
How to prepare a classic charlottery with apples. Recipes of classic quarreling - step by step with photos. Classic clinic with apples in a slow cooker

How to prepare a classic charlottery with apples. Recipes of classic quarreling - step by step with photos. Classic clinic with apples in a slow cooker
The article presents several recipes for classic quarreling with step-by-step photos, to prepare which you can not only in the oven, but also a slow cooker, as well as a microwave. In addition, here you will find different options for decorating Charlitics classic with apples and secrets of dessert baking.

Charlute with apples is so unique pie that the dough for her can be prepared from a variety of products that you have in the kitchen. It is not only eggs with flour, but also sour cream and even kefir. Many owners attract this dessert for the simplicity of the recipe and the possibility of using different equipment for bakeing. But the most delicious quarreling is obtained only by classic recipe.

Classic Clearry with Apples - Basics of Cooking

From this bulk cake begins to study cooking young mistresses. But, despite the simplicity of the prescription, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of the kneading test. Following them, you will always have a magnificent charlotte of a classic recipe.

  • The quarreling is different from most other apple pies appearance. It has a stuffing is located on top of the test. There are several ways to make apples for this cake beautifully.
  • According to a simple classic recipe, an acidic apples with solid flesh are used in the charlottery. Some hostesses remove the skin at the fruit, but you can leave it. This is your taste.
  • For those who adhere to diet nutrition, wheat flour can be replaced by any other, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. It is also possible to use sugar substitutes or stevia instead of sugar, and instead of eggs to use warm water.
  • Classic dough for scarlet with apples - biscuit. But this is not a prerequisite. It is possible to knead it on the basis of sour cream, kefira or mineral water. The sand dough is suitable.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bapples due to a long time in the air darken, so they must be immediately used. Or sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar.
  • When cooking, the biscuit should strictly observe the recipe. Squelts beat separately from yolks with the addition of pinching salt. It will not only increase the viscosity of the test, but will reduce the time to prepare the test. For this version of the cake, eggs must be chilled.
  • Eggs with sugar can be hit by a mixer. But the dough itself with flour must be interfered with only a spatula. So you do not release air bubbles, as a result of which the pie will be lush.
  • If you use a breakpit in the recipe, then mix it with flour and only add to the dough. You should also immediately put the cake to be baked. Do not leave the dough with a breakdler long on the table.
  • The main rule of the battery baking is not to open the oven during the preparation of the cake. Otherwise, the dough will fall.

How to prepare apples for classic quarreling

Most hostesses simply cut fruit cubes and stirred with a dough. To improve the taste, you must prepare them in a special way.

  • Apples wash under running water and put on paper towels. They absorb excess moisture, as even a drop of extra liquid can spoil the dough.

  • Then the fruit is cut into thin slices and the core is carefully removed. You can also cut the flesh with large pieces.

  • The form covers the parchment to which the filling is laid out and the dough is poured on top. Or apples are mixed with the dough, and the total mass is poured into the form.

  • Some hostesses prefer to cut the peel on the apple. Since she during baking can retard from the pulp and spoil the dessert. Before chopping the apple, clean it from the peel.

  • Fruit put into deep containers, and pour with boiling water or hotbed. This activates apple enzymes that are responsible for its shape. So slices will remain integer when baking.

  • To accelerate the process, cover the bowl with apples or shutter the food film. Leave apples in this state for 7-10 minutes.

  • Then leak onto the colander, give fluids completely drain from the pulp. You will need it about 10 minutes.

  • After that, put the filling back into a dry container, add spices, sugar and a little salt.

  • Thoroughly mix apples with silicone spatula, so that each slot is covered with a mixture of spices with sugar. After that, you can proceed to baking a dessert.

  • There is another way to prepare fruits for quarreling. Heat a frying pan well, pour 100 grams of sugar into it and some water. Bring the mixture to the state of Golden Caramel.

  • Place the sliced \u200b\u200bapples in the pan, add vanillin, lemon juice and, if desired, the orange zest. Also at this stage you can use cinnamon. Mix well and put them out for 3-5 minutes so that they are completely covered with icing.

  • Give the stuffing to cool and put it on the bottom of the form. Top pour the test and prepare according to the recipe.

Classic Charpeck - Simple Recipe With Apples

Before trying recipes with a complex biscuit, try cooking the cake in the usual way. For this, you will not need special skills and knowledge.

Ingredients for quarreling:

  • sliced \u200b\u200bapples - 3 pcs.;
  • flour with starch - 200 gr.;
  • sugar -1 Art.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • bustyer - 5 gr.;
  • oil for lubrication form;
  • spices to taste.


Step 1. Apples must be cut into two ways: slices for decoration and cubes for filling. Small flesh in the bowl and add cinnamon. Or all apples grind on the slices, leave a few pieces for decoration.

Step 2. In the deep tank, drive the eggs, add sugar. You can replace the usual sugar brown or use sugar powder. Watch the mixture until white foam appears.

Step 3. Mix the baking powder with sifted flour and starch (their ratio 3: 1, respectively). Pour it to the egg mixture. Thoroughly mix the dough with a scalder.

Step 4. Immediately add apples and prevent the dough again, so that the filling is evenly distributed over it.

Step 5. Baking shape Lubricate with oil, pour the entire mixture into it. Up decorate a squirrel cake with apple slices. You can distribute them over the entire surface or lay next to the form of tubercles.

Step 6. Pie must bake about 40 minutes depending on your model of the oven. Temperature exhibit 180 degrees.

Step 7. Check the dessert readiness match. Drying its surface indicates a baked dough. Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool and sugar powder before serving to the table.

How to make a classic charlottery in the oven

Some hostesses bake the cake with apples, pouring it with a classic biscuit. Such a quarreling is in the oven most lush. Although the process of kneading test provides several stages, you can easily prepare it yourself.

Ingredients for quarreling:

  • sour apples - 2 pcs.;
  • cane sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • flour - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • basin ½ h.;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • oil for lubrication form;
  • sugar powder for decoration.

Advice. If you need a larger test volume, then the ingredients increase proportionally.


Step 1. Wash apples, dried with napkins and cut down slices or cubes.

Step 2. Form lubricate with butter or bed parchment. Some hostesses use a semolina instead of oil. At the bottom of the tank, lay out sliced \u200b\u200bapples.

Step 3. Separate protein from the yolk and put it in the refrigerator cooling. Or immediately use cold eggs. Then in a separate container, whisk proteins before the appearance of foam. The dishes should be dry.

Step 4. During the beating, plumb to the proteins brown sugar in small portions. You can replace it with ordinary sugar or powdered sugar. But in this case, correctly calculate the volume of powder in the ratio with sugar.

Step 5. Bring the mixture to the peaks. Proteins should increase several times and acquire elastic foam.

Step 6. In another bowl of yolk. Add proteins with sugar to them. But now do not use the mixer, mix the mixture only with silicone blade and bottom up. If you beat the dough with a mixer, then it will "fall" during baking.

Step 7. Satch the flour 2-3 times, mix with baking powder and vanilla. Add the resulting mixture to small portions to the eggs. Mix only manually.

You must have a dough with a homogeneous consistency, but more elastic than for the fuel cake.

Step 8. Top of apples lay out the dough and align its surface with a spatula.

Step 9. Biscuit prepared in this way baked less time. For the test of 2 eggs you will need 20-25 minutes on its preparation. With an increase in the number of eggs, extend the baking time and check the readiness of the skewer.

Step 10. Ready Cake Get out of the oven, cool down. Then lay out on the dish and suck sugar.

How to cook a classic charlotte in a slow cooker

With the advent of modern technology, the cooking process becomes much easier. Not exception is the baking in which the multicooker helps. But the recipe for cooking a quarreling with apples is slightly different from the traditional bake of it in the oven.

Prepare such products:

  • ripe apples - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • milk - 120 ml.;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 100 gr.;
  • simple cookies - 3 pcs.;
  • basin - ½ tsp;
  • liquor - 50 ml.;
  • cinnamon, Vanillin - to taste;
  • oil for lubrication bowl.

Preparation Instructions:

Step 1. Prepare apples: Rinse, cut the seeds and cut into cubes or slices. Put in deep container, pour the liqueur, add cinnamon and a tablespoon of sugar. Cover the bowl of the food film and leave the fruit flesh of about 10-15 minutes.

Step 2. In a separate container, sculpt the eggs to light color. Add the rest of the sugar and mix the grains to dissolve.

Step 3. Bakery powder and vanillin mix with flour, enter the egg mixture on the dining area. Mix the dough only manually, as you can take it to the mixer.

Step 4. Felt biscuits in the crumb. To him, pour warm milk and mix thoroughly. You must have a homogeneous mixture.

Step 5. Connect both tests in one container and add apples. Gently stir it with silicone blade.

Step 6. The bowl of the multicooker will warm up and smear the oil, suck the bottom of the cum. Pour the cake dough into it.

Step 7. Close the multicooker cover, leave the hole on it closed. Install the "Baking" function, time to exhibit for 50 minutes. Click the Start button.

Important. During the cooking of the test, do not open the cover of the multicooker. Otherwise, warm steam will be released, and the cold air will cause the dough sedimentation.

Step 8. After the signal, open the cover, leave the cake inside. Give it cool and only then get out of the bowl. Decorate sugar or meringue from above.

Note. If you use a multicooker to baking a simple quarreling on a classic recipe, then there will be no thick crust on the cake on top. Also, the dough itself will remain dense.

How to prepare a charlotte with apples in the microwave

For those owners who most often use a microwave for cooking dishes, there is a step-by-step classic scarlet recipe with apples. It is important to strictly adhere to the specified formulation, since the testing technology of the dough in the microwave is very different from the use of the oven.

Take such ingredients:

  • apples with sour taste - 7 pcs.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • top grade flour - 150 gr.;
  • sugar sand - 150 gr.;
  • softened butter - 0.5 packs;
  • soda and salt - ¼ h. l.;
  • half lemon juice;
  • cinnamon and other spices - to taste.

Recipe for kneading test:

Step 1. Clean apples cut from wormwort and remove the seed bag. Cut the pulp convenient for you. The peel is removed.

Step 2. So that the apples do not darkened and soaked with syrup, put them in the bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice and pour off the third part of the sugar.

Step 3. Creamy oil must be softened, but not fused. Add the rest of the sugar to it and sweep well with a mixer.

Step 4. To make the eggs, add a salt and mix the dough again.

Use a mixer for this, since you should achieve bubbles.

Step 5. Food soda mix thoroughly with flour. Pour the dry mixture to eggs.

Step 6. At this stage, you need to add spices. Usually, a charlottery with apples bake with cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla.

Step 7. The bottom of the shape exhaust oil. First pour half the test in the form, then put the apples with a smooth layer, and then lay out the remaining dough.

Step 8. Cake in a microwave oven at an average power of about 15 minutes. At the same time, after 12 minutes, open the oven and check the readiness. If necessary, put the dough to be baked again.

Important!Crokeley with apples in the microwave will have a soft dough without a crust. If you want to make it on top of the cake, then turn on the grill at the last minute of the preparation of the dessert.

How to prepare a classic charlottery on kefir

If you can't cook biscuit, then replacing it will be able to dough based on kefir. So that the quarrel with apples turned out the same lush, follow the next step-by-step recipe.

Ingredients for cake:

  • sour apples - 2 large fetus;
  • wheat flour - 400 gr.;
  • chicken Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • bakery powder - 1 tsp;
  • kefir - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • white sugar - 150 gr.;
  • creamy oil - 1 pack;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step recipe for quarreling in the oven:

Step 1. Wash apples, let them dry. Clean one fruit from the skin, cut into half and remove the seeds.

Step 2. Each apple half apple slices. Try to make their thickness less than 0.5 cm. The flesh sprinkle with lemon juice and retain.

Step 3. Meanwhile, prepare the dough. Take cold eggs and separate squirrels from yolks.

Step 4. Add to proteins. Add the salt pinch and take the peaks, i.e. the mixture should become dense.

Step 5. Room temperature creamy oil separated into parts and shift to the mixer bowl.

Step 6. To oil pour yolks, take the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Step 7. Kefir should also be room temperature. Pour it to the yolks and continue to beat. Breakpiece pour into flour, mix. In small portions, start adding a dry mixture to the oil.

Step 8. When the dough becomes homogeneous, turn off the blender, send the bowl and gently shift the whipped cream to yolks.

Step 9. Immediately add the sliced \u200b\u200bapples and the spatula does not rush to mix the dough. In this case, how to cover the mixture below.

Step 10. Lubricate the cream oil. The finished dough is in shape, the top layer of which crumples the spoon.

Step 11. Cut the second apple in half, remove the core, and cut the pulp slices. Do not remove the skin, as this fruit will be to decorate the top of the cake.

Step 12. From above on the dough, put the apple slices on the dough. Lightly press the fruit into the dough so that when baking it remains on a charlottery.

Step 13. Spirit wardrobe to warm up to 200 degrees. Bake the dough you need 40 minutes or before readiness.

Step 14. When you get the charlotte from the oven, do not rush to get it. Let it cool down. Before feeding, pour with sugar powder.

Step-by-step recipe for classic quarreling with sour cream

If the dough on the kefir is obtained by air, then it will be more gentle on sour cream. The use of fermented milk products in the cake is well combined with acid apples. Simple classic charlotte can also bake on sour cream test.

You will need these products:

  • high fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • food soda - ½ tsp;
  • apples - 4 pcs. medium size.

Recipe for baking:

Step 1. Sour cream and egg heat to room temperature. Then put in deep container, add sugar and beat.

Step 2. When the grains are completely dissolved, pour out the soda. If you wish it you can repay with vinegar.

Step 3. Pass sifted flour and mix the dough thoroughly.

It should turn out to be homogeneous consistency and in thickness to be like a thick sour cream.

Step 4. Apples Prepare in a convenient way for you. Best of all in the dough will look sliced \u200b\u200bby slices.

Step 5. Shipping with parchment or lubricate vegetable oil. On the bottom of put apples with a thin layer. Top of them pour the dough.

If you wish, you can decorate the top of the dough slices apple.

Step 6. In the heated oven to 180 degrees, place a shape with a pie and bake about 35 minutes.

Step 7. The cooled dough remove from the form and decorate at its discretion.

How beautifully lay out apples for quarreling

If you are cooking cake for the holiday menu, then apples lay out the original way. This will give a dessert some highlight and you do not have to additionally decorate the charlotte of mering or cream.

  • Rinse apples, dry and cut in half. Remove the middle, leave the skin. Cut the fruit with thin slices (no more than 2 mm.). Spread on the dish and put in the microwave for 2 minutes at a power of 80%. When apples are cooled, you can start forming colors.

  • For one booton you will need 7 polek. Put them on a flat surface in the form of a strip. At the same time, the side ends should be arranged.

  • From one edge, start folding the petals in the roll. Surrive on the slices located on top of the bud. Try to wrap an apple as close as possible. Then the upper edges straightens. Make colors as much as fit in your dressing form.

  • Trimming and other apples cut into cubes. They will be needed for filling.

  • In the prepared molds on the bottom lay out the layer of apples. Remember that there should be less than the volume of the test.

  • Then pour the dough. In this case, the capacity fill only on 2/3 of the part, since during the baking the mixture will rise.

  • Next to install buds from apples. So that they fix on the cake, slightly press them in the dough. Put the charlotte to be baked for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

  • If you do not have a microwave oven, then the apple lies pass in the sugar powder in a frying pan. Then cool down and roll down the buds by one petal. Place the flowers in the shape, brush the caramel on top and bake the cake in the usual way.

  • More fruits can be postponed in the form of a large flower. Also cut them with slices, but now put in a circle of shape, peel to top.

  • The central part decorate the apple bud. Do not forget to smear the flower with syrup. This will create a glossy surface on the peel and the meat of fruit after baking.

  • But you can put apple slices by another pattern and use any shape in which you will prepare a classic charlottery. For inspiration, look at the photo.

  • For those owners who do not want to spend time on flowers from an apple, there is another simplest option for decorating a cake. Use a paper napkin with a pattern to transfer the image to the dough. Put the napkin on the finished pie and supper sugar powder. Then remove the paper, and you will get an unusual pattern on the charlottery.

  • Or just sprinkle a piece of cake powder, top to make stripes from melted chocolate and put the ice cream ball.

Classic Charpeck with Apples - Cooking Tricks

So that dessert is tasty, except for the rules of the kneading test and compliance with the formulation, one should take into account the small tricks of its preparation. Do not neglect them and then you have a recipe for quarreling will ask even experienced hostesses.

  • Before adding flour to the dough, it must be sifted several times. This action will not only clean it from lumps with impurities, but also enrich the oxygen. So the dough will be raised faster and will be lush.
  • Apples for quarreling should be with sourness. She will be able to draw the sweetness of the dough and make the taste original. For which many people love this cake. Excellent apples of the "Antonovka" varieties.
  • Temperature for baking must be the same all the time and set at 180 degrees. The time of baking depends on the volume of the test in the cake.
  • You can add flat raisins to the apples, crushed walnuts and other dried fruits, as well as almond petals.
  • Biscuit has a feature to adhere to the form, so use silicone molds or dishes with a non-stick coating for its preparation. You can also use parchment for baking.
  • In order for the scarlet dough, replace the third part of the flour with potato starch. Two ingredients must first mix each other, and only then add to the dough.
  • The number of fillings should be proportional to the volume of the test. Otherwise, it will not be able to rise, and the quarreling will lose pomp.
  • For a festive table, you can decorate a charlottery on top of whipped cream. But this is only if you cut apples with cubes. With beautifully laid fruits there will be enough sugar powder.
  • So that the sugar powder is immediately melted on the dessert, sprink it only on the cooled pie. Use for this fine sieve, so the grains will turn out smaller.

Prepare a filling cake on the classic recipe is very simple. But for the original taste, quarreling and its pomps must be followed by the rules of baking. Bon Appetit!

If you still have doubts about cooking classic quarreling, then look at this video:


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