
How to cook a classic charlotte with apples. Classical charlotte recipes - step by step with a photo. Classic charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

How to cook a classic charlotte with apples. Classical charlotte recipes - step by step with a photo. Classic charlotte with apples in a slow cooker
The article presents several recipes for a classic charlotte with step -by -step photos, which you can cook not only in the oven, but also a slow cooker, as well as a microwave. In addition, here you will find different options for decorating a classic charlotte with apples and the secrets of baking dessert.

Charlotte with apples is so unique that the dough for it can be prepared from a wide variety of products that you have in the kitchen. These are not only eggs with flour, but also sour cream and even kefir. Many housewives are attracted to this dessert for the simplicity of the recipe and the possibility of using different techniques for baking it. But the most delicious charlotte is obtained only according to a classic recipe.

Classical charlotte with apples - the basics of cooking

From this bulk cake, young housewives begin to learn to cook baking. But, despite the simplicity of the recipe, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of the batch of dough. Following them, you will always get a magnificent charlotte according to a classic recipe.

  • Charlotte differs from most other apple pies by appearance. Her filling is located only on top of the dough. There are several ways to make apples beautifully for this pie.
  • According to a simple classic recipe, in a charlotte, sour apples with solid pulp are used. Some housewives remove the skin at the fruit, but you can leave it. This is your taste.
  • For those who adhere to dietary nutrition, wheat flour can be replaced by any other, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. It is also possible to use sugar -substitutes or stevia instead of sugar, and use warm water instead of eggs.
  • Classic dough for charlotte with apples - biscuit. But this is not a prerequisite. It can be kneaded on the basis of sour cream, kefir or mineral water. Sand dough is also suitable.
  • Due to the long stay in the air, chopped apples are darkened, so they must be used immediately. Or sprinkle them with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar.
  • When preparing a biscuit, the recipe should be strictly observed. Beat the proteins separately from the yolks with a pinch of salt. It will not only increase the viscosity of the dough, but also reduce your time to prepare the dough. For this version of the pie, the eggs must be chilled.
  • Eggs with sugar can be beaten with a mixer. But the dough with flour itself needs to interfere only with a spatula. So you will not release air bubbles, as a result of which the pie will turn out to be lush.
  • If you use baking powder in the recipe, then mix it with flour and only then add to the dough. You should also immediately set the pie. Do not leave the dough with the baking powder for a long time on the table.
  • The main rule of baking charlota is that you can not open the oven during the preparation of the pie. Otherwise, the dough will settle.

How to prepare apples for a classic charlotte

Most housewives simply cut the fruits with cubes and mix with the dough. To improve the taste, you need to prepare them in a special way.

  • Wash the apples under running water and put on paper towels. They absorb excess moisture, since even a drop of excess fluid can ruin the dough.

  • Then the fruit is cut into thin slices and the core is carefully removed. You can also cut the pulp in large pieces.

  • The shape is covered with parchment on which the filling is laid out and the dough is poured on top. Either apples are mixed with the dough, and spilled into shape with a common mass.

  • Some housewives prefer to cut the skin on an apple. Since she can lag behind the pulp during the baking and ruin the dessert. Before cutting the apple, peel it.

  • Put the fruit into a deep container, and pour boiling water or hot sidrum. This activates the enzymes of the apple that are responsible for its shape. So the slices will remain intact when baking.

  • To accelerate the process, cover the bowl with apples or bewhaled with cling film. Leave the apples in this state for 7-10 minutes.

  • Then throw the slices on the colander, let the liquids completely drain from the pulp. You will need this about 10 minutes.

  • After that, transfer the filling back into a dry container, add spices, sugar and a little salt.

  • Mix the apples thoroughly with a silicone spatula, so that each slice is covered with a mixture of spices with sugar. After that, you can start baking dessert.

  • There is another way to prepare fruits for charlotte. Heat the pan well, pour 100 grams of sugar and a little water into it. Bring the mixture to the state of golden caramel.

  • Transfer chopped apples to the pan, add vanillin, lemon juice and, if desired, the zest of orange. Also at this stage you can use cinnamon. Mix slices well and put them out for 3-5 minutes so that they are completely covered with icing.

  • Let the filling cool and transfer it to the bottom of the form. Pour the dough on top and cook according to the recipe.

Classic charlotte - simple recipe with apples

Before trying recipes with a complex biscuit, try making the pie in the most common way. For this, you do not need special skills and knowledge.

Ingredients for charlotte:

  • chopped apples - 3 pcs.;
  • flour with starch - 200 gr.;
  • sugar -1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 5 gr.;
  • oil for lubricating the shape;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking recipe:

Step 1. Apples must be cut in two ways: slices for decoration and cubes for the filling. Put the pulp of small size to the bowl and add cinnamon. Or grind all the apples into slices, leave a few pieces for decoration.

Step 2. In a deep container, drive eggs, add sugar. You can replace ordinary sugar brown or use powdered sugar. Beat the mixture until white foam appears.

Step 3. Mix the baking powder with sifted flour and starch (their ratio 3: 1, respectively). Pour it to the egg mixture. Mix the dough with a spatula thoroughly.

Step 4. Immediately add apples and stir the dough again so that the filling is evenly distributed on it.

Step 5. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, pour the entire mixture into it. On top, decorate the bulk cake with slices of apple. You can distribute them over the entire surface or lay nearby in the form of tubercles.

Step 6. The pie must be baked for about 40 minutes depending on your oven model. Set the temperature 180 degrees.

Step 7. Check the readiness of the dessert with a match. A dry surface indicates a baked dough. Remove the pie from the oven, let it cool and sprinkle with sugar powder before serving to the table.

How to cook a classic charlotte in the oven

Some housewives bake a pie with apples, filling it with a classic biscuit. Such a charlotte is the most magnificent in the oven. Although the process of kneading the dough involves several stages, you can easily cook it yourself.

Ingredients for charlotte:

  • sour apples - 2 pcs.;
  • reed sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • flour - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder ½ tsp;
  • vanilin - to taste;
  • oil for lubricating the shape;
  • sugar powder for decoration.

Advice. If you need a larger volume of dough, then increase the ingredients in proportion.

Cooking recipe:

Step 1. Wash the apples, dry with napkins and cut into slices or cubes.

Step 2. Lubricate the form with butter or bed parchment. Some housewives use semolina instead of oil. On the bottom of the container, put the chopped apples.

Step 3. Separate the protein from the yolk and put in the refrigerator to cool. Or use cold eggs immediately. Then beat the proteins in a separate container until the foam appears. The dishes should be dry.

Step 4. During whipping, pour brown sugar in small portions to proteins. You can replace it with ordinary sugar or powdered sugar. But in this case, correctly calculate the volume of powder in the ratio with sugar.

Step 5. Bring the mixture to the state of peaks. Proteins should increase several times and purchase elastic foam.

Step 6. Beat the yolks in the other bowl. Add proteins with sugar to them. But now do not use a mixer, mix the mixture only with a silicone spatula and from the bottom up. If you beat the dough with a mixer, then it will “fall” during baking.

Step 7. Sut the flour 2-3 times, mix with baking powder and vanilla. Add the resulting mixture in small portions to the eggs. Mix only manually.

You should get a uniform consistency dough, but more elastic than for a pouring pie.

Step 8. Put the dough on top of apples and align its surface with a spatula.

Step 9. The biscuit prepared in this way is baked less time. For a test of 2 eggs, you will need 20-25 minutes to cook it. With an increase in the number of eggs, extend the baking time and check the readiness with a skewer.

Step 10. Remove the finished cake from the oven, cool. Then put on the dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

How to cook a classic charlotte in a slow cooker

With the advent of modern technology, the process of preparing dishes becomes much easier. Not an exception is the pastries in which the slow cooker helps. But the recipe for making charlotte with apples is slightly different from its traditional baking in the oven.

Prepare such products:

  • ripe apples - 3 pcs .;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • milk - 120 ml.;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • wheat flour - 100 gr.;
  • simple cookies - 3 pcs .;
  • baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • liquor - 50 ml.;
  • cinnamon, vanillin to taste;
  • oil for lubricating the bowl.

Preparation instructions:

Step 1. Prepare apples: rinse, cut the seeds and cut into cubes or slices. Put into a deep container, pour a liquor, add cinnamon and a tablespoon of sugar. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave the flesh of the fruit to soak for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 2. In a separate container, beat the eggs to a light color. Add the rest of the sugar and mix until the grains are dissolved.

Step 3. Mix the baking powder and vanillin with flour, enter the egg mixture along the tablespoon. Mix the dough only manually, since you can re -break it with a mixer.

Step 4. Break the cookies into the crumb. Pour warm milk to it and mix thoroughly. You should get a homogeneous mixture.

Step 5. Combine both doughs in one container and add apples. Gently stir it with a silicone spatula.

Step 6. Heat and grease the multicooker bowl with butter, sprinkle the bottom with a mankoo. Pour the dough of the pie into it.

Step 7. Close the multicooker lid, leave the hole on it closed. Set the "baking" function, set the time for 50 minutes. Click the Start button.

Important. During the preparation of the dough, do not open the multicooker lid. Otherwise, the warm pairs will come out, and cold air will cause the dough settling.

Step 8. After the signal of the equipment, open the lid, leave the pie inside. Let him cool and only then get it out of the bowl. Garnish with powdered sugar or meringue on top.

Note. If you use a slow cooker to bake a simple charlotte according to a classic recipe, then there will be no thick crust on the pies on top. Also, the dough itself will remain dense.

How to cook a charlotte with apples in a microwave

For those housewives who most often use a microwave oven for cooking, there is a step -by -step classic recipe for charlotte with apples. It is important to strictly adhere to the specified recipe, since the technology of baking dough in the microwave is very different from the use of the oven.

Take such ingredients:

  • apples with a sour taste - 7 pcs.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • high grade flour - 150 gr.;
  • sugar - 150 gr.;
  • softened butter - 0.5 packs;
  • soda and salt - ¼ tsp;
  • juice of half lemon;
  • cinnamon and other spices are to taste.

The recipe for the batch of dough:

Step 1. Cut the clean apples from the wormholes and remove the seed bag. Cut the pulp in a convenient way for you. Remove the peel.

Step 2. So that the apples are not darkened and soaked in syrup, transfer them to the bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice and fill up the third part of the sugar.

Step 3. The butter must be softened, but not stomped. Add the rest of the sugar to it and beat well with a mixer.

Step 4. Inject the eggs to the mixture, add salt and mix the dough again.

Use a mixer for this, as you should achieve the appearance of bubbles.

Step 5. Food soda thoroughly mix with flour. Pour a dry mixture to the eggs.

Step 6. At this stage, you need to add spices. Usually, a charlotte with apples is baked with cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla.

Step 7. Link the bottom of the form with oil. First, pour half the dough into the shape, then lay the apples with an even layer, and then lay out the rest of the dough.

Step 8. Cook the pie in the microwave at an average power of about 15 minutes. In this case, after 12 minutes, open the furnace and check the readiness. If necessary, put the dough again to bake.

Important!Charlotte with apples in the microwave will have a soft dough without crust. If you want to make it on top of the pie, then turn on the grill in the last minute of preparing the dessert.

How to cook a classic charlotte on kefir

If you can’t cook a biscuit, then the kefir -based dough can be replaced. To make a charlotte with apples as magnificent, clearly follow the next step -by -step recipe.

Ingredients for the pie:

  • sour apples - 2 large fruits;
  • wheat flour - 400 gr.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • kefir - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • white sugar - 150 gr.;
  • butter - 1 pack;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.

A step -by -step recipe for charlotte in the oven:

Step 1. Wash the apples, let them dry. Peel one fruit, cut in half and remove the seeds.

Step 2. Cut each half of the apple with slices. Try to make their thickness less than 0.5 cm. Sprinkle the pulp with lemon juice and set aside.

Step 3. Meanwhile, prepare the dough. Take cold eggs and separate the proteins from the yolks.

Step 4. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins and beat to the peaks, that is, the mixture should become dense.

Step 5. Divide the butter at room temperature and transfer to the bowl of the mixer.

Step 6. Pour the yolks to the oil, beat the mixture until a homogeneous consistency.

Step 7. Kefir should also be at room temperature. Pour it to the yolks and continue to whip. Pour the baking powder into flour, mix. In small portions, start adding a dry mixture to the oil.

Step 8. When the dough becomes homogeneous, turn off the blender, set aside the bowl and gently transfer the beaten cream to the yolks.

Step 9. Immediately add chopped apples and spatula slowly mix the dough. At the same time, as if cover the mixture from the bottom up.

Step 10. Lubricate the form with butter. Put the finished dough into a mold, the top layer of which is filled with a spoon.

Step 11. Cut the second apple in half, remove the core, and cut the pulp with slices. Do not remove the skin, as this fruit will be to decorate the top of the pie.

Step 12. On top of the overlap, lay out apple slices. Press the fruit slightly in the dough so that when baked, it remains on a charlotte.

Step 13. Hard the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the dough for 40 minutes or until cooked.

Step 14. When you get a charlotte from the oven, do not rush to get it. Let it cool down. Before serving, sprinkle the pie with powdered sugar.

A step -by -step recipe for a classic charlotte with sour cream

If the dough on kefir is air, then on sour cream it will be more tender. The use of fermented milk products in the cake goes well with acidic apples. A simple classic charlotte can also be baked on sour cream test.

You will need the following products:

  • sour cream of high fat content - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • food soda - ½ tsp;
  • apples - 4 pcs. medium size.

Baking recipe:

Step 1. Heat sour cream and egg to room temperature. Then transfer to a deep container, add sugar and beat.

Step 2. When the grains are completely dissolved, pour soda. If you wish, you can extinguish it with vinegar.

Step 3. Pour the sifted flour and mix the dough thoroughly.

It should turn out to be a homogeneous consistency and by density to be like a thick sour cream.

Step 4. Prepare apples in a convenient way for you. It will be best to look in the test slices with slices.

Step 5. Cover the form with parchment or grease with vegetable oil. Put apples into the bottom with a thin layer. Pour the dough on top of them.

If desired, you can decorate the top of the dough with apple slices.

Step 6. In the preheated oven up to 180 degrees, put the shape with a pie and bake for about 35 minutes.

Step 7. Draw the cooled dough from the form and decorate at your discretion.

How beautifully to lay apples for charlotte

If you are preparing a pie for a festive menu, then lay the apples in an original way. This will give a dessert some highlight and you do not have to additionally decorate the charlotte of meringue or cream.

  • Wash the apples, dry and cut in half. Remove the middle, leave the skin. Cut the fruits with thin slices (no more than 2 mm.). Lay out on a dish and put in a microwave for 2 minutes with a power of 80%. When apples cool, you can proceed to the formation of flowers.

  • For one bud, you will need 7 slices. Put them on a flat surface in the form of a strip. In this case, the side ends should be overlapped.

  • From one edge, begin to turn the petals into a roll. Place the peel on slices on top of the bud. Try to wrap the apple as tightly as possible. Then straighten the upper edges. Make the flowers as much as you fit in your baking dish.

  • Cut the scraps and other apples into cubes. They will be necessary for the filling.

  • Put a layer of apples into the prepared molds to the bottom. Remember that there should be less than the volume of the dough.

  • Then pour the dough. At the same time, fill the container only by 2/3 of the part, since during the bake the mixture will rise.

  • Install the buds from apples on top. So that they are fixed on the pie, slightly press them into the dough. Put the charlotte bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

  • If you do not have a microwave oven, then pass apple slices in icing sugar in a pan. Then cool and turn the buds one at one petal. Put the flowers in the shape, grease caramel on top and bake the pie in the usual way.

  • More fruits can be laid out in the form of one large flower. Also cut them with slices, but now lay in a circle of shape, the peel up.

  • Decorate the central part with an apple bud. Do not forget to lubricate the flower with syrup on top. This will create a glossy surface on the peel and a fruit pulp after baking.

  • But you can lay the apels of the apple with a different pattern and use any form in which you will prepare a classic charlotte. For inspiration, look at the photo.

  • For those housewives who do not want to spend time on flowers from an apple, there is another easiest option for decorating a pie. Use a paper towel with a pattern to transfer the image to the dough. Put the napkin on the finished pie and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Then remove the paper, and you will get an unusual pattern on a charlotte.

  • Or just sprinkle a piece of the cake with powder, make strips of melted chocolate on top and put the ice cream ball next to it.

Classic charlotte with apples - tricks of cooking

To make the dessert delicious, in addition to the rules of the batch of dough and compliance with the recipe, you should take into account the small tricks of its preparation. Do not neglect them and then you will even ask for a charlotian recipe even experienced housewives.

  • Before adding flour to the dough, it must be sift several times. This action will not only cleanse it of lumps with impurities, but also enrich with oxygen. So the dough will rise faster and will be lush.
  • Apples for charlotte should be sour. She will be able to shade the sweetness of the dough and make the taste original. For which many people love this pie. The apples of the Antonovka varieties are perfect.
  • The baking temperature should be the same all the time and is set at an around 180 degrees. The baking time depends on the volume of the dough in the pie.
  • You can add steamed raisins, crushed walnuts and other dried fruits to apples to the filling, as well as almond petals.
  • The biscuit has a feature to stick to the form, so use silicone molds or dishes with anti -stick coating to prepare it. You can also use parchment for baking.
  • To prevent the test of charlotte from crumble, replace the third part of the flour with potato starch. Two ingredients must first be mixed with each other, and only then add to the dough.
  • The amount of filling should be proportional to the volume of the dough. Otherwise, it will not be able to rise, and Charlotte will lose his splendor.
  • For the festive table, you can decorate the charlotte on top with whipped cream. But this is only if you cut apples with cubes. With beautifully laid fruits, sugar powder will be enough.
  • So that the sugar powder does not immediately melt on the dessert, sprinkle it only on a cooled pie. Use a small sieve for this, so the grains will turn out to be smaller.

It is very simple to cook a bulk pie according to a classic recipe. But for the original taste of Charlotte and its splendor, it is necessary to observe the rules of baking. Bon appetit!

If you still have doubts about the preparation of a classic charlotte, then watch this video:



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