
How to make a delicious marmalade from apples at home. Step-by-step recipes of homemade marmalade from apples with photos. How to make marmalade from apples for winter

How to make a delicious marmalade from apples at home. Step-by-step recipes of homemade marmalade from apples with photos. How to make marmalade from apples for winter
How to prepare a delicious marmalade from apples at home. Step-by-step recipes for marmalade from apples with photos.

Autumn is always considered to be very tense sometimes, which is associated with harvesting and the preparation of various billets for the winter. Each hostess is trying to prepare for winter months and prepare as many different order as possible - both vegetable and fruit-berries. Apples are one of the most beloved and frequently used fruits. To date, there is simply a huge number of apple harvesting recipes, among which marmalade occupies a special place. It is a delicious and fragrant delicacy that can be left indifferent, especially if it is cooked with your own hands.

Marmalade from apples at home is not difficult to cook at home, but in the end you can get a product that will be much more delicious shopping.

In this article, consider the main features and rules for the preparation of marmalade from apples with their own hands, as well as notice the important storage conditions for this delicacy. We note the detailed step-by-step recipes for marmalade from apples.

How to make marmalade from apples - Basic rules and principles of preparing delicacy at home

Marmalade is one of the most delicious and useful sweets, which in large quantities and diverse assortment is sold on store shelves. However, many hostesses prefer to make marmalad on their own at home, which undoubtedly allows you to prepare a useful dish. Most often, marmalade at home is prepared from sour apples, which contain a large amount of special substance - pectin. It is he who is responsible for the thickening of the fruit puree, which turns it into marmalade. In addition, Pectin contributes to the withdrawal of slags from the body and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In the Purchased Marmalade most often there is a juice with dyes and thickeners.

On the territory of England, marmalade is prepared from citrus, and in Portugal, this particular delicacy from Quince was made. In the future, Marmalade gained popularity in many countries, and in Russia it was called "fruit cold". And it is the apples that are the most used product for marmalade, the recipes for the preparation of which may include various additives and components: pears, plums, currants, gelatin, agar-agar and others.

The recipes of homemade marmalade from apples on the Internet today there are so many, which differ in the ingredients and methods of cooking, but they have all the common features - the process of creating a delicacy is so simple that even a beginner inexperienced mistress will cope with it. The main thing is to comply with some rules and preparation principles.

  • For homemade marmalade, any apples that grow on your site are suitable. Ideally, it is best to use acidic and solid varieties, for example, "Antonovka". It is such apples that contain a large amount of pectin gelling substance, which is simply indispensable when making marmalade. In the sweeter summer varieties of apples of this substance is much less, therefore, additional thickeners have to use, for example, gelatin. In this case, you can prepare homemade marmalade from mildly fallen and stalled apples.
  • If apples are sweet, it is recommended to dilute this taste with sourness. For this purpose, the experienced hostesses add acidic fruits and berries to marmalade. These include black and red currants, plums, Kalina, Ryabin. It is worth remembering that the sweeter the apples are used in cooking, the less sugar you need to add.
  • Marmalade from apples at home is preparing in several ways. First, it is possible to cook fruit puree from these fruits on the plate in a suitable container. But in this case it is important to remember that the saucepan should be with a thick bottom so that the fruits and berries are burned. Secondly, drumming apples can also be in the oven, after which they can be splashing and skip through a blender or sieve. In any case, you need to get the high-quality basis of any marmalade - fruit puree.
  • Each hostess can independently adjust the density of marmalade from apples, experimenting with the amount of added thickener. For the preparation of delicious and fragrant delicacy, various challenges can be used: gelatin, agar-agar, pectin. But here you need to be careful: if you add a thickener too little, then marmalade does not grab; If you add a lot, then marmalade can have a sufficiently unpleasant taste.
  • Apples are universal fruit, which can be combined with most seasonings and spices, which hostesses are used in the kitchen in baking. To obtain a more fragrant and original marmalade, can be used cinnamon or carnation, as well as ground ginger, nuts and other spices.
  • Ready apple marmalade can have a different shape. To do this, you can use various silicone forms in which the fruit puree is poured with a thickener. Also, marmalade is at the reservoir, where the baking sheet is applied when it is frozen. Ready marmalade can be cut with forms for cookies and sprinkle with sugar or coconut chips.
  • In order to rush as long as possible with a tasty and fragrant dessert, it is important to properly store marmalade from apples. The finished fruit puree with a thickener is placed in prepared jars or other tanks, and after complete cooling is covered with parchment paper and cloth. Store marmalade is needed in the refrigerator.

Apple Marmalade - Photo

Below are photos of marmalade from apples, which can be easily made with your own hands at home. At the same time, you will get a very tasty and useful delicacy that will undoubtedly delight your households.

How to cook marmalad from apples - step-by-step recipes with photos

Today on the Internet you can find a large number of different marmalade recipes from apples, which, if desired, every hostess can adapt to their preferences and tastes. If you want to please your close delicious and useful dessert to tea, then do not be afraid to try to cook marmalade, which will be much more tasty purchased. In addition, its preparation will require the minimum of your time and the products used. Consider a detailed step-by-step description of popular marmalade recipes from apples.

Apple Marmalade - Simple Recipe

For the first time, you can try to prepare marmalade from apples without gelatin with the easiest set of ingredients - sugar and apples. However, in this case, it is recommended to use acidic apples that contain a large amount of pectin replacing the gelatin. You can take advantage of all your favorite Antonovka.

Required ingredients:

  • Sour apples - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 grams.
  • Water - 2 glasses.

Description of the cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the main ingredient of marmalade - apples. Thoroughly rinse the apples of acidic varieties under running water after which it is possible to clean the peel from them with a knife.
  • Next, cut apples on the halves and cut the core from them, cut all the apples on small cubes.

  • Apples Place in a suitable pot with a thick bottom, add 2 glasses of water to them and put the container on the slab on the middle fire.
  • After boiling, reduce the fire and boil the cubes of apples to tender consistency. This may need quite a lot of time.

  • The resulting jam must be chopped on a blender or, for the absence of such, wipe through fine sieve before obtaining a puree mass. This stage is considered one of the longest in the process of cooking marmalade from apples at home.
  • At the next stage, put the resulting fruit puree back into the pan and put the container on the stove.
  • Constantly stirring mashed potatoes, add sugar with thin rod to apples. All thoroughly mix that the mass is not burned, and boil to thickening on slow heat.
  • When the fruit puree reaches the glitter you need, put marmalade into the right molds. To do this, you can use silicone baking forms.
  • After that, marmalade from apples must cool. It should be remembered that the larger the form, the longer the marmalade will be stuck.
  • When the delicacy freezes, it can be cut into cubes with a knife and apply in the sugar powder.

Marmalade from apples for the winter - preparation description

Such a tasty marmalade can be prepared as a workpiece for the winter. For this recipe will also need a minimum of products and your time. Consider the cooking process in more detail.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg of acidic apples, for example, Antonovka.
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking process:

  • To get high-quality and tasty marmalade, it is necessary first of all to choose suitable apples. It is best to take advantage of acidic varieties that ripen in autumn.
  • Before cooking, be sure to rinse the fruit well and remove the peel from them with a knife or a special tool for cleaning.
  • Next, cut the apples into two parts and remove the duty room with the bones, then cut the pulp of the fetus into small pieces - on the slices or on the cubes.
  • The next important stage is to get an apple fruit puree, which is the basis of marmalade. For this, there are two options for the root and baking in the oven. Since during cooking mashed potatoes on the plate you need to add water and then evaporate it, it is best to cook marmalade from apples in the oven, which will take less time.
  • Lay out the slices or pieces of apples on a baking sheet, which in turn is placed in the oven preheated in advance to 120 degrees.
  • We bake apples about 30 minutes. For each individual oven, the baking time can fluctuate a little. In any case, it is necessary to achieve tender consistency.
  • After cooling, the baked apples should be wiped through the sieve, if desired, you can use a blender.
  • Put the resulting fruit puree in a pot with a thick bottom, add the specified quantity of sugar and put on the slab on a small fire.
  • Welcome puree is needed an average of 1.5-2 hours with constant stirring. To determine the degree of readiness of the marmalade, it is necessary to drop a little on the surface and wait for thickening. If the surface has become an elastic, then marmalade from apples is ready.
  • Hot marmalade is laid in small jars and is closed by conventional covers. It is necessary to store in the cold.

How to prepare a plastic marmalade of apples

Very nice and practical looks of plastic marmalade from apples, which is very convenient to prepare and also conveniently serve on the table. For this it is enough to cut it with a simple or curly knife into small pieces and cut them into any sprinkle.

Required ingredients:

  • 2.5 kg of acidic apples.
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar. For better storage of marmalade, it is best to take a little more sugar.

Description of the cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to wash apples well. If they are purchased, then the peel should be rubbed more carefully, since it is still recommended to boost the fruit puree along with the leather, which contains the most pectin.
  • Next, cut apples on the slices, pre-removing the core.
  • Place all apple slices in a suitable saucepan - on this number of apples, the capacity of about 5 liters is suitable for this number of apples.
  • After that, add 1 cup of water to apples and cover the saucepan with a lid.

  • Relieve apples are needed on slow fire to a soft state. It usually takes up to 30 minutes.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to thoroughly chop apple slices to obtain a fruit puree. Some hostesses knead apples with a spoon or pusher, you can use the submersible blender, which is much more convenient.

  • When you got enough homogeneous mashed potatoes, take the sieve and start to wipe the puree through it. This stage can be skipped if you do not have a desire to mess around. However, in this case, pieces of peel with apples will be present in marmalade.

  • Next, put the resulting mashed potatoes in the pan and put on a slow fire for boost. First, approve it without sugar, and when the puree starts to become thicker, add the specified amount of sugar sand with constant stirring.
  • It is quite difficult to specify the boolean time, as it depends on apples, pots and many other factors. It is necessary to focus on the status of a puree - if it starts to flush from a spoon, you can shoot from the stove.
  • Hot fruit puree put on a baking sheet that was covered with parchment so that the layer thickness is not more than 1 cm. The surface is well smoothed and put the marmalade in the oven preheated to 90-100 degrees for about 2 hours.

  • After the outlet of this time, turn off the oven, slightly drive the door and leave the marmalade to cool inside.
  • After that, on top we cover the reservoir paper for baking, we turn over, remove the bottom sheet of parchment and again we send marmalade into the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees.
  • It is recommended to leave a delicacy on drying even about 1 day.
  • Next, marmalade can be cut into a knife. Store is recommended in a dry box at low temperature.

Apple marmalade with gelatin - Cooking recipe

Gelatin is a thickener, which is used to obtain a jelly state of marmalade. Most often this substance, the mistress uses if the apples are sweet and do not contain a lot of pectin in their composition. Consider a detailed description of the preparation of marmalade from apples with gelatin.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of acidic or sweet apples.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 3 spoons gelatin with a small slide.

Description of preparation:

  • Before cooking marmalade from apples at home, it is necessary to prepare fruit. First of all, the apples you choose need to be rinsed well under running water.
  • After that, with the help of a knife, clean the peel. It is not necessary to throw it out, since it is in the peel containing a large number of pectin. Put cleaning into a separate saucepan.
  • Apples cut in half and remove the core, then cut the pulp into small pieces.
  • At the next stage, pour the apple peel with 2 glasses of water and put a saucepan on the stove. Sliced \u200b\u200bapples are also poured with a small amount of water and placed on fire.
  • Cooking it is necessary to the soft state of the apples, after which the water remains neatly merge, and the mass itself shares in the puree.
  • Next in the puree, add a decoction of cleanings, prehending it, all mix and put on fire again.
  • Slowly fine trickle pour sugar in mashed potatoes, mix and boil up to thickening. Usually this procedure takes about 40-90 minutes.
  • At this time, you need to prepare gelatin. To do this, place it in a small container and fill it with half a cup of cold water. After that, he needs time for swelling.
  • Gelatin is heated on slow heat until its complete dissolution, but it is impossible to bring the mass to a boil. Further, it flows into the finished and slightly cooled fruit puree.
  • The mass is thoroughly stirred and bottled according to pre-prepared forms. Many prefer to pour on the babysitters, and then cut the marmalade with a knife and dangle it in Sugar.

Apple Marmalade in Malityvark

Many hosts at their disposal in the kitchen have a huge number of modern technology, including multicookers. Marmalade from apples can be quite simple and much faster to prepare in a slow cooker. Consider a description of all stages of cooking.

Required ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of acidic apples, such as "Antonovka" varieties.
  • 750 grams of sugar.
  • 25 ml of lemon juice.
  • 2/3 teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, you need to do apples. They are thoroughly wash, wipe dry with paper towels.
  • It is not necessary to clean the peel, as it contains a large amount of gelling substance.
  • Divide the apples half, remove the core and cut into small slices.
  • Next, put all the cut apples into a slow cooker and set out the "extinguishing" cooking mode.

  • After approximately 55 minutes, we get woven apples and squeeze them in a puree with a spoon or a submersible blender.
  • After receiving a homogeneous mass, we return mashed potatoes into a slow cooker, add sugar and cinnamon with lemon juice, mix thoroughly and again exhibit the "quenching" mode. We continue to boost apples about 1.5 hours.

  • Periodically, the mass must be stirred. When a groove from a spoon will remain on the surface, marmalade is ready.
  • Boil the fruit puree on the prepared forms and let it cool.

How to cook marmalade from apples without sugar - step-by-step recipe

People who are impossible sweet, also want to pamper themselves with fragrant and delicious delicacies. Without problems, you can make marmalade from apples without sugar, where you can use both sour apples and summer sweet.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg of apples.
  • 30 grams gelatin.
  • 1/3 glasses of water.

Description of preparation:

  • On this recipe, you can also prepare marmalade from apples with agar-agar, which is also considered a thickener. In this case, you can use apple puree or apple juice.
  • First of all, it is necessary to rinse the apples thoroughly, you do not need to remove the peel. Just cut apples into two halves, remove the core and divide on the slices.
  • Place the slices on the baking sheet and send a preheated oven for about 30 minutes.
  • During this time, apples will become soft. Give them cool, then with the help of the sieve, wipe them in a cream-consistency mashed pot.
  • Put the fruit puree in a pot with a thick bottom and on slow fire, it needs to be evaporated to thickening.
  • At this time, soak the gelatin in half a glass of water and put a swell on 40 minutes, after which the gelatin is heated to a boil and pour into the thickened and slightly cooled apple puree.
  • All thoroughly mix and spread the marmalade on the babysitters or in the molds. Give it to cool at room temperature for several days and can be treated with delicious and useful delicacy.

Frame and apples marmalade

Very often, other fruits and berries add to apples to make the taste of marmalade more rich and fragrant. Many hostesses prefer to add plums and quince, which gives gentleman a small sourness and tartness.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of acidic apples.
  • 0.5 kg of drain.
  • 0.5 kg of quince.
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.
  • 6 glasses of water.

Description of the cooking process:

  • Rinse all fruits well, then cut them on the slices and remove the cores. The peel is not necessary.
  • Next, put all the slices in the saucepan layers, speaking their half of all sugar.
  • After that, fill it all with water and put the container on the stove. Cooking fruits need until they become soft.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to obtain a creamy texture of fruit mashed potatoes. For this, a slightly cooled fruit needs to wipe thoroughly through the sieve.
  • The resulting puree shifts again into the pan, the remaining sugar is added and everything is well mixed.
  • Puree need to put on a slow fire, on which the future marmalade is boosted before thickening.
  • At the end, a thin layer lay down on the tray or poured into forms. After frozen, the subtle layer can be rolled in rolls.

How to cook marmalad from apples and pears

For this recipe, you can prepare marmalade from apples with pectin, which is a vegetable analogue of gelatin. Therefore, such a delicacy may have vegetarians.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 large apples of the Antonovka variety or Grennie Smith.
  • 2 big pears.
  • 1 cup of water. If marmalade is preparing for adults, then instead of water you can use white dry wine.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon of pectin.
  • Hammer cinnamon, carnation, ground nutmeg - to taste.
  • Lemon juice - to taste.

Description of preparation:

  • First of all, it is thoroughly rinse apples and pears, cut half and remove all cores with seeds.
  • After that, cut them into small pieces and put in a saucepan or a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  • Add a glass of water or a glass of wine to fruits, then put the container on the middle fire.
  • Bring everything to a boil, reduce the fire and extinguish about 25-30 minutes - slicing apples and pears should be soft.
  • At the next stage, fruits must be pierced with a submersible blender or simply spoon, and then wipe through a sieve to a creamy state.
  • Next, add all spices to the fruit puree to the taste, as well as lemon juice. Mix well and add half of the specified sugar.
  • Put the container with a puree on a slow fire and boil it.
  • The remaining half of the sugar mix from 1 tsp. Pectin so that he does not stick into a lump when adding to marmalade.
  • After about 15-20 mnut, remove the puree from the fire, add sugar to it with pectin when stirring, and then beat the whole mass of the wedge. Put on the stove again, beat a couple more minutes before dissolving sugar, and then bring the fruit puree to a boil.
  • At the last stage, run the marmalade on suitable forms and let it cool first at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator. Cut the finished marmalade into small pieces that can be cut into sugar or in a coconut chips.

Marmalade from apples cake - a detailed description of cooking

You can pay attention to this recipe if you made apple juice and you have left waste, i.e. Cake apples. Even this product can be prepared delicious and useful marmalade.

Required ingredients:

  • 600 grams of apples.
  • 400 grams of sugar.


  • Wipe the existing cake through the sieve to remove all solid elements and seeds.
  • Next, add sugar to the resulting creamy puree, all mix well and put on the stove.
  • Cooking fruit puree is needed on slow fire about 1 hour before thickening.
  • When marmalade is ready, run it on the prepared forms. Such such a delicacy is recommended in the open air of about 2-3 days.

Apple Marmalade - Video

Marmalade is a favorite delicacy, which without any problems can be prepared independently at home using apples. Such a marmalade will not only be a full-fledged treating to tea, but also a beautiful stuffing for baking and fragrant harvesting for the winter.


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