
How to cook the Tatar Balish. Step -by -step recipes for Tatar Balish with meat, potatoes, rice. How to cook sweet balis - photo

How to cook the Tatar Balish. Step -by -step recipes for Tatar Balish with meat, potatoes, rice. How to cook sweet balis - photo
How to cook Tatar Balish with meat - recipes with photos. Sweet Tatar Balish. How to make the dough for the Tatar Balish.

The kitchen of any country in the world boasts just a huge number of various dishes that are the property of the country and national pride. This is due to the fact that such dishes and recipes do not have such analogues around the world, which is why such culinary masterpieces are called national dishes. Tatar cuisine is rightfully considered one of the brightest and most extensive. In this country, in its most diverse corners you can find dozens of different recipes of the same dish, which makes national dishes the edges so diverse and recognizable. The Tatar Balish cake is a festive national dish that is a kind of baked cauldron with a tasty and juicy filling consisting of potatoes and meat.

In this article, we consider the features of the preparation of Tatar Balish with meat and other fillings, as well as describe several options for kneading the dough for this dish. We give detailed step -by -step recipes for a baked pie with juicy filling.

Features of the preparation of the Tatar Balisha - Basic Rules

Traditional Tatar cuisine is incredibly diverse and the number of dishes in it is simply huge. When traveling around the country, it is surprised to find that the Tatars in each region have various secrets and recipes for the preparation of certain dishes. Baking and meat dishes are the basis of the entire national cuisine of this country, and the baking is not only sweet. One of the most original dishes that embodied both baking and meat is the Tatar Balish cake. This is a classic traditional Tatar dish, which is most often prepared for big holidays. Many Tatar families consider the preparation of Balish a certain family tradition.

The Tatar Balish has several more names, including Belish, Balish, Bahalish. All these are the errors of translation from the Tatar language. This baked pie was the name from the Tatar phrase “Zur Balish” - this is what the dish is called in their homeland. Translated, it denotes a "big pie." In reality, Balish can be both small and very large, open and closed, it differs in the filling. Often you can find the Balish Higher Attestation Recipes - this is a miniature copy of a large traditional pie, which is often called pies.

Balish is essentially an ordinary pie, but everyone is surprised by the presentation. This dish can be described as follows: an edible baked cauldron, inside of which there is a juicy filling that closes with an edible lid. Serve such a pie not in portions, but is applied with a spoon. Traditionally, Balish is baked in a tandoor, however, with proper observance of all the nuances of cooking, such a delicious pie can easily be prepared in a regular oven. At the same time, the very preparation of the Tatar Balish is quite simple, the main thing is to just fill the hand and the delightful national dish will turn out to be tasty and juicy.

Consider the main features of the preparation of Balisha:

  • First of all, it is worth distinguishing between two types of such a pie: Zur Balish and Vak Balish. As described above, the first is a large pie, and the second is rather a pie made using the same technology.
  • Such a baked pie is prepared from completely different dough. Traditionally, in his homeland, the hostesses bake him from the fresh dough on the water, which can perfectly keep the shape to keep the filling. You can also use yeast dough, but in this case, cooking will take a little more time. You can prepare a Tatar pie from kefir or milk, using margarine or butter. In any case, in the end you will get a very tasty and hearty pie that will delight households not only during the holidays, but will also be a great dish for a regular dinner in the family circle.
  • In the original classic recipe for the Tatar Balish, beef and potatoes are used as a filling. However, now you can see a lot of deviations from the folk recipe. The housewives began to put in a pie as a filling any type of meat, including goose or chicken, various cereals, for example, rice, as well as cabbage, radish, pumpkin. You can prepare a sweet Tatar Balish using raisins, dried apricots, sweet rice.
  • The feed is unique in this pie. From the dough, the base of a pie with a diameter of 15-25 cm is formed, on top of which the filling is laid out, after which it is covered with another piece of dough and shaken along the edge. At the very end of baking, the lid is cut at the top and a pre -cooked broth is poured inside the pie. The upper part of the pie is divided between all family members and it is used instead of the usual bread. The filling is supplied with a spoon in hot form or portioned after cooling. The presentation of such a cake is considered a very responsible business, so at home she is trusted with the most respected family members.

Test for Tatar Balish: Preparation options

As already noted above, today there are quite a lot of options for cooking Balish cake. Consider several recipes for the dough for this national dish that can be used with a very different filling.

Fresh dough for Tatar Balish

The following products are used for its preparation:

  • 200 ml of boiled pure water.
  • 150 ml of refined lean oil.
  • 4-5 glasses of flour.


  • Take a large container and pour boiled water into it.
  • Next, add sunflower oil and sneak the flour, it is best not to use the entire flour norm, as it may need a little more and less. It all depends on the specific variety and the composition of the flour.
  • Pour a little salt, after which the dough is mixed until smooth.
  • Next, you can proceed directly to the formation of Balish cake.

Yeast dough for Tatar Balish

The Tatar Balish cake can also be baked from yeast dough, but this process will take a little longer, as you need to wait for the dough.

Necessary products:

  • 100 grams of high -quality butter, it is better to use with fat content from 80%.
  • 3-3.5 cups of bakery flour.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 200 ml of kefir.
  • 10 grams of dry yeast.
  • Salt to taste.


  • It is necessary to take a fairly large container and knock out one egg and one yolk into it.
  • Add a little salt and beat the egg mixture well.
  • Next, connect the warm, but not hot, kefir and dry yeast separately. Mix everything well, cover with clean and towel and leave for about 10-15 minutes so that the yeast starts working.
  • After a while, a warm melted oil and sifted flour must be added to the container.
  • The dough is well kneaded and sent to the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, after which you can proceed to the preparation of the Tatar Balish.

Sour cream for Tatar Balish

From such a test, you can also prepare a delicious and juicy Balish cake.

Necessary products:

  • 500 ml of sour cream.
  • 250 grams of good high -quality butter with fat content of more than 80%.
  • 1 kg of bakery flour.
  • Salt to taste.


  • Pour sour cream into a large container and connect it with softened butter, add salt and knead everything well.
  • Next, sore flour into the resulting mass and knead the elastic and supple dough.
  • After that, the dough is divided into the right number of parts from which the Tatar pie is formed.

Variant of kefir dough for Tatar Balisha

Necessary ingredients:

  • 100 grams of butter with fat content from 80%.
  • 125 ml of kefir.
  • 1 egg.
  • 500 grams of flour.
  • 1 tsp Salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder for dough.


  • Pre -place the butter in the freezer so that it grabs a little.
  • Next, rub the oil into a large bowl on a coarse grater. It can also be chopped with a knife.
  • Add the egg to the clock, pour kefir and pour the salt, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Next, suture flour and baking powder, knead the dough and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, after which you can start cooking the pie.

Kefir and sour cream for Tatar Balish

Necessary products:

  • 150 ml of kefir.
  • 150 ml of sour cream.
  • 450 grams of bakery flour.
  • 1 tsp baking powder, a pinch of salt.

Preparation of dough:

  • Take a deep container and combine sour cream and kefir in it.
  • Add salt and baking powder, then sereth the flour and carefully knead the dough.
  • The dough must be removed in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before cooking the Balish cake.

How to cook Tatar Balish - step -by -step recipes of a national dish

The Tatar Balish is a tasty and very original dish, the recipes of which there are a large number. We give a detailed description of several options for cooking such a pie with different filling.

Tatar Balish with meat and potatoes - a recipe with a step -by -step description

Consider the classic recipe for cooking balis with potatoes and beef.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 750 grams of flour.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 glass of sour cream.
  • 0.5 cups of kefir.
  • 150 grams of butter.
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt.
  • 1 tsp repaid soda.
  • 1.5 kg of soft beef meat.
  • 1.5 kg of potatoes.
  • 2 large bulbs.
  • Pepper to taste.
  • 1 cup of finished broth.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the dough for the Tatar Balish cake.
  • To do this, take a rather large container and beat in it a chicken egg with salt.
  • After that, add sour cream and kefir to the egg mixture, as well as slant soda, vegetable oil and softened butter. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • See you bakery flour and add it to the rest of the components, knead the dough.
  • Divide the dough into 4 parts: one large for the base of the pie, 2 a little smaller and 1 very small. Sample proportions are indicated in the photo.

  • Take a large piece of dough and roll it on the table in a circle. It is not necessary to do too thin a layer, it can break.
  • After that, take a heat -resistant shape or pan without a handle and put a rolled piece of dough into it so that the edges hang.
  • Next, take up the filling. Clean the potatoes and cut it with small cubes. Beefs are also cut into the same cubes as potatoes. Instead of beef, you can take lamb.
  • Clean and cut on the onion cubes.
  • Mix all the ingredients of the filling thoroughly and put in the center of the form on the first half of the dough.

  • Roll the second piece of dough into a thin layer and put on top of the filling, bend the edges of the base of the pie and tightly pinch the dough, as shown in the photo.

  • Next, roll out another piece of dough and with the help of a knife make cuts to then decorate our Balish pie.
  • Put the rolled dough over the central part and make a recess in the very center so that the filling is visible.
  • From the smallest piece of dough, make a small lid and close it with a hole.

  • With melted oil, lubricate the top of the Tatar cake and put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for about 90 minutes.
  • After that, take out the pie, carefully open the lid and pour a glass of broth into the filling. Close the lid again and put the pie in the oven for another 45-60 minutes.
  • The tasty and fragrant Balish pie is ready.

Tatar Balish recipe with duck meat and potatoes

The Tatar Balish cake can be prepared not only from beef or lamb meat. For juiciness and greater aroma, many housewives add duck meat to the filling. Consider the step -by -step preparation of Balish with a duckling.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 500 grams of flour.
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  • 150 ml of boiled and chilled water.
  • 0.5 tsp soda.
  • Soft beef meat - 1 kg.
  • Duck meat, you can take one thigh and half the breast.
  • 2-2.5 kg of potatoes.
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Ground pepper, salt - to taste.
  • Bay leaf.


  • First of all, we will begin to prepare the filling. To do this, the beef and duck must be cut into small cubes or arbitrary pieces.
  • After that, peel and cut the same cubes potatoes and onions.
  • So that the potato does not darken until the dough is prepared, it is best to pour it with water.
  • Next, knead the dough for the Tatar pie. Take a large container and pour water and vegetable oil into it, add soda, mix everything well.
  • Sut the flour and add it to the mixture, knead the elastic dough. If the dough turns out to be tight, then during preparation the base may crack and the entire broth will result in the shape.
  • Divide the dough into three parts, as shown in the photo.

  • Cover the dough with a towel and let it rest a little.
  • Next, we will prepare the filling. We drain water from potatoes, mix it with meat, onions, salt, pepper and bay leaf.

  • We roll out the largest piece of dough into a layer, which is larger than the diameter of the baking dish. The thickness of the rolled dough should be at least 3 mm. We spread the dough on the shape so that its edges hang.
  • Next, lay out part of the filling, then a layer of duck and again the rest of the meat filling. You should get a small slide.

  • Next, we roll out the average piece of dough in the same layer. Raise the edges of the base upward, slightly pinching them so that the filling does not fall out. We spread our future cover in the center and fasten it well with the help of fingers with the base of the pie.

  • In the upper part of the pie in the center or side we make a small hole. From the remaining small piece of dough, we make a ball and cover it with a hole.
  • The oven must be heated to 180-200 degrees, and then put a pie in it.
  • Check Balish regularly, opening the lid and watching the broth. If it is not enough, in the future you can add a little.
  • After readiness, lubricate the pie with melted butter. Cover the Tatar Balish with a towel and let it rest for about 30 minutes. A delicious pie is ready.

Tatar Balish recipe with beef minced meat and potatoes - step -by -step description

Tasty and fairly original Balish cake can be prepared from minced meat. It is preferable to use beef, but you can mix a few types of meat.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 500 grams of flour.
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  • 150 ml of water.
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • 500 grams of beef minced meat.
  • Potatoes - 5 pieces.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • 1 cup of broth.

Cooking process:

  • First you need to prepare the dough. Take a voluminous bowl and pour boiled chilled water into it. Add vegetable oil and salt to it, mix.
  • See the flour and intervene in the liquid part, knead a good elastic dough.

  • Next, you can give the dough a little rest and start cooking the filling. Clean and cut the potatoes with cubes about 0.5-1 cm. Also, finely chop onions.
  • In one large container, mix the potatoes and onions, add minced meat to them, mix everything thoroughly. Salt and pepper the future filling of the pie.
  • After that, we take the dough and divide it into two parts in size, equal to the proportion of 1 to 3. Most will become the basis and walls of the Balish pie, and the smaller piece will serve as a lid, decoration and small pieces for closing the hole.
  • Roll out a larger piece of dough and gently transfer it to the prepared form. The edges of the dough should hang from the walls.
  • We spread the filling in the shape. You should get a small slide.
  • Next, take a second piece of dough and pinch off a small bun from it. Divide the rest into two identical pieces. Roll one of them to get the lid.
  • Pin the edges of the base and cover the filling on top with a rolled piece of dough. Press well with your hands.
  • From the rest of the dough, you can make jewelry for the Tatar Balish to your taste. Do not forget to make a hole in the center and close it with a ball of dough.
  • Melt a piece of butter and lubricate the top of the pie, and then put it in a bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for about 1.5 hours.
  • Shortly before readiness, take out the pie and pour the broth into the hole through the hole.

Tatar Balish with rice and dried fruits

As already noted above, the Tatar Balish cake can be prepared with a very different filling, including with sweet. Next, consider a detailed recipe for Balisha with rice and dried fruits.

Necessary ingredients:

  • The dough for this recipe can be used any of the prescriptions proposed above. The total weight of the test should be 500 grams.
  • Round rice - 200 grams.
  • Raisins without bones - 200 grams.
  • Kuraga - 150 grams.
  • Patriotic oil - 60 grams.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vegetable oil-10-15 ml.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, knead the dough according to the recipe you like. For a sweet Balish cake, you can use the dough on sour cream and kefir.
  • Next, measure the right amount of rice and rinse it several times in water until it becomes transparent.
  • After that, pour the rice into the pan and pour water, put on the stove and cook until cooked.
  • Ready rice is thrown back on a colander and must be washed with running water. This is necessary in order to achieve the scattering of rice cereal.
  • We clean raisins and dried apricots, thoroughly with my boiling water for 10 minutes so that the dried fruits are softened and swollen.
  • Next, take a frying pan and put the butter in it, wait until it melts a little and put rice, raisins and dried apricots in a frying pan. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Divide the prepared dough into 2 parts in proportions of about 1 to 3. Remove the most part of the dough into the layer and transfer it to a form that is pre -lubricated with vegetable oil.
  • Put the filling on top and gently lift the edges of the base.
  • Remove the smaller piece of dough into a round layer and put in the center of the pie, combine with the base.
  • From the residues of the dough, you can make a pie decoration.
  • Bake the Tatar Balish with raisins and dried apricots in combination with rice pi 170 degrees for 1 hour.

Tatar Balish with Kuraga - a recipe for a sweet pie

Necessary ingredients:

  • Bolspical oil with fat content from 80% - 250 grams.
  • Sour cream - 250 grams.
  • Bakery flour-600-700 grams.
  • Salt is a pinch.
  • Baking powder for the test - 1 tsp.
  • Kuraga - 200 grams.
  • Sugar - 240 grams.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, knead soft and elastic dough. To do this, take a large container and sift into it half the required flour rate. Add softened butter. Pull everything into the crumb with your hands, then add sour cream and salt, mix everything again.
  • See you the rest of the flour, connect it with baking powder and add to a bowl.
  • Knead the soft dough that does not stick to your hands. Leave him a little rest, covering with a towel.

  • Wash the dried apricots, place it in a blender, add sugar and grind everything together in mashed potatoes.
  • Divide the prepared dough into two parts, one of which is slightly larger.
  • Roll a larger piece of dough into a thin layer and transfer a round shape to a greased oil so that the edges of the base are flush with the walls of the form.
  • Next, put the filling of dried apricots and sugar into the mold.

  • Roll out the second piece of dough, cut a circle from it equal to the diameter of the form and put on top of the filling. Gently pinch the edges of the lid and the base.
  • With the help of a fork, pierce holes in several places. On top, the pie can be additionally sprinkled with sugar.

  • Bake the Tatar Balish with kuraga for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Tatar Balish - photo

To date, on the Internet, you can find just a huge number of recipes for large and small Tatar pies of Balish, one type of which causes an indescribable desire to try to prepare such a masterpiece with your own hands.

The Tatar Balish is a national dish that has long been a cultural heritage and visiting card of the country. It is not difficult to prepare such a culinary masterpiece in your kitchen, the main thing is to clearly observe all the rules of Tatar cuisine.



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