
How to lose weight after childbirth when breastfeeding. Food and exercises to lose weight with breastfeeding

How to lose weight after childbirth when breastfeeding. Food and exercises to lose weight with breastfeeding
The article describes how to lose weight with breastfeeding without harm. Features for mom, menu. Exercises for effective weight loss in breastfeeding.

"How to lose weight with breastfeeding?" - This question is asked millions of women who have become mothers not so long ago. Many women do not believe that it is possible and believes that when breastfeeding it is impossible to reset kilograms and return to the previous form, because it is necessary to eat two again to feed the infants.

Pregnancy Behind, Mom with a baby at home and it's time to rebuild - to establish food, mode, etc. A young mother has a lot of worries, one of them - what is possible, and that it is impossible to eat a young nursing mom. Many of the habit are eating for two, as in pregnancy. They believe that milk should be nutritious and fat, so they do not particularly follow their diet. And it is wrong, because during breastfeeding the body is gradually rebuilt and if the daily diet is adjacent, the mother is sufficiently spending in the fresh air, the body gradually returns to the former forms and weight.

How to lose weight with breastfeeding - when you can start?

Contrary to all opinions, you can lose weight already on breastfeeding, only in some women it turns out faster, and others - the exchange processes in the body occur not as fast as I would like.

Let's figure it out more about all questions: when can I do or when you're hardening? Surely, immediately after delivery, this question will not be so disturbing. In the first months, the female organism is rebuilt, the mother gets used to a new rhythm of life and is still concerned to learn how to care for the newborn, feed in time (and for this you need to establish lactation), more walking out in the fresh air. Therefore, in the first months after childbirth, there is no time to bored. Time in concerns is swifting rapidly.

When can you think over to return to former forms? Specialists argue that by the time the baby will be 6 months old, mom can be proceeded with active actions. But this is if during these six months the body itself did not come into shape.

If a young motley before the occurrence of pregnancy led an active lifestyle, followed by himself, felt correctly, most likely, with a competent breastfeeding organization, this question should not arise. That is, the body will independently recover and six months after childbirth, young mommy will be able to wear their favorite, premented jeans. The only thing that should not be hoped - the chest will not be such as before pregnancy, but a little more lush. But this is not a minus, but only plus.

And what to do those who are not lucky? Whose lush forms remained after childbirth and the body did not want to get rid of accumulated unnecessary kilograms during pregnancy? Let's first find out the reviews of those mammies who have already managed to lose weight with breastfeeding and share their personal experience:

Marina, 26 years old: " Behind 2 pregnancy. In my first, I had +16 "happy" unnecessary kilograms, after the second birth - 18. Height 156 cm, weight at the beginning of pregnancy - 52 kg. After childbirth, there were 8 and 10 kg for me, from which it was necessary to get rid of. But I did not really experienced, in the first half a year I was established to breastfeeding, much walked with a carriage in the fresh air and I had a principle: for these six months it is not for the scales. It's too early. Closer to half a year, I already wanted to see in the mirror myself slim, as before. But I started working on yourself from the first days after childbirth.

I have such rules:

  1. Proper nutrition: Four is balanced and not overeat.
  2. Before bedtime, it is not forced (Many moms believe that the night of milk will not).
  3. Exclude sweet - it concerns harmful carbohydrates: sugar, cakes, cakes, etc.
  4. If possible, eliminate sweet yeast baking. That is, buns, if you really want to eat, it is possible, but only until 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Then - no.

These rules work and tested for me. For fatty breast milk, this nutrition does not affect, we do not refuse fish, meat, eggs, and milk products. I have another rule: no matter how much you want to support the family dinner, when the husband came home from work and eat something delicious with him, do not eat at night. Allow yourself to eat a light vegetable salad, drink half a cup of kefir or yogurt, eat an apple. If the meal time has not yet come and the habit works, let yourself eat a piece of apple or cucumber, handful of purified seeds or just drink a glass of warm water. You need to drink slowly, small sips».

How to quickly lose weight with breastfeeding - the opinion of another young mummy Olga (32 years old): " It helped me to return the feeling that I am a favorite woman and caring mom. I do not allow myself to walk at home in home clothes, in the morning I try to put myself in order, make a neat hairstyle and light makeup. 15 minutes in the morning until the baby sleeps - and I am ready to go for a walk at any time. I also give my husband a lot of attention, we spend enough time and the baby does not interfere with us, but on the contrary, it strengthens our family relationships. You can do everything, if you do not relax and want it. And on himself tried the so-called, peasant power bag, you need to eat those products that grow in the garden. Present yourself to a rural resident and there is something that he himself raised. I do not buy convenience foods, preparing itself in multivarka: bake meat, fish and vegetables cook for a couple. I learned even cheesery to do for a couple, very tasty! 3 months after giving birth I was able to get rid of 13 kg of excess weight! I did not starve, just revised my food habits and adjusted the daytime. Anything is possible, if the want to. I do not understand those women who are surprised why they could not lose weight with breastfeeding. By the way, the son of Colik was not, there was a good appetite and a break between feeding for 4 hours. I managed everything, and even every day to do at home!»

How to lose weight without harm to breastfeeding

Is it possible to lose weight with breastfeeding? It is possible and even needed, but only you should not hurry and set the goal in the first weeks and months after delivery. It is still too early and the body needs strength to restore.

10 steps on the road to success, or how easy it is to lose weight after birth through breastfeeding:

  1. Surprisingly, but every woman who only recently became a mommy, you need to learn how to get enough sleep. Even if in the kitchen Mountain dishes, you need to make cleaning in the house, stroke diapers and children's little things and cook. Decide all this aside or ask family members to take part of homework. And at a time when the baby sleeps, and Mom, too, has the right to rest. Lack of sleep leads to a deterioration of, the woman becomes irritable and nervous, she would like to seize this stress with something tasty. If you get enough sleep, the woman will feel fresh and active, she will have a good mood and moderate appetite.
  2. Observe the drinking mode - drink enough water (it is not juice, compote, tea), namely water. Remember that in the maternal milk 87% of water, and therefore fluids into the body should come enough. If you do not observe the drinking mode (per day you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water), then the lack of fluid the body can mask under hunger.
  3. Do not overeat. If during pregnancy you could afford there are big portions, after giving birth to stop. It is necessary at least 3 times a day, but small portions. And in no case do not overeat! It is necessary when you were hungry, and not for the company. Moreover, the food must like and the woman should enjoy the meal. Basic rule: in the house there should always be such products: fresh fruits / berries and seasonal vegetables, greens, nuts / seeds and dried fruits, homemade eggs and cottage cheese. We need such products that you can quickly eat, if there is no time for cooking. All products must be fresh.
  4. Exclude allergens: if during pregnancy you glanly ate oranges, strawberries and chocolate, it's time to stop. The exclusion of allergens products is only in the first months of breastfeeding. Then you can gradually enter one new product per week (this applies to fruits and vegetables).
  5. Learn how to cook food correctly: cook more for a couple or bake. You can cook vegetables and fish, bake - meat, as well as vegetables.
  6. Do not be lazy to cook any soups: on meat, fish and vegetable broth. Just delete first all fat so that the soup is low. Why it is so important to eat 1 time per day liquid: calorie content of such a dish is low, and the nutritional value is at the height. Female organism quickly assimilate such liquid food (or soups-puree).
  7. Refuse products that harm the body. It will benefit and you and your baby. Especially since it will get everything you need with maternal milk, with the exception of allergens. It is advisable to exclude completely: canned foods, fatty and smoked, semi-finished products and fast foods, spices, confectionery cream (if possible - all without exception), peanuts and other earthy species of nuts, shop juices and sweet soda, alcohol and shrimp. If you really want to eat something out of the forbidden, think you can harm the child. Although if you wanted to eat cookies or strawberries, you can allow you to afford to raise the mood. 1-2 Berries Baby will not harm. Enter one new product per week and carefully follow the reaction of the crumbs.
  8. Teach yourself enough vegetables: there are many fiber, vitamins and trace elements. Calories in vegetables are a bit, but much more benefit. Eat porridge, they are rich in slow carbohydrates. Do not interrupt the appetite with snacks, but also do not allow long starvation, large breaks between meals only harm. If you really want to eat, and the reception time has not come, drink a glass of warm water with slow sips.
  9. Physical activity - it's time to turn on and move more. In the first months - these are hiking with the baby. You can start at 20 minutes a day, it is important that the walks are regular - every day. Gradually, you need to increase the stay in the fresh air and your activity. 4-5 months after childbirth, you can sign up for yoga, dancing or gymnastics. If the time is not enough and there is no possibility to leave the baby and go to the lesson, do the house together. Check with a child, you will like it! By the way, you can enroll in the pool.
  10. Do not forget that you are a woman! And so you pay your appearance at least half an hour a day, as well as highlight the time to communicate with your loved one. Be your beloved and be a mom is a great happiness!

How to eat with breastfeeding to lose weight

Four need to learn correctly, we will get acquainted with these rules. What every mammy should know: to eat immediately after childbirth and after 6 months of breastfeeding, it is necessary in different ways.

How to lose weight after childbirth when breastfeeding. Mom's nutrition immediately after delivery

When the baby was only born to half a year: the only nutrition for the crumbs is breast milk. Strict diets and women's restrictions should not be, all exchange processes in the body are being established. Therefore, so far only work on yourself in terms of smearing breastfeeding plan. Intensive physical exertion will be later, now only walking outdoors in the fresh air. Start with 20 minutes.

As for cooking and day diet. What you need to exclude:

  • fatty food;
  • all types of smoked;
  • sausages and sausage (exception - if you prepared this product yourself);
  • preservation and canned;
  • manna porridge;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • spices and sharp food.

You can and need:

  • milk products;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • porridge;
  • seasonal vegetables;
  • seasonal fruits.

To eat - several times a day with a break of 3 hours, small portions. If you want to eat before, drink a glass of warm water. The diet is diverse: cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, beans, meat and fish.

The last meal is not earlier than 8 pm, if you go to bed late, you can drink half a cup of kefir or home yogurt, tea without sugar with the addition of milk.

How to lose weight after childbirth when breastfeeding. Mom's meals 6 months after childbirth

The child grown and fright, Mom recovered after pregnancy and childbirth, it's time to reduce the daily rate of fats to 40 g. (Cottage cheese, other milk products). You can eat sweets, but up to 12 o'clock in the afternoon, as well as pasta and potatoes, but not in excess, do not overeat. Dinner - at 18.00, Late Dinner is a glass of tea with milk and honey (follow the baby's reaction to the new product).

More physical activity, hiking increases to 2-3 hours a day, workout and fitness classes, swimming - if possible, if there is someone to leave the child. After training - 2 hours an easy snack.

All the principles of proper nutrition are still observed, do not overeat, there is no forbidden and harmful food. Drinking mode - comply with necessarily, there are more fruits and vegetables.

How to lose weight with breastfeeding. Menu

The nutrition of a nursing mom must be diverse, the menu options are very much, but it should not be looped. Moreover, a woman with an infant child is not so much time on cooking. Therefore, below give several options for dishes that you can eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast options:

  • oatmeal on milk or water with an apple and raisins;
  • wheat porridge with an apple;
  • vegetable puree, cooked from vegetables for a pair;
  • fruit puree, made from seasonal fruits, steamed;
  • baked apple, pumpkin and other fruit;
  • roasted vegetables;
  • stuffing: cottage cheese and any puddings.

What to cook for dinner:

  • soups: vegetable, mashed, and soups;
  • buckwheat (water or milk);
  • zucchini or peppers boiled rice stuffed with minced lean;
  • soup with chicken and noodles homemade;
  • ear;
  • beef, turkey or chicken (braised, roasted).

What to cook for lunch:

  • omelet with vegetables;
  • cheesecakes for a couple (can be ordinary);
  • homemade ice cream.

What to cook for dinner:

  • vegetable stew;
  • steamed fish with potatoes or baked;
  • chicken cutlets for a couple;
  • any fresh salads with the addition of: chicken liver, tuna, beans, olive oil, brussels cabbage, beets, green beans, sour cream, prunes (not smoked!), walnuts.

How to lose weight through breastfeeding after cesarean

After natural childbirth female body recovers faster. Women who have given birth by Caesarean section on recovery takes longer.

How to recover from surgery more quickly and get back into shape:

  1. Physical activity women begins in the hospital, as soon as the doctors allowed to stand. It is child care. After discharge - a walk in the fresh air. Exercise can be as 2 months after the operation, if there is no diastasis (when the rectus abdominis split). You can check this yourself: you have to lie on the bed on his back, legs tighten up and bend at the knees, his head lifted. In this position, palpate the abdomen, if the muscles sink or omitted, most likely, they dispersed.
  2. Breastfeeding - natural process, so each mom after caesarean it should establish. Power - the same as after a natural delivery, only needs in the first weeks after the operation to eliminate foods that cause bloating (white bread, cabbage and so on.). Meals - a balanced, on a diet until the "sit" too early. You can not take tablets and bioactive substances that contribute to weight loss.
  3. If the scar has healed, you can sign up for water aerobics (baby also did not interfere with such activity), you can simply buy a ticket to the swimming pool, massage, scrubs and masks, as well as peeling and contrast shower - all of this together will help to recover faster.

How to lose weight through breastfeeding - opinion pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky

Translations with consultations of Dr. Komarovsky are watching mothers almost from around the world. One like it and they follow simple recommendations, others believe that tips are too truthful and even critical. How many people, so many opinions, learn and we, that advises Evgeny Olegovich Young Mammy:

  1. All that eats mom, partly these products are transferred to a child with breast milk. Therefore, breastfeeding is a golden period to establish the work of the whole organism, get rid of bad habits and eat right. It is necessary to cut everything that can harm not only the child, but also an adult: oily food, allergy products, products with dyes and preservatives, smoked, white sugar and chocolate.
  2. Exclude those products that smell too dramatically: for example, garlic. It changes the taste of milk that the child may even give up his chest.
  3. Remember that only a child with milk gets part of the food eaten products, the rest - the heavy load will be deposited on the sides and hips. Therefore, there are no fat food.
  4. There are no prohibitions on the daytime, there are only recommendations. If you used to eat these products during pregnancy, you can continue to eat similarly. Only if food behavior was correct. Still, it is worth abandoning coffee and replace this drink with green tea or herbal decoctions. Compote cooking in the first months of feeding from dried fruits with a minimum sugar. Milk and other milk products - use with a low fatness.
  5. Full holiday, positive attitude, outdoor walks and proper nutrition. These golden rules will help to establish breastfeeding and faster back in shape after delivery.

Do exercises to lose weight with breastfeeding

After 8-10 weeks (or 2-2.5 months) after childbirth, it is possible to proceed to not too intense and severe training. You can do exercises both at home and in special centers where groups of young mammies are gaining.

The first steps towards success:

  • intensive training - while it is too early to do, as they can lead to a change in breast milk taste. What can be: swimming, hiking every day;
  • gymnastics can only be done if the abdominal muscles are not stretched. If diastasis is present - do all exercises in the bandage;
  • light exercises: twisting, slopes, bike, lifting straight feet;
  • if there is no time on the exercises, it perfectly helps to return to Hula-HUP. Literally 10 minutes a day is enough. Start with a minute, add every day for a moment and reach for up to 10 minutes, then you need to do 3 approaches to 30-40 times. First in the waist area and bokes may appear boking, it means everything works! Breaks will be held (if it is unbearable painful, wrap my waist with a terry towel, but do not interrupt the training), then fat deposits will go away;
  • and when the child turns 6 months, you can start up to more exile training.


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