which the cigarette is clamped). The second picture is a small dark image (a person who does not have a cigarette). This picture should be substituted for the first. Then you need to mentally make the first image more dull, and the second is brighter. Such manipulations, as a rule, are repeated several times so that changes occur inside the person himself.

The method "Love". This method is actively used in pickups. A person who has this technique will easily interest the object you like. Often pickupers that are practiced use such techniques:

  • The first is anchor.
  • The second is jokes.
  • The third is hypnosis.

In methods for love or in order to seduce someone, manipulating actions are used.

Neurolinguistic programming method

NLP methods are available to every person. They improve communication with other people, change the reactions of behavior, success in various forms.

Methods for every day:

  • You have seen a children's cartoon about Carlson more than once and remember the situation when Carlson was resting on the sofa, and at this time his friend Kid was cleaning. This fragment is a symbol of injustice. However, Carlson does not notice this.
  • He asks the baby to make him a small change, as he is tired, and pour him a cup of coffee. The kid, of course, should be offended on the one hand, but he still goes to the kitchen to make a friend of coffee.
  • And all because the baby’s brain understood - if he does not make coffee, there will be no change either. In the first place is to “make coffee”, and the change goes to the second position. Often, in order to achieve something of your own, during a conversation with a person, it is necessary to put what you want at the beginning of the offer. In this way, many companies for advertising use.

In order to achieve the desired, it is recommended to partially repeat the ends of the interlocutor's proposals. In other words, it is necessary to repeat the end of the interlocutor’s sentence, adding his own statement, after which the person will perceive the words of the partner as his own, because they used fragments of the statement he said. Each sentence, which begins with such words “amiable”, “respected” and so on, without a doubt, will contribute to obtaining the desired result during the dialogue.

In addition, the dialogs often use a technique when a voice isolation of the required word occurs. The most important thing in this method is to say the right word clearly and loudly. As a result, the interlocutor will be distracted from the most important thing, pay attention to the word that was highlighted. During a conversation, when a person will cause pleasant feelings in a person, he will smile, you need to take his hand at this moment. Such a touch will be considered a kind of "anchor".



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