
Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises
A delicate way to honing the figure

How pleasant it is to feel the lightness and flexibility of our own movements, what you give us youth and what we do not always value. Over the years, we begin to feel the severity of our own movements and this sometimes significantly worsens our mood. But I assure you, do not despair, you just need to remember about your love and start developing your body. Fortunately, the modern set of stretching exercises is designed for all age categories and is able not only to return the previous youth to the body, but also to significantly improve your mood.

What is stretching


To begin with, I would like to say that stretching is a set of exercises aimed at stretching deep muscles. During the performance of the set of exercises, you not only increase the elasticity of your muscles, but also work out the joint area, improving their flexibility and mobility. Thus, the general tone of all muscle groups increases, and the state of health improves significantly. Unlike other sports, stretching has no contraindications, it can be engaged in any age and with any state of health. All this thanks to a wide range of exercises, which should be selected with an experienced coach so that all the nuances of your position are taken into account: pregnancy, curvature of the spine, long -standing injuries or rehabilitation after fractures. But this is far from the only advantage of stretching.

  1. From the entire set of exercises, you can choose those that are at the moment, thereby adjusting the training time.
  2. The need to follow breathing during training, develops the habit of proper breathing.
  3. Thanks to physical exertion, blood circulation intensity increases, and the muscles are supplied with a large amount of oxygen and nutrients.
  4. An increase in joint mobility actively prevents the deposition of salts.

Types of stretching

Static - is often used in yoga. The set of exercises is performed as slowly as possible. The muscles stretch as much as possible (so that there is no pain), then a delay from 10 seconds to several minutes to the complete relaxation of this muscle follows.

Passive - in terms of speed, similar to static. Only instead of your own efforts in performing a set of exercises, a partner helps you.

Dynamic - used as a warm -up before intensive training, involves stretching the muscles to the maximum length.

Ballistic - is not used in group classes, quite traumatic. Using the strength and weight of your own body, sharp movements are made (for example, swings with your feet).

Active isolated - exercises aimed at stretching each muscle separately.

Isometric - a set of exercises with alternating tension and muscle relaxation.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular stretching-a set of exercises, performed paired with a partner and having a number of contraindications for health reasons. In particular, heart problems and hypertension.

Stretching for beginners


It is not enough to decide to engage in stretching, it is important to start doing it. And in order to avoid disappointment in it, one should thoroughly prepare. First you should choose comfortable training clothes. It doesn’t matter where you will go: at home or in the gym, it is important that the clothes are in tightening. The overview of your figure, both for you personally and for the coach, depends on how tightly the clothes. He will be able to control the correctness of the exercise, and you rejoice at the changes of your figure. Choose the clothes of famous brands that can withstand great stretching. Next, we choose a gym with qualified specialists, not only the quality of an individual approach depends on the level of the coach, but also the psycho -emotional state during the entire training. In addition to all this, do not forget about the rules of safe and effective stretching.

  1. Exposure time. For greater effectiveness, the flexibility exercise should be performed at least 1 minute. Positive changes in the length of the muscles begin to be observed in the first 5 seconds, but this is not the limit and it is not worth reducing the training time.
  2. The number of approaches. As scientific studies have shown, effective muscle stretching occurs in the first 4 approaches.
  3. Regularity of classes. The number of classes per day or a week depends on the result you want to achieve. Do not drive yourself four -hour training a day, but you should not deal with case from time to time. The body gets used to the regime, so even with 1-2 training per week the result will not be long in coming.
  4. Attention to sensations. Throughout all exercises, be sure to listen to your body. If you felt pain, tremor or vibration in the muscles, then you gave too strong load. Remember, stretching should contribute to muscle relaxation, not pain.
  5. Correct breathing. The more correctly you breathe, the more effective the training goes. Muscle stretching should be performed on exhalation - this helps to reduce muscle tension, and enhances the relaxation of the nervous system.
  6. Relaxation. The effectiveness of muscle stretching is influenced not only by the physiological capabilities of the body, but also by such factors as: the temperature in the room, the state of stress or general tension, irritability. In this regard, the stretching lesson should begin after compulsory relaxation.

Stretching for weight loss


Follow the reliefs of the figure should be all year round, and not from case to case. But everything happens in life, and sometimes the question of weight loss can also become relevant. If there are a pair of extra pounds that slightly interfere with the fasteners on your favorite dress, then Stretching will easily help you get rid of this problem. Regular classes for a couple of weeks not only easily return your forms to you, but make your figure easier and more flexible. If the extra kg is more than 5, you should not despair either. Then the stretching exercises are best done after a strength training. Intensive training will help in active fat burning, and stretching will enrich the muscles with oxygen - this will help not only in achieving good results, but also increase the general tone.

Stretching for children


The sooner children begin to engage in physical activity, the better it affects their health. Stretching for children is built in a playful way and aimed not only at the general strengthening of the child's body, but also at the development of the ability to control its own body and emotional sphere, and also actively develops creative abilities. The lesson is carried out in theatrical uniform, during exercises, children manage to visit the role of their favorite fairy -tale characters. Thanks to the game form, children are happy to perform exercises without adult interference, despite the rather slow performance of the exercises. To classes in the game stretching of children, you can bring from 3 years of age. At this age, it is not the amount of exercises that the child will perform, but the regularity of the visit. Acquaintance with the new team allows the child to liberate both in communication and in movements.

Stretching exercises at home

If you decide to engage in stretching at home, then you are a big smart girl - already because you decided on such a serious step. The next step, which should be taken is to choose the right clothes and a convenient rug for exercises. The third step is to pre -choose a set of exercises that suits you. And, of course, the fourth step, start doing it.

  1. Stand on all fours, straighten your hands. Then stretch the right hand forward and the left leg back to the horizontal position and stretch well. Repeat with the left hand and right foot. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.
  2. Get straight, legs shoulder -width apart, left hand on the belt.  With your right hand, grab your head and tilt it to the right.  Fix this position for 10-20 seconds. Rest in 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times for each hand.
  3. Stand with your back to the wall, leaning your palms against the wall.  Slowly sit down, slipping your fingers along the wall. Make sure that the back remains straight. Fix this pose 10-20 seconds. Repeat 4-6 times.
  4. Make a lunge forward, on the right leg, to take the left to the side, over the right. The left hand is behind the head, the right - to the side. Slowly lean to the right. Fix the slope of 20-30 seconds. Rest for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.
  5. Sit down, spread your legs, palms on the back of the head. Tilt the top of the body forward, slowly reach for the right knee. Slowly return to the starting position, then reach out to the left knee. Repeat 6-8 times.
  6. Sit down, cross your legs. Press the chin with your hands and at the same time strain the muscles of the neck, resisting the pressure of the hands. Fix this position for 20-30 seconds. Rest for 20-30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  7. Get straight, place your legs a little and bend slightly at the knees.  First raise up one hand and stretch the basic object. Then the hand freely “drop” down. Do the same with the other hand. The head is slightly thrown back. Repeat the exercise 6 times.
  8. Lie on your back, spread your arms, your legs are straightened as much as possible. Slowly raise the right leg to a right corner, pull it out, and then lower it to the left, touching the floor. At the same time, turn the head right. Performing movements in the reverse order, return to the starting position. Repeat with his left foot. Repeat the exercise 5 times with each foot.
  9. Stand on all fours. Sit on the heels, “drop” the head between the hands, round your back. Then straighten the body, tearing his hands from the floor, and reached up. Stretch like a cat.  Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.
  10. Lie on your back, arms and legs straight. Raise your legs to the head, grab your feet with your hands and hold them for 20-30 seconds. Return to the starting position, relax for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  11. Sit down, the legs are bent at right angles, the knees are slightly divorced, the feet are parallel to each other. Tilt the body forward and wrap the lower legs from the inside, putting the brushes on the feet. Pull your hands on yourself and hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  12. Lie on the stomach. Bend your legs, take your hands by the ankles and raise your legs, bending in the lower back.  Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Rest for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  13. Lie on your back, raise straight closed legs, slowly start them behind the head and touch the floor with your feet. Try to stay in this position for some time to restore light and natural breathing. Sit down and stretch very slowly.  Do the exercise 1 time. Try to keep the pose for 1 minute.
  14. Lie on your back, arms to the sides. Bend your legs and lower them to the right, without tearing the feet from the floor.  Fix this position for 20-30 seconds. Rest 5-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

  Music for stretching

Since stretching is aimed at stretching muscles through relaxation, the music is of great importance. To control your breath, immerse yourself in the sensations of your own body is much more pleasant for melodic and calm music. Sometimes, during exercises, the sounds of nature are used with a soft background - this will allow you to relax not only physically, but also to normalize a psycho -emotional state. Thanks to this relaxation, the body copes better with everyday stress, and the state of health improves significantly.

  Stretching exercises. Video



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