
How to become a vegetarian. What we eat vegetarians

How to become a vegetarian. What we eat vegetarians
Clear mind and awaken a desire for healthy nutrition will help vegetarianism.

The wishes to become a real vegetarian can accompany many factors: a reverent attitude to animals, environmental care, religious beliefs and views on life. But before becoming a vegetarian, it should be understood as a reason and properly prepare for this serious stage of your life.

How to become a vegetarian: moral training and tips with close people

Family All Together At Christmas Dinner

If, after a long mind, your decision to become a vegetarian is final, then it's time to prepare morally not only myself, but also your relatives, close friends. After all, from this moment on, vegetarianism will become not only part of your life, but also the society around you. Therefore, it is very important here to tell about your new preferences, to share recipes of vegetarian dishes and books.

How to behave during such a conversation:

  1. More accentuate your attention to the benefits of vegetarianism. Here should be emphasizing the dignity of vegetarianism in the protection of animals, religious aspects, morality and ethics.
  2. Do not try to justify yourself in making your decision. But bring the argued arguments that would allow your relatives and friends to ask you less compromising issues.
  3. Show politeness and patience, even if your beliefs are unacceptable to others.
  4. Often such conversations can lead to disputes. Some relatives can perceive your decision as political aggression or even consider it as a personal insult.
  5. If close is still dissatisfied with your decision, try to convince them. To do this, sometimes it is enough to cook a delicious vegetarian dish and give it to taste, talk about a diet for vegetarians.

Products for beginner vegetarians


In many supermarkets, you will find a wide variety of vegetarian products, and in some of them even whole departments exist. Also, do not forget about the farm markets, where the product quality is much better, and sometimes cheaper than in supermarkets.

The main list of products for beginner vegetarians:

  1. The replacement of the usual meat can be soy products. In many stores, they are sold with the taste of meat, fish. There are even special vegetarian hot dogs and burgers. Their taste, color and even the smell differs from classic fast food dishes, so such substitutes do not like many novice vegetarians.
  2. We gradually turn on the exotic types of fruits in your diet, which you have not previously tried or rarely used: papaya, pomegranate, groove, grapefruit, cannon, etc.
  3. It should also be paid great attention to the cereals and are also preferably the topics that you previously used it or did not eat at all. Among such cereals can be allocated: millet, barley, alfalfa, couscous, movies.
  4. Excellent substitutes of meat products will be tofu, seitan and pace. They are much cheaper than meat, and the taste and variety of dishes are not inferior to them.

How to become a vegetarian: get rid of the use of meat products gradually

Fresh Beef for Steak

At first, it is not completely not worth refusing to meat products. Using vegetarian food, get rid of meat in the following sequence:

  1. Low-fat types of meat (veal, chicken) and fish.
  2. After about a week, we exclude pork from the dietary diet.
  3. After a week, forget about red meat (lamb, beef).
  4. If these steps are successfully overcome, then in two weeks we refuse seafood.

Many novice vegetarians fail to get rid of the habit of eating at least a piece of meat. If this happens to you, you involuntarily move at the initial stage - do not despair. Try to just control yourself. Each person gets used to vegetarianism in different ways. Some forget about meat products in a week, and many need a much larger time. The main thing is zeal. Try to keep yourself from meat a couple of weeks, excluding completely dishes with him. Believe me, after a few weeks of such an abstinence, your thrust for meat products gradually dismisses and you will no longer have them.

If even after that you go off and still eat occasionally meat, then try sticking to the vegetarian menu a couple of days a week. Gradually, an increase in the amount of extremely vegetarian diet should be increased to a complete abandonment of animal food. But, and even if you continue to use meat products, then, most likely, you can safely burn into the category of former vegetarians.

How to become a vegetarian: types of vegetarianism and their differences

Fruits and vegetables

There are a number of vegetarian varieties, each of which is characterized by a set of permitted and prohibited products.

  • Lacto-Vegetarianism is one of the most common types of vegetarianism. It includes the use of dairy products, eggs, honey, vegetable food. Such a vegetarian nutrition system is also an excellent diet for people who want to lose weight.

With this type of vegetarianism, the use of meat, seafood and fish is strictly prohibited. There are also cheeses under the ban, during the preparation of which the Sichuch (iron stomach) of animals was used.

  • Lacto Vegetarianism differs from the previous one with the excess of the eggs. Animal food is allowed only if it was obtained non-violent way. The exclusion of eggs is justified by the fact that it contains the embryo and thus, when using eggs in food, a person actually kills a living being.
  • Ow-vegetarianism permits eating eggs and honey, but it prohibits the inclusion in the diet of dairy products. Eating eggs from the point of view of such vegetarians is easily explained by the fact that the eggs are neglected, and, therefore, no murder is committed. This allows such vegetarians to enjoy almost all kinds of confectionery products, because most of them include eggs.
  • Veganness is a classic appearance of vegetarianism. In contrast to all previous species, all the products of animal origin are excluded from the menu, as well as fish, fish delicacies, seafood and even honey. In addition to such preferences in food, vegans strictly adhere to other beliefs:
  1. They will never wear clothes, accessories made of natural fur and skin animals.
  2. Vegans do not buy drugs, products that include animal substances.
  3. Strictly avoid purchasing cosmetics tested on animals.
  4. Despise violent entertainment related to animals: dog fights, Corrida. Actively act in demonstrations against a circus, a zoo, considering the humiliating to keep animals in captivity.

In contrast to Vegan, Vegetarianians do not adhere to clear obstacles relating to the complete exception of the wardrobe fur and leather products, cosmetics, as well as animal preparations. Vegetarians do not care what to dress and what cosmetics to apply. The main thing is that it was warm and comfortable. If your friend Vegan, then it is better not to take it on shopping and boast a new collection of fur, leather products, otherwise, you risk losing your friend and insult him cruelly. In demonstrations, as well as protests for the protection of animals, vegetarians often take part, but still not so actively like Vegan.

How to become vegetarianism: basic rules and recipes for a vegetarian breakfast


Vegetarian breakfast is an important basis for maintaining good health and energy charge for the whole day.

The main rules and diet of a vegetarian breakfast:

  1. To improve the operation of the digestive system and the saturation of the body, the necessary trace elements should have an empty stomach drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice.
  2. In the morning it is advisable not to use leguminous crops. They overload the body, thereby provoking the uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen. An exception in this case can be buckwheat or oatmeal prepared on the water. In oatmeal for better assimilation and legend of taste, it is recommended to add some linen oil, dried fruits.
  3. The most correct menu for breakfast will be fruit. In the summer, it is desirable that these are fresh fruit, and in the winter you can completely replace them with dried fruits.
  4. If you stick to lacto vegetarianism, then in the morning you can drink a glass of yogurt, ryazhenka, milk. Milk is best to drink up to 6 am, preferably warm and with spices. Molden cinnamon is perfect from the spices.
  5. For women, it is recommended to eat sweetness for breakfast. Just do not think that cakes and chocolate candies. They can be replaced by dried fruits, candy from honey and sugar nuts, vegan chocolate.
  6. Excellent energy, nutritional and delicious drinks for breakfast will be smoothies and cocktails from berries, greenery, vegetables, fruits.

Ideal recipes smoothies for breakfast for different vegetarians

Carrot-orange smoothie for vegetarians


To prepare a carrot-orange smoothie, you will need:

  • peaches - 4 pcs.;
  • carrot and orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 200 ml;
  • flax seeds - 2 tbsp.;
  • fresh ginger root - 1 tbsp.

How to cook carrot-orange smoothie:

  1. Through the juicer, skip the required amount of carrots and oranges to obtain 400 ml of fresh juice.
  2. In the blender grind purified peaches, ginger root, flax seeds.
  3. Add freshly squeezed juices to the resulting mass and continue to beat everything before receiving a homogeneous consistency.

Pumpkin smoothie for vegetarians


To prepare a pumpkin smoothie, you will need:

  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • apples - 100 g;
  • honey - 2 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

How to cook a pumpkin smoothie:

  1. With apples, remove the peel, thoroughly clean them from the core and seeds, cut the purified apples with cubes. A small part of the pumpkin also clean the peel, remove the seeds and cut down.
  2. Sliced \u200b\u200bingredients Send to the blender, grind them to the formation of a homogeneous puree.
  3. Add honey to the finished fruit and vegetable puree, mix. Pour a smoothie into a cocktail glass or a glass.
  4. If it turned out too thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of water.
  5. Ready smoothie It is recommended to send half an hour to the refrigerator or add ice cubes to it by providing cinnamon at wishes and taste.

Strawberry and Banana Smoothies for Vegetarians


For the preparation of strawberry and banana smoothies, you will need:

  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) - 6 pcs.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • jules juice (preferably freshly squeezed) - 200 ml;
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp.;
  • ryazhenka - 200 ml.

How to cook strawberry-banana smoothies:

  1. Bananas cleanse from the peel, remove the tails from strawberries. In winter, strawberry defrost.
  2. Shred in a blender, sliced \u200b\u200bbananas and berries along with flax seeds before receiving a homogeneous consistency.
  3. In the resulting mass, add low-fat ripper, orange juice, mix all.

How to Become Vegetarian: Vegetarian Lunch


From the first dishes of vegetarians prefer to eat soups and soups, cooked exclusively on a vegetable broth. From the usual first dishes are ideal: lentil soup, chickpea, beans, peas, as well as mushroom soup and soup.

To give piquancy and saturated taste in soups, it is recommended to add linseed oil, spices, spices.

A welded or baked potatoes is ideal for a side dish and the main second dish. Do not also forget about the porridge cooked on the water. Especially pay attention to the porridge from barley, rice, millet, oatmeal, wheat and tolnas. The header is recommended to serve vegetable salads. Instead of meat, cooking vegetable, using non-eggs as a fixing ingredient, but a semit. The second meals can also be filled with vegetable oils: cedar, flax, olives. Spring-vegetarianism is allowed to use fish from animal products. Therefore, such vegetarians can afford to eat fish delicacies as a second dish with a vegetable garnish.

How to become a vegetarian: Balanced protein dinner of vegetarian


Dinner of the real vegetarian in its composition should contain many vegetable protein, not to be too dense and calorie. For such a dinner, dishes from Masha, chickpeas, peas, lentils and beans cooked on water or roasted together with fragrant greens, onions, spices are ideal for such a dinner.

You can add vegetable salads, casseroles and pies from dried fruits, nuts, vegetable cutlets and stewed vegetables can be added to the bean porridge.

To obtain the required protein, regularly prepare bean salads for dinner. To avoid the bloating or increased gas formation, as the basis for the preparation of legumes and dishes, use the NUT. Vegetarians who use dairy products are recommended to prepare such a salad with the addition of goat cheese.

If possible, it should be included in the evening diet as many vegetables as possible, with the exception of dishes with potatoes and tomatoes, as such vegetables are heavy food.

Vegetarianism for children: benefit or harm to health


Nowadays, the trend of vegetarianism is not uncommon among children, so in modern society you can meet such a term as children-vegetarian. It is good or bad, you should still figure out.

Children's body for growth and development requires regular use of food containing iron, zinc, calcium. Most of these beneficial substances are contained in animal products. An indispensable amino acids needed by a child in early and adolescence, it is almost impossible to get used exclusively products of plant origin.

The most important vitamin required to maintain well-being, hemoglobin and health - B12. Its deficiency leads to rapid overwork, frequent headaches, decrease in appetite. In large quantities, this vitamin is contained in meat products.

Therefore, the parents of vegetarians should not be so actively attached to the child from an early age exclusively to plant food. Let it be his adult conscious choice.

But, and if nevertheless, the child himself refuses to eat meat products - you should not despair. They can be replaced by fish, eggs, dairy products. With regular use of them, the child will fully obtain the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

How to become a vegetarian. Video


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