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Aquapyling for the legs

Aquapyling for the legs
How to care for the skin of the feet. Methodology for conducting an aquapilling procedure for the legs in the salon and at home.

The feet are subject to daily loads, often suffer from fatigue and uncomfortable shoes. To maintain them in aesthetic and healthy state, care and attention is required, which manifest in regular care. In order for the feet and heels to be soft and well -groomed, pleased with their health and beauty, do not limit yourself to minimal care in the form of daily hygiene procedures and infrequent application of a nutrient cream. It is not difficult to mitigate the coarsed skin of the heels, get rid of corns and corns, applying the aquapilling procedure for the legs.

Aquapyling for the legs: Advantages of the procedure

To maintain a healthy and well -groomed appearance, the care of the skin of the feet is no less important than behind the skin of the hands. With the transition to flight shoes, the problem arises with renewed vigor - you will want to impress in open sandals and sandals.

As the most common reasons for the appearance of problems with the skin of the feet can be called:

  • long stay in uncomfortable tight shoes, as well as in high heels;
  • wearing synthetic tights and socks;
  • lack of the necessary daily care.

Due to increased loads, the feet can be subjected to corns and corns, and often cracks, which cause tangible discomfort and pain in the form of itching and burning. Drying and keratinized skin, sometimes with an joining fungal infection, can cause a lot of grief and inconvenience. In the presence of these problems, it will be necessary to spend significant efforts in order to bring beauty - soften the skin and get rid of keratinized areas. Modern cosmetology offers various methods and means to care for the skin of the feet and normalize its condition. By applying aquapyling, you can effectively get rid of problems, protect the feet from the fungus, make the skin of well -groomed and smooth in a short time and without pain.

The advantages of the aquapilling procedure include:

  • the soft and at the same time intensive exfoliation of the upper layer of the keratinized epidermis - as a result of the actions done, the ripe skin is significantly softened;
  • removal of inflammation, healing of microdamines and cracks with further strengthening of tissues;
  • effective skin protection from fungal infections;
  • irrigation with micropouses, entailing intensive moisturizing the skin;
  • improving blood microcirculation and normalization of metabolic processes;
  • reduction in the swelling of the processed areas;
  • reducing hyperpigmentation.

In addition, the aquapilling procedure is useful for the whole organism, as it reduces the existing manifestations of the appearance of varicose veins, cellulite, stretch marks, and also serves as the prevention of their further appearance.

Aquapyling for the legs: Indications for use

Aquapyling is a safe and comfortable cosmetic procedure in conducting specially balanced agents of softening, antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effects. Indications for use are:

  • dry ripe skin with the presence of keratinized areas;
  • the appearance of corns and corns;
  • signs of photo starting in the form of dryness and pigmentation;
  • the presence of colloids and scars;
  • crossing the skin of the heels.

In addition, the aquapilling procedure can be used to prevent such phenomena.

There are almost no contraindications to the use of this cosmetic procedure, except for acute infectious diseases and the presence of significant skin injuries in the form of open wounds.

Aquapyling for the legs: Methodology of the procedure

Aquapyling combines the simultaneous effect of water and air, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Such a skin care procedure can be used regardless of age. The necessary intensity of exposure is selected by a cosmetologist based on the type of skin, its individual condition and existing problems that need to be adjusted.


Distinguish the following varieties of aquapilling for the legs:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

The Aquapilings of the legs are carried out in several stages, the session lasts from 15-20 minutes to an hour and is absolutely painless, so the use of any anesthesia is not required. During the session, the patient may feel only light tingling and tingling in the processed area. The procedure does not require preliminary preparation, after it you will not need a long recovery period.

Aquapyling for the legs: Stages of the procedure

Usually the following sequence of the Aquapilling procedure is used:

  1. A special remedy is applied to the carefully washed skin of the feet - a lotion for deep skin cleansing, which helps to finally get rid of various contaminants and disinfects the skin.
  2. Further, the cosmetologist uses professional equipment for aquapilling. With the help of special hardware nozzles designed for extraction and exposure to high pressure, a flow of air mixed with saline or with a special active tool is supplied to the processed areas of the skin. The action of aquapilling sensations resembles massage with intense pressure. You can increase the intensity of the procedure by replacing the supplied air with carbon dioxide - this effect allows you to significantly improve blood microcirculation in processed areas and improve the skin tone.

At the end of the procedure, the skin of the feet becomes clean, significantly softer, elastic and elastic. The effect of softened, more delicate and smooth skin can be seen immediately after the Aquapilings for the legs. Nevertheless, in the presence of large calluses or cracks on the heels of one session, it may not be enough-in this case, a course of several (4-5) aquapilling for the legs with an interval is used twice a week. To maintain the best skin condition in the future, you will need to visit the salon twice a year - with the beginning of the summer and winter period.

Aquapyling for legs at home

To conduct an aquapeling for the legs, it is not necessary to visit a beauty salon, a similar effect can be achieved at home. To do this, it is necessary to purchase a complex of funds in the pharmacy, which includes a solution and cream “Aquapiling” for the skin of the feet, as well as a special atraumatic spatula for soft removal of a layer of keratinized skin. These funds with a specially balanced composition in just 15 minutes will gently and delicately save the skin of the feet from most problems associated with hyperkeratosis - with their help you can soften the rugging layer of the skin, relieve inflammation, get rid of various infections, achieve damage and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis.

If you need to get rid of large old corns, it is recommended to purchase both funds. According to the manufacturer’s assurances, the drugs for the legs are distinguished by a safe composition, they can be used for a long time, without risk, it is somehow harmful to health. These funds are characterized by a mild effect without a burning sensation or irritation. After they are helped to achieve normalization of the condition of the skin of the legs (getting rid of cracks, corns and corns), you can proceed to use the effect of the Aquapyling cream to maintain the effect.


Among the advantages of using these footwear data, it is worth noting the following:

  • the drugs included in the complex are carried out at a pharmacological enterprise in full accordance with international quality standards;
  • the effectiveness of drugs for aquapilling is confirmed by clinical studies;
  • means are characterized by severe keratolytic and antiseptic effects, acting as effective protection against bacterial and fungal infections;
  • the drug has not only a prophylactic, but also a pronounced therapeutic effect - its use is indicated for hyperkeratosis and fungal eczema, as well as squamous dermatophytosis;
  • these drugs do not irritate the epidermis, do not affect healthy skin;
  • aquapyling for the legs is characterized by a mild atraumatic effect - unlike various hard scrapers, razors and velocity for grinding heels there is no danger of damage to the skin (scratches and cuts);
  • unlike the use of pumza, when using aquapeling of the legs, there is no danger of bringing an infection.


Before conducting the aquapilling procedure, read the instructions and try to clearly follow its instructions. Before the use of a solution of the legs, it is recommended to conduct an allergic sample in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin - when irritation, significant itching and burning, the drug should not be used.

It is important to note that immediately before using the acting solution, the legs should not be washed or moistened with water - the skin should be completely dry.

Aquapyling for the legs in homework: sequence of actions

When using an aquapilling solution for the legs at home, it is necessary to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Where you plan to carry out the procedure, cover the floor with a plastic film (it is required that its size is sufficient to further wrap the foot).
  2. Lay out a fabric napkin or a paper towel with a size corresponding to the size of the processed area (foot or heel) on the film.
  3. Moisten a napkin in a solution of Aquapyling.
  4. Place the foot on the napkin and wrap it with a film.
  5. Such a compress should be left for the effects of the active substances of aquapilling within 15 minutes.
  6. Turn the film and remove the napkin.
  7. Using the spatula, carefully remove the softened keratinized layer of the skin.


After the procedure done, rinse your leg with warm water, get a break with a towel and apply the cream to the foot. It is advisable to use the special cream “Aquapiling” - this tool contains urea, glycerin, as well as essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants, which have anti -inflammatory effect and stimulating the process of further skin regeneration. The cream is used after the use of an aquapilling solution for the legs, or as an independent means for caring for the feet (in the absence of pronounced problems in the form of cracks, corns and corns). According to the Aquapyling reviews presented on the Internet, after a week of using this cream, the skin of the feet is effectively softened, it becomes smooth and elastic.

The price of aquapilling at home is relatively low, the volume of tubes will be enough for a long time - therefore, such a procedure carried out independently will cost much cheaper than a session in a cosmetic salon. In addition, the tangible effect of an aquapilling for the legs without any side effects can be observed after the first use - tangible softening, leveling the skin relief and improving the appearance.  Regular careful skin care will allow you to keep them in a healthy state and feel self -confidence in any situation.

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Home and salon procedures for foot care - video



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