
How to make wine from thorns at home. Recipes for making homemade wine from thorn step by step with photo

How to make wine from thorns at home. Recipes for making homemade wine from thorn step by step with photo
Preparation of wine from thorn at home. Do -it -yourself home wine recipes with yeast and without yeast.

Home wines and flooding are a separate category of alcoholic beverages, which is distinguished not only by special taste, but also with some sincerity. Raw materials for the preparation of wine can be not only traditional grapes or cherries, but also plums. It is difficult to call plum wine an elite drink, but its chic taste and delicate aroma is guaranteed to be appreciated. An interesting homemade alcoholic drink is obtained from sour-sour-slightly tart berries of wild plum-thorns.  But how to cook wine from Tern at home will tell this article.

Preparation of wine from thorn - preparation of raw materials for a drink

To obtain good wine, it is important not only compliance with the stages of the technological process, but also the use of high -quality raw materials.

Secrets Production of Wine from Tern

  • To obtain a really delicious homemade wine from the thorough, it is necessary to use ripe and soft fruits. The immature berries of wild plum are too tart, so the taste of the finished drink can turn out to be sharp.
  • If, nevertheless, the berries are not quite ripe, subject them to preliminary freezing. Such a simple procedure will improve their taste.
  • Washing fruits is strictly not recommended, because the yeast necessary for fermentation of the wine drink is located on the surface of the plum.
  • To prepare homemade wine from wild plum, it is better to remove the bone, because the drink can have pronounced bitterness. If you are fans of drinks with a almond flavor and aroma, the core of the fruits can be left. Before making wine from thorn with bones, remove them from the berries. Spend half, and split the other part and remove the nuclear vagues. Add them before the initial (two -day) fermentation of the plum mask.
  • Ternovka has a small amount of her own yeast, therefore, dried grapes are added during the preparation of wine - raisins.
  • The most difficult stage in the preparation of home wine from wild plum (thorna) is to obtain juice from berries. Difficulties are provoked by a high pectin content in the fruits of the terminas. This substance gives the pulp of fruits a jelly -like consistency. It is best to skip the fruits through a meat grinder or knead with your hands, and then squeeze the juice. Also, slightly frozen berries are given well.
  • The fruits should be kneaded in glass or enameled dishes, but in no case in stainless steel containers.
  • At the same time, wild drain is characterized by a high sugar content (up to 13%), so it is necessary to additionally add sweet sand in minimal amounts (without loss of fermentation intensity). The exact amount is best adjusted in the process of preparing wine.
  • Tern is practically record holders in the degree of saturation (density) - from a bucket of not pressed good berries, thorns can be obtained up to 30 liters of wine.

The finished semi -dry or semi -sweet wine goes well with both meat dishes and desserts.

How and when to collect a thorn for wine

Two key factors of saturated and at the same time soft taste of thorine berries are a sufficient degree of their maturity and a short effect of the cold. Therefore, the best time to collect fruits of wild plum is the period of the first frosts, when all the berries are already ripe and begin to fall.

  1. Collection of terminas. In the course of this process, try to take fruit mainly from branches, and not from the ground. So you will avoid the need for further washing of the berries.
  2. Next, the crop is sorted out, removing berries with traces of damage, rot and mold.
  3. After the wild plum, lay out a thin layer on the prepared litter and leave for several days under direct sunlight. During this time, the fruits will have time to get slightly and enriched with wild yeast. It is their number that determines the intensity of fermentation of the future wine, and therefore the quality of the finished drink - taste, aroma and a unique bouquet.

Wine from Tern: Recipes for making a drink at home

Before preparing the wine, calculate the required amount of sugar. This component is very important in obtaining delicious and high -quality home wine. The fortress of the finished alcoholic beverage also depends on its quantity. The maximum permissible amount of sugar per bucket of berries (10 l) is 2.5 kg. This is the maximum amount of sugar that can split alcohol. At the exit you will receive wine with a fortress of 15 - 17%. They will remain more sugar, turning an alcoholic drink into a liquor. Using 1 - 1.5 kg of sweet sand for the same bucket (10 l) of berries will give a light dry drink.

A simple recipe for home wine from thorns

To get wine, prepare the following ingredients:

  • wild plum fruits - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 3.5 - 4 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • raisins - 300 g.

Cooking simple wine from thorn:

  • You leave the collected terminovka for 2 days so that the fungi living on its surface multiply.
  • Next, free the berries from the bones. Knead the fruits manually or using a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous puree mass. If you decide to drown the berries with your hands, take care of their purity. Add water in mashed potatoes.
  • Before putting wine from thorns, the plum mass should start wandering. To do this, send the resulting mashed potatoes to a glass or enameled container, add unwashed raisins and half a portion of sugar. Mix everything.
  • Cover the dishes with gauze and leave for 2 days. During this time, it is necessary to stir the plum mass (strictly wooden device) 2 to 3 times a day, lowering the pulp into the liquid.
  • When fermentation begins, the juice should be separated. To do this, use a press or sieve. Place the resulting cake in gauze and additionally express the remains of the juice.
  • Pour the juice into the bottle. Add another 1 kg of sugar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and install the water survey.  This can be either a rubber glove with a pair of holes (pierced with a needle), and a design with a silicone tube along which the gas is diverted. One end of the hose “looks” into the bottle through the hole in the kapron cover, in the other into a glass of water. The location of the tube into the lid should be tight.

  • Transfer the vessel to a dark place. Leave it for a week at a temperature of 18 ° - 23 ° C.
  • Next, add the remaining sugar. To make it better to dissolve, pour part (2 - 3 cups) of the wort into a separate dish, and then add sugar. Pour the syrup back into the bottle. Mix the wort.
  • Install the water seizure back and leave the wine to roam for another 1.5 months.  When fermentation is over, the gas stops standing out. When preparing wine from thornus with a glove, the latter is blown away. Such a picture suggests that the alcoholic drink must be filtered and left to ripen.
  • Using a sieve and gauze, strain the young wine. Next, pour the drink into clean and dry bottles.
  • Crush the containers and send to a cool place (10 ° - 15 ° C) for 3 - 4 months. If during quiet fermentation the precipitate will form again, the wine will need to be periodically filtered.

Thorny wine recipe without yeast

This recipe has a minimum set of ingredients and a simple home wine manufacturing technology.

To get wine, prepare the following ingredients:

  • wild plum berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 liter for each kg of pulp.

Preparation of wine from Garden Tern:

If the Ternovka berries were collected before the onset of frost, subject them to preliminary freezing at home.

  • The beginning of the preparation of wine is associated with the removal of the seeds. If desired, part of the seeds can nevertheless be used to prepare an alcoholic drink to give it a slight almond flavor (bitterness) and aroma. If you are indifferent to almonds, it is better not to use bones at all.
  • Ripe prepared fruits until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Each plum should turn into mashed potatoes. To do this, you can use a meat grinder, a wooden push or your own hands.
  • Pour the resulting mass with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1. Mix the ingredients.
  • Cover the container with puree with gauze and send in dark and warm (temperature 18 ° - 25 ° C) a place for 2 to 3 days - before the start of active fermentation of the plum mass. In this period of time, do not forget to mix the mashed potatoes in the liquid every 6 - 8 hours using a wooden spoon or shoulder blade.
  • When the peel and pulp begin to actively separate from the juice, and the bubbles will appear on the surface of the plum mass, it is time to strain the wort. To do this, use a mesh and all the same gauze that covered the container with berries.  Pour the wort into a bottle for fermentation. The liquid should not occupy more than 3/4 of the volume of the vessel.
  • The time has come for sugar. Its amount depends on the sweetness and fortress of the drink that you want to get. So for cooking:
    • dry wine from thorns per 1 liter of plum wort requires 150 - 250 g of sugar;
    • for a half -sweet and dessert drink, 300 - 350 g of sweet sand will be required.
  • Remember, for high -quality fermentation, you should not add all the sugar at once. The first portion is half the total volume. Next, mix the mass thoroughly - the sugar must completely dissolve.
  • Install the water seizure. Cross the container into heat (20 ° - 26 ° C), there should be no light access.
  • Apply the rest of the sugar in parts (25-30%) every 5 - 6 days. To do this, care for the hydraulic recovery, cast a glass of juice, add sugar to it and mix thoroughly. Next, pour the syrup back into the wort.
  • The total fermentation time is 40 - 60 days. Follow the "behavior" of the water plant.
  • Next, it must be filtered to separate the precipitate, and poured into clean bottles and clogged. If the indicated time has passed, and the fermentation process continues, the precipitate is still recommended to be drained so that the wine does not receive not very pleasant bitterness.
  • Young wine ripens in a horizontal (!) Position of at least 2 - 3 months.

The fortress of the finished drink is 9 - 12%. Shelf life - up to 3 years in a cellar or refrigerator.

Thorny wine recipe with yeast

This recipe involves the use of additional "fungi". This method of preparing home wine is also quite popular, because wild plum cannot boast of a large amount of yeast.

To get wine, prepare the following ingredients:

  • ternovka berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 6 l;
  • dried grapes (raisins) - 200 g.

Attention! Good raisins are easy to find out by a silver plaque on its surface. Any other raisins will not give high -quality fermentation.

How to make wine from Tern:

  • The use of raisins as yeast allows you to wash the fruits of wild plum. But the dried grapes should never be washed.
  • Start the preparation of syrup (from 2 liters of water and 2 kg of sugar). Connect the components and send the container to the fire. When the composition is boiled, reduce the fire and continue to cook. Do not forget to constantly shoot the prevailing foam. When the latter no longer appears, the syrup is ready. Cool it to room temperature.
  • Bring the remaining water to a boil. Pour her Ternovka with her. Cook the berries over low heat until the skin is burst on them (no more than 10 minutes).
  • Move berries, a decoction and a third of the syrup into a tap container (filling no more than 3/4). Add raisins. Mix the ingredients and install the water supply to the bottle.
  • If everything is done correctly, after 12 - 24 hours you will see that fermentation has begun - a foamy hat and bubbles will appear on the surface of the composition.
  • After 7 days, add the remaining syrup to the Swer. Mix everything and install the water survey back.
  • Place a bottle in a dark and warm place.

The fermentation process on average lasts 50 days. One of the signs of ready -made young wine is Tern settled to the bottom of the berries. Gas formation will also stop and the wine will light a little. Next, the young wine is filtered (to remove the sediment), poured into clean bottles and tightly closed. The duration of the ripening of thorns is from 3 to 8 months in a dark cool place.

If you do not have enough sweets after the wine sample, add a small amount of sugar. In this case, the drink must be left under the water plant for another 2 weeks.

Ternary wine - Punishment "Ternovka"

Preparation of a stronger alcoholic drink made of thorns - thorbated nasal - is carried out with the addition of alcohol.

To get wine, prepare the following ingredients:

  • ternovka - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • vodka (moonshine or alcohol) - 1 l;
  • muscular nut - at will (no more than a pinch).

Terna Wines recipe:

  • Wash the wild plums and free from the bones. When preparing the filing, the moment is very important, because as a result of contact with alcohol, the bones distinguish a toxic substance - synical acid.
  • You transfer the suitable pulp to the bank. Add a pinch of nutmeg.
  • Pour alcohol with high (40%) alcohol with alcohol. Close the can with a kapron lid.
  • In this form, in a dark and cool place, a mixture of terminas and vodka is stored for 2 weeks. In the first week, the composition should be shaken daily.
  • After this time, filter the drink, delaying the pulp in the gauze.
  • Add sugar (or honey) to the purified composition. Leave the composition in a dark place for another 3 days.
  • The filing is ready for use. The shelf life of Ternovka is no more than 5 years.

The fortress of the finished alcoholic drink is 25-30 °.



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