
Health 1459 1

Use of eucalyptus essential oil

Use of eucalyptus essential oil
How to use eucalyptus oil for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Eucalyptus is an amazing evergreen tree. Australian Aborigines have long used it to eliminate fatigue, muscle pain, healing of wounds and treatment of infections, and nicknamed it “Diamonds of Forests”. Currently, this tree grows on different continents. In various countries, eucalyptus is grown for the manufacture of valuable oil, which has many healing properties. This tool is actively used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

The use of eucalyptus essential oil: the manufacturing method and composition

For the manufacture of essential oil, raw materials of various types of eucalyptus trees are used. Basically, for these purposes, varieties that differ in rapid growth are used - spherical eucalyptus, as well as twig and ashen. Their leaves and shoots are processed by water distillation. Several kilograms of healing oil containing a significant amount of valuable terpen - Qineol are extracted from one ton of this raw material. Due to the presence in the composition of this substance, which is characterized by a smell resembling a camphor, and a burning taste, eucalyptus oil has a pronounced therapeutic effect. In addition to cineol, it contains aldehydes, flavonoids, alcohols, fatty acid esters.

For this oil, which is a mobile fluid of a light yellow, almost transparent color, a tart smell with cool wood and light-hearted notes is characteristic. Depending on the variety of eucalyptus, it may also have a slight shade of mint or citrus. It is worth noting that various types of eucalyptus oil are characterized by a similar pharmacological effect.

Application of eucalyptus essential oil: beneficial properties

Eucalyptus oil is characterized by the following useful effect:

  • antiviral and antibacterial;
  • antipyretic, diaphoretic;
  • pronounced antiseptic and wound healing;
  • anti -inflammatory;
  • analgesic;
  • light diuretic and decongestant;
  • insecticidal and antiparasitic.

In addition, this tool improves blood circulation and strengthens immunity. The aroma of eucalyptus contributes to the speedy restoration after stress or illness, helps to get rid of fatigue, as well as a headache, has a general strengthening effect on the body and promotes longevity. In addition, the smell of eucalyptus helps to eliminate drowsiness, emotional overload and stress, improves well -being, helps to concentrate and mobilize reserve forces, helps to enhance the concentration of attention and ability to logical thinking.


In addition, the components that make up its composition react with air, as a result of which ozone is released, which effectively eliminates various pathological microorganisms. The smell of eucalyptus oil aromatizes the room and effectively scares away various insects.

Methods for using eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus oil is characterized by a powerful antiseptic effect. It is used externally (in the form of lotions and compresses) in order to heal the wounds, treatment of frostbite and burns. In addition, this tool is used externally for dermatitis, herpes, encircling lichen, as well as in the form of baths and douching for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere. Its use is also useful in case of measles or chickenpox.

In the presence of muscle voltage after intense physical exertion, as well as joint diseases, rubbing with eucalyptus oil is very effective - these procedures are characterized by an analgesic and anti -inflammatory effect. With the help of eucalyptus oil, stones in the gall bladder are also dissolved. The oil compresses imposed in the spleen area contribute to the production of insulin by the body and a decrease in blood sugar - thus, eucalyptus is a natural product that is used for diabetes.


Eucalyptus essential oil is a very effective tool in the fight against various respiratory diseases. Rinsed with the use of this tool, as well as cold and hot inhalations, are very popular - such measures help to cope with inflammation quickly. It is worth noting that eucalyptus oil performs two functions simultaneously - helps to get rid of colds or viral disease, and also reduces the danger to others to become infected with an infection.

For cosmetic purposes, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti -inflammatory properties of eucalyptus oil are used. This tool stimulates the metabolic processes of the epidermis, contributing to quick skin regeneration.

Application of eucalyptus essential oil: restrictions and contraindications

It is worth noting that eucalyptus oil acts as a means of intensive action. Before using eucalyptus oil, read the instructions for its use. When it enters it in an undiluted form on the skin, a burning sensation may appear, as well as a slight redness that passes after a while.

There are also restrictions on the use of eucalyptus oil - these include the period of pregnancy, especially the first four months, as well as the age of up to two years. It is not recommended to use eucalyptus oil in parallel with the use of homeopathic remedies. Its use is contraindicated in epilepsy, as well as hypertension.

Application of eucalyptus essential oil: treatment methods

Eucalyptus oil is actively used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. For this, its spraying in the room, rinsing, inhalation, aromatic baths, massages and rubbing, compresses are used. In addition, it is also allowed to treat eucalyptus oil by internal use as prescribed by the doctor.


In order to prevent, as well as therapy for various kinds of diseases, the following measures can be applied using eucalyptus oil:

  • its spray in the room using an aromatic lamp. In addition, you can add 3-4 drops to a cup of hot water and place it in a warm place. Inhalation of this aroma will serve as the prevention of viral diseases;
  • eucalyptus oil for inhalations is added to a suitable container at the rate of 4-5 drops for 250 ml of hot water. You need to cover yourself with a towel and inhale evaporation for 10-12 minutes (while you should close your eyes). Such procedures with eucalyptus oil are effective in a runny nose, in addition, inhalations will help alleviate the condition in the presence of cough and sore throat;
  • to rinse the oral cavity or throat on a glass of boiled warm water, 3-4 drops of this oil should be added. These procedures will help get rid of toothache or pain in the throat, as well as relieve gum inflammation. You can also relieve toothache with a cotton swab moistened with eucalyptus oil to a sore spot for 10-12 minutes;
  • with pain in muscles or joints, rubbing will help-for this 50 ml of vegetable oil oil (for example, olive, almond) should be enriched with 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil. In addition, you can prepare a mixture of a few drops of thyme oil, cloves, eucalyptus and juniper, and add it to the basic oil;
  • rubbing is also used in order to lower the body temperature-for this, 4-5 drops of oil should be added to 50 ml of warm water;
  • remove the voltage in the joints, eliminate muscle convulsions, get rid of back pain will help aromatic bath with the addition of 7-8 drops of eucalyptus oil mixed with an emulsifier (bath foam, sea salt);
  • for douching for gynecological diseases (adnexitis, endometriosis), vaginal tampons moistened with a solution from one teaspoon of boiled water and 3 drops of eucalyptus oil are used. This mixture is moistened with a swab and injected at night, the course of treatment is three weeks;
  • to disinfect wounds, washing is used-for this, 7-8 drops of the product should be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water; 11
  • with respiratory diseases, rubbing with a mixture prepared from 1 tbsp. l. basic and 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • in the presence of diabetes, the following method of lowering sugar levels is used - to 2 tbsp. l. Add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, or one drop of eucalyptus and geranium, and then drink this mixture. In addition, you can drip oil on a bread crumb and then eat it;
  • evening microclysters prepared from a mixture of 30 ml of milk and three drops of eucalyptus oil will help get rid of prostatitis. The course of treatment is 3 weeks;
  • it is also useful to use eucalyptus essential oil for periodontal disease - for this, one drop should be added to a conventional portion of toothpaste. These measures contribute to the elimination of inflammation and normalization of the state of gums, as well as teeth.


The use of eucalyptus essential oil for children

This tool has a fairly intense effect, so it is allowed to use it for children to reach the age of two to two and a half years. In the future, eucalyptus oil will help children get rid of cough, colds and viral infections.   This natural remedy is conveniently applied by a drop to a sheet or a paper towel so that the child inhales his pairs. In addition, you can spray it (separately or in combination with tea tree oil) in the children's room. To cure a runny nose and get rid of sore throat will help inhalation, as well as rubbing with light massage movements of the chest and back of the child. To do this, you can prepare the following composition - in a tablespoon of vegetable oil, dissolve two drops of eucalyptus and lavender, as well as one drop of tea tree oil.   In the presence of heat and chills, this mixture is recommended to be applied in the neck, temples, as well as the elbow and knee joints.

The use of eucalyptus essential oil in cosmetology

This oil is traditionally used as an affordable and effective cosmetological agent:

  • to the greatest extent from the use of this tool, problematic skin with a tendency to irritation, increased oily and rashes will benefit. By adding 1-2 drops of oil to ready-made cosmetics, you can get rid of acne over time;
  • this oil is characterized by a mild whitening effect and will help eliminate hyperpigmentation. Wiping your face with a tonic with the addition of this tool, you can get rid of pustular rashes. Relieve inflammation and swelling for insect bites, as well as burns that arose as a result of contact with some plants, it is easy to apply eucalyptus oil;
  • notable results are used by the use of hair eucalyptus oil-1-2 drops are recommended to add to a single portion of shampoo or balm. In addition, you can try the following way of strengthening the hair-rub the aqueous solution of oil into the hair roots 20-25 minutes before washing it. This tool will help relieve scalp irritation, get rid of dandruff and strengthen the hair, give the strands strength and healthy shine;
  • baths with the addition of eucalyptus oil will help save nails from fungal diseases. In addition, with its help you can enrich the composition of the hand cream - this tool will help eliminate age spots, as well as the speedy healing of the skin of the skin and accelerate the process of its regeneration.

Application of eucalyptus essential oil - photo




Features of the use of eucalyptus essential oil - video


Catherine 04.11.2017 Answer

I use it for a bathhouse, and it is also in a patch nozzle, which I buy my child in a pharmacy is also a buzz
