
Permanent aircraft and after meals - reasons. Treatment of exaggeration of air in adults and children - medicines, drugs, folk remedies. Open with air and com in the throat - why?

Permanent aircraft and after meals - reasons. Treatment of exaggeration of air in adults and children - medicines, drugs, folk remedies. Open with air and com in the throat - why?
What to do if the permanent burden is tormented by air? We will discuss the causes and ways to treat air exhaust - what medications take. Treatment of feeding by air by the folk methods.

Which of us did not come across an involuntary emission of air, often with food residues, from the pharynak?! This phenomenon is absolutely normal and if only occasionally occurs, there is no reason for concern. But when the belching becomes your faithful companion, besides accompanied by pain, heartburn, nausea, it makes sense to visit the doctor. What are the causes of pathology, to which consequences it can lead and, most importantly, how to get rid of air belching?

Air external mechanism

Extermination is the process of release of gases with an admixture of food from the stomach, namely from its upper department and esophagus. Such a phenomenon is accompanied by the sound effect and formation of stench.

Extermination often occurs as a result of the use of carbonated waters. After their absorption, the liquid is absorbed in the stomach, and gas comes out. Also cause overtaking overeating and hasty swallowing food. In such conditions, the stomach does not cope with the work, and the eaten products begin to wander and rot, and the resulting belching with a sharp smell appears.

In this case, it does not say anything and arises in response to a permanent factor. However, too frequent repetition of gas output may indicate the development of diseases of internal organs, such as gastritis, dysbacteriosis, gastroesophageal reflux and others. Therefore, in order to find out why the burden arises with air and how to get rid of it, careful diagnosis and adequate treatment is necessary.

On a note! Exciration is present from lovers often chewing a chewing chewing.

A sudden gas release from the stomach can be released with or without it, which largely shows the physiological or pathological origin of belching.

So, if the belching comes out with the "roaring" and the repulsive odor, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, is a reason to turn to the doctor. As a rule, both dyspeptic phenomena are also present at the same time, for example, nausea, abdominal pain.

If the burden of air without smell moves, we are talking about physiological phenomenon with a minimum volume of released air. It occurs extremely rarely and does not cause any discomfort.

Open with air - causes of phenomena

In the stomach, regardless of the overall state of health, there is always a small gas accumulation. Its volume is determined by age used by food, lifestyle.

The reasons for the strong extermination of air are diverse and caused by many factors:

  • Aerophagia - enhanced air capture in the process of eating food. The belching may appear if a person swallows poorly chewed food, talking during this, smokes or drinks food to gas. In this method, the body is simply getting rid of excess gas.
  • Physical activity after the meal. Any loads affect digestion, and if they occur immediately after the meal, the belching arises in response to such interference in their work.
  • Reduced peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Incorrect diet (the predominance of legumes, broccoli, fresh baking).
  • Gastroesophageal reflux (belching one of the symptoms of the disease).
  • Chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, pancreatitis, gallstone pathology, etc.).
  • Stomach stenosis.
  • II and III trimester of pregnancy.
  • Incorrect food culture (overeating, not careful chewing, conversation during meals).
  • Hernia in aperture hole.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Overweight (provoking factor - squeezing the stomach).
  • Enzyme failure (fermentation disruption complicates full-fledged food digestion).

Permanent air belch as a pathological symptom

Updated to a certain point is considered a natural phenomenon, but as soon as it becomes constant, it comes to pathology. An exemption is considered regular, during which there is a frequent and uncontrolled gas outlet or a small portion of food, often with a sharp smell.

Most often, the belching foreshadows serious violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Guess where exactly the violation arose, it can be understood by the belching:

  • Extermination, leaving a terrible taste of non-baking eggs, is observed in extensive grinding processes. Food delay, disruption of its digestion, putrid bacteria provoke the release of a large amount of hydrogen sulfide. Such exemption by air, gravity in the stomach, and sometimes pain may occur with neoplasms of any localization, ulceration of the digestive tract organs, enzyme failure.
  • Acosite belching happens during gastritis or inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is accompanied by the increased acidity of the stomach. Often, the patient with such a diagnosis occurs with air exhaust, pain in the epigastric zone, vomit.

Also, the exhaust air causes:

  • Dysfunction of gallbladder and liver. Regardless of the nature of the disease, the loud separation of gas will be constant. There is also a more accurate symptom: in the morning the burden of air will be accompanied by a bitter flavor.
  • Aerophagia neurotic origin. The patient involuntarily swallows a lot of air, regardless of food intake, which provokes frequent belching without smell and taste. During the stress and strong emotional overexcitation period, this symptom is expensive.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Almost every disease, for example, angina, can manifest itself with an irrepressible belch.

Explorement may also be present in the case of the pathological process of carding cards. Air outlet develops not as a result of spasm muscles, but due to insufficient operation of the cardiac sphincter. The reasons for this pathology are as follows:

  • Lack of cardia.
  • Dyskinesia gallbladder.
  • Herry bag on a diaphragm.
  • Rehabilitation field of surgical intervention.

Varieties of bumping air

Extermination, accompanied by the release of gas together with food, can have a different taste - bitter, neutral, acidic, rotary.

An acidic taste remains if the patient has a hyperactive synthesis of the gastric enzyme or it has too little hydrochloric acid, which causes fermentation. If, in the mouth, a bitter taste in the mouth, perhaps the patient occurs a pathological cast of bile in the esophagus. The rotten smell and the taste - the result of the uncontrolled eating food, which the stomach is not able to digest in time.

When an air belching is disturbed after a meal that does not cause any discomfort, it can be attributed to the category of norm. In compliance with the food culture (thorough chewing, use of natural products, reduce the amount of soda), the belching disappears. If after such measures, the belching does not pass, it is better to make an appointment to the gastroenterologist.

Frequent burden of air and heartburn

The release of gases from the esophagus, which is accompanied by heartburn, often arises against the background of the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (it causes an overestimated acidity of the stomach). This disease is accompanied by a frequent refund of small masses from the stomach in the esophagus, provoking irritation. Often, such an exterior of air causes pain in the hypochondrium, behind the sternum. The patient constantly has an acidic taste, often with an unpleasant odor.

As a rule, heartburn and frequent belching, causes terrible discomfort, which is not standing or suppressed by antioplex drugs. Such a health condition is a signal for a visit to the gastroenterologist. After all, behind a simple belching can hide ulcers, gastritis, as well as cholecystitis or reflux-esophagitis.

Important! Express, heartburn and pain - symptoms that are inherent in ulceated education in the digestive system. Such a triad of signs is disregarding dangerous, because there is always a risk of opening bleeding.

Permanent heartburn, nausea and air belching - frequent pregnancy satellites. Such symptoms may be at the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman is tormented by toxicosis. Massows are strongly damaged by the mucosa of the esophagus, cause burning and spontaneous belching. At the later periods of gestation, this symptomatic arises due to an increase in the uterus, squeezing internal organs, partial closure of the cardiac sphincter. This leads to an involuntary return of food back.

Lovers tightly eat acute food and carbohydrates in large quantities, often experience heartburn and belching. Fix the situation helps a long position standing after another overeating. It helps the use of alkaline water. But these are just emergency measures and without optimizing the diet and complete diagnostics to get rid of belching is unlikely to succeed.

Com in the throat and burden by air

The situation when during the release of air the patient feels a lump in the throat, may arise for various reasons. In some cases, such symptoms happens in chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, but much more often there are completely different factors.

To the greater the lump in the throat and extermination of air provokes the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. So, with its hyperplasia, or in the development of cysts, tumors and nodes, discomfort is felt in the throat not only with belching, but also during the swallowing reflex. In addition, the reason for such complaints may be a neurological disorder, osteochondrosis of the cervical department, the oncological process in the larynx, vegetative dystonia.

Important! The appearance of a coma throat with belching is a good reason to visit the endocrinologist, neurologist, as well as a gastroenterologist.

Air belching and bloating

When there is also a bloating to the belching, each person begins to feel not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Although this phenomenon is considered physiological, but its public manifestation is not accepted.

On a note! Swimming or meteorism - excessive formation of gases in the intestine. The reason for this is an infallible digestion of products (for example, milk, fruit) with the subsequent development of the fermentation process and the release of gases from the rectum.

Often this condition is caused by a violation of microflora. Razing cause - antibiotic therapy, poor use of fermented dairy products. Eliminate meteorism and frequent exhaust air can be independently by improving lifestyle, pose a rational menu. Also cope with the dysbacteriosis can be a course of probiotics.

Open with air during pregnancy

Regular appearance of belching is observed in the gestation period, especially in women in the last trimester. The baby is already quite large for this deadline, and has a strong pressure on the entire digestive tract. Therefore, a woman constantly feels the severity in the stomach and belching by air.

You do not need to worry about this, but also ignore symptoms is not recommended. It is better to go to the doctor and if you need to pass a survey. After all, the belching, accompanied by a loud sound, can talk about the development of diffragenic hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, neurosis, pancreatitis.

Baby Open

Until the year, the baby belching is caused by an immature digestive system. During feeding, the child swallows a lot of air, which is soon released. And after feeding, he often jershits meal surplus, since the imperfect gastrointestinal tract is unable to work above the norm.

In older children, belching may cause many diseases:

  • Incorrect meals
  • Adenoids.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Otitis.
  • Pathological salivation.
  • Dental problems.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Congenital cardia anomaly.

Diagnostics of regular airborne air

Determine the cause of belching is not so easy. Sometimes you have to go through a long and deep diagnosis to have the opportunity to choose treatment.

Full patient examination includes research:

  1. Analysis of biological fluids (blood, urine).
  2. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (visual inspection of internal organs).
  3. Determination of electrolytes in venous blood.
  4. Ezophagotonokimography (assessment of the performance of the cardiac sphincter).
  5. Definition of pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori in the body.
  6. X-ray study (to exclude neoplasms).
  7. Ezophagofibroscopy (study of the fullness of the cardia function).
  8. Determination of acidity in the stomach.
  9. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Open with air: treatment and prevention

To successfully get rid of belching, it is necessary to understand which factor it causes and completely eliminate its influence. In the case of serious diseases of the internal organs, a specific treatment is carried out, which constitutes the doctor individually. If the belching is not a symptom of pathology, but simply appeared as a result of an improper lifestyle, eliminate it very easily.

To make sure of frequent belching forever, you need to stick to such rules:

  1. Carefully and in a relaxed atmosphere, chew food. Any distracting moments and a hurry - your most dangerous enemies in this matter.
  2. Refuse the chewing of the gum, drinking alcohol, and, of course, smoking.
  3. Twist a minimum consumption of soda.
  4. Try not to eat products provoking gas formation (peas, cabbage, milk, asparagus).
  5. Do not overeat: Eat often, but small portions.
  6. Make food intake mode and stick it strictly.
  7. After eating, try to move more, and not sit or lie.

With the appearance of heartburn or discomfort in the abdomen, you can take some medicines for air bumping. So, to reduce acidity "Almagel", "Maaloks", Renny. In order to improve the digestion of food, enzyme preparations are "Mezim", "Pancreatin". If pain occurs, especially in the presence of ulcerative damage to the mucous membrane, dents is shown, "omeprazole", "Ranitidine". Sometimes we need to receive laxatives - "Normolakta", "Dufalak".

Important! Reception of any preparations from belching should be carried out under the control of the doctor.

Treatment of exaggeration of folk remedies

Folk methods will help to remove the folk methods:

  • Goat Milk - Daily use of one glasses of fresh milk for several months improves the functioning of the tract and eliminates the belch.
  • Exercise on the back - a simple charging helps to eliminate an unpleasant symptom. You need to stay on the back, lift your legs 45⁰ and hold them in this position 1-3 minutes. It is recommended to do 3-5 approaches at a time.
  • The seed of flax - seeds need to be fed in the thermos (3 st. L. Per 1 l liquid), insisted and drink 30 minutes before eating three times a day. Disposable dose - ¼ cup, treatment course is at least a month.
  • Sugar with ether of cloves - twice a day to use a piece of sugar, to which 2-3 drops of cloves are buried. Treatment is held 30 days.

The treatment of exemptions in adults and children should be carried out only by appointing a doctor. It is dangerous to ignore this symptom, because there may be a dangerous disease. Pass the extinguishing treatment on time and be healthy.

Video "How to get rid of belching"


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