
Where they prescribe a newborn child. How to register a newborn child in an apartment at the place of registration, through public services, MFC

Where they prescribe a newborn child. How to register a newborn child in an apartment at the place of registration, through public services, MFC
How and where to register a newborn child, what documents are needed. The terms of registration of a newborn child to the apartment. How to register a newborn through public services, MFC, passport office.

The family has a significant event: the long -awaited baby was born. The newly made parents immediately have a lot of responsibilities, some of which belong to the formal side of life. So, a small citizen needs to make a residence permit. This procedure is mandatory: the sooner you register the baby, the sooner you can count on the social support of the state. How and where to legitimize the heir, as well as what legal nuances should be taken into account in the framework of this event, we will now tell.

A small citizen came to the state, and this fact is documented: immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, parents draw up a birth certificate for a baby. Referring to this paper, they give a residence permit at the place of residence of his direct relatives.

How to register a newborn. Why is the child registration

Some legally not savvy or simply irresponsible married couples are in no hurry with a residence permit of their kids. Meanwhile, this is a gross violation of the rights of the child, enshrined in the Civil Code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.  Nowhere to a registered little man is difficult to claim a number of material and public goods.  This refers to such benefits:

  • assistance in the form of monthly child benefits;
  • the creation of a household “foundation” for the family through the payment of maternity capital;
  • obtaining a medical policy;
  • the opportunity to be observed in a children's clinic;
  • support for food from dairy cuisine;
  • guaranteed place in a preschool children's institution;
  • the right to issue a passport.

In fact, the lack of registration deprives the baby of any protection in the state, subordinate to the procedures of a certain legislative system.

Where they prescribe a newborn child

A person who has not reached adulthood is by law next to his father and mother, provided that co -living with his parents does not threaten his health and life. Joint living means not only the actual cohabitation of the child and his legal representatives on common square meters, but also the official registration of the minor on this housing area.

Based on the realities of today's life, we clarify: the concept of “registration” slowly but surely goes into the past. More and more now you can hear the word "registration", although many representatives of the older generation continue to use the old term. So, registration and registration are identical concepts.

Registration of the baby has some differences from the procedure for registering adult citizens. But first, consider where the newborn is prescribed:

  • in housing, where parents are registered. The law determines that the place of registration of the child is the place of registration of his closest relatives. If the father and mother live together, but are registered in different places, then they decide which of them will be registered. When the spouses or only one of them are registered in housing, which is rented, it is possible to determine the baby by law in the same place, and the consent of the owner is not required;
  • in housing, where official representatives are registered. If the biological father and mother for some reason are deprived of parental rights to the child, the newborn can be prescribed at the place of registration of his guardians or adoptive parents. Consent from other registered persons registered in this home is not needed. The guardians of the child may not even be the owners of the apartment, but they must live there on a legally.

Is it possible to register a newborn in another place - for example, with a grandmother or from other closest relatives? This is prohibited by law. Parents register their child only at the place of their own registration. If, due to any circumstances, the spouses refuse this, they should go to court and defend the interests of the baby there.

How to register a newborn child: step -by -step instructions

There are several options for registration of a small citizen: parents who are in an official marriage, as well as only in the father or only the mother. Consider what needs to be done to register a newborn in each of these cases.

Important! The registration of a minor child in the Russian Federation is a free service and is not subject to any duties.

How to register a child if parents live in a legal marriage

The spouses do not have to go to the passport office together-someone alone can take the solution of this problem. The procedure will not take a lot of time: one day will take the delivery of the necessary documents.

So, how to legitimize the baby in the apartment of parents, which are in official relations.

  1. First of all, collect all the papers, the presence of which will provide the child with registration:
  • birth certificate of the baby and photocopy of the document;
  • originals of passports of father and mother and photocopies of documents;
  • marriage certificate between the father and mother of the newborn;
  • documents on the right of ownership of housing;
  • a house book, if a newborn is registered in a private household.
  1. When all the necessary papers are prepared, go to the migration service (passport office). The simultaneous presence of the father and mother in the passport table is not necessary:
  • write a statement about the child’s registration in form No. 6 (the form of the passport table will be issued, and it must be filled out according to the model that you will find at the information stand);
  • take an extract from the house book about the composition of the family if the child is registered in the apartment. To do this, present a passport and real estate documents;
  • in the accounting department of the passport table, you will receive a certificate of the state of the personal account of housing for registration of the newborn.
  1. Serve all the papers to employees of the passport office. They will take your passport and birth certificate. If the baby is registered in a private house, in the house book, which is located at the owner of the housing, is entered by relevant information.

Important! In what terms is prescribed by the newborn, also defined by law. The registration procedure takes from 1 to 7 days. During this time, you can make a note about the presence of a child in the passport of spouses in the column "Children".

You will be appointed a day on which you need to contact employees of the passport office for documents with the already executed registration of the newborn.

How to register a newborn to a mother

Thanks to the step -by -step “cheat sheet” you will not be confused and quickly deal with the task:

  1. Arriving at the passport office, you write a statement in form No. 6.
  2. There you also ask for a certificate from the house book about residents registered in the apartment. If you live in a private house, bring a house book with you.
  3. If the child has already turned 1 month, it is necessary to attach a certificate to the main package of documents that the baby is not registered with his father.
  4. Request and receive paper about the condition of the personal account of housing.
  5. The application for registration of the child and the “Kipu” of other certificates is supplemented with your passport and the birth certificate of the baby, after which you give everything to the employee of the passport office.

How to register a newborn to a father

The child can also be arranged on the legitimate housing of the father. This procedure has some differences from the registration of the child in the mother. Let's find out what documents you need to prescribe a newborn at the place of registration of the father, and how to do it:

  1. To apply for the necessary statements, the simultaneous presence of the father and mother of the child in the passport office is required.
  2. Parents write 2 statements:
  • father - about registering a child in his housing;
  • mother gives written consent to this registration.
  1. In addition to these statements, parents bring a standard set of documents:
  • originals of passports and their photocopies;
  • birth certificate of the baby and his photocopy;
  • if the baby is registered in the apartment, first of all you need to get an extract about all residents prescribed on these square meters;
  • the registration of the baby in a private house involves the presence of a house book, which is attached to the father’s statement;
  • a certificate of the state of the personal account of housing, where a new family member will be issued legally.

If the child was born more than a month ago, in the passport desk from parents they will certainly require an extract from his mother’s house book, which testifies that the baby was not registered on the official living space of his mother. If a woman is registered in a private household, she must bring a house book to the passport office.

Take a note! In order to register a newborn, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for certain terms - the baby must receive a name, birth certificate and registration within 1 month. If parents do not have time to invest in this period, they will have an administrative punishment in the form of a fine of 2500 rubles.

How to register a newborn through public services

The Internet portal of the State Services will save a lot of time and effort to new parents if they decide to register a newborn at the place of residence with the help of this multifunctional site.

Reging a little Russian through public services is quite simple. You will need registration on the portal and confirmation of the account. Also, you can not do without electronic versions of such documents:

  • applicant passport;
  • birth certificate;
  • the paper on the basis of which is prescribed a newborn (certificate of the right to own housing, court decision).

If the parents of the child are not officially scheduled, the father will need a certificate of adoption of his child, otherwise the service will be unavailable.

How to register a child with the help of public services: Detailed instructions

The procedure for the legal representative on the Internet is as follows:

  • open the portal and enter your account. You need a catalog of services, namely the section "Passport, registration, visas." Click on the point "Registration of citizens" there;

  • in the list of services, we choose the service “Registration of citizens at the place of residence”;
  • a page containing comprehensive information about this service will open. After reading this information, you will most likely have no questions anymore. Click on "get a service";

  • determine the type of applicant. For this situation, “I am the legal representative of the minor” with the clarification of the degree of kinship;

  • indicate your personal and passport data;
  • indicate information about the child. Here, leave the phone number and e -mail of the father or mother of the newborn;

  • indicate the address at which it is decided to register a newborn, and also indicate the document on the basis of which the baby will be registered;

  • leave information about your citizenship;
  • select the unit where you will subsequently receive a residence permit of the newborn at the place of residence;

  • in the end, you need to give permission to process personal information and click the action of “send”.

Representatives of public services will send your electronic application to the relevant unit, where it will be printed and registered. Expect an invitation within 3 business days. Do not forget to take the originals of all the necessary documents with you - only by presenting them, you will receive a paper confirming the registration of the child.

How to register a newborn through the MFC

The network of multifunctional centers was created to remove part of the duties with excessively loaded work of state bodies. At the MFC, your business will be designed very quickly (about 15 - 30 minutes), while you will not need to stand in a crowded line to get to the reception.

For more convenience, sign up in the MFC in advance. You can do this:

  • on the Internet on the site of the center;
  • by phone (preliminary recording is not possible in all regions);
  • through the terminal in the organization itself.

If you are not interested in preliminary records, come to the center and take a place in a live queue. At the reception, the MFC employee will check whether all the necessary certificates are available in your own, and will give a receipt on the package of documents.

In addition to a mandatory package of documents (statements, passports, birth certificates and marriage, extracts from the USRN and the house book), they will ask you:

  • the consent of the second parent to prescribe a child with the seal of the notary (if the parents are registered in different places);
  • certificate of paternity (if the child was not at first recognized by the father);
  • a certificate from the place of registration of the second parent, indicating that the son or daughter is not registered with him.

Kserocopies of papers are not required from you, since this service is provided in the MFC for free.

If you are interested in how much the newborn is prescribed in this organization, get ready to wait 5 to 8 days. The exact date of readiness of the registration certificate is usually indicated in the receipt that the MFC employee will provide to you.



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