
What is bioarming, reviews, photos. Bioarmirovania Faces and Neck - Technique Procedures

What is bioarming, reviews, photos. Bioarmirovania Faces and Neck - Technique Procedures
Modern cosmetology gives women to extend and preserve the youth of the skin of the face and neck. One of the popular technologies includes bioarmentation, during which safe and natural preparations are used.

For the youth and beauty of our skin, such proteins as collagen and elastin are responsible, the production of which is slowed down with age and in the end completely stops. As a result, our skin begins to fade and grow old. It is this process that every woman wants if not stopped, then at least slow down. To do this, modern cosmetologists have developed a huge number of ways that differ in different ways to deep and surface layers of the skin, moisturize it and adjust the oval of faces.

The most popular methods of rejuvenation include bioarming of a person, which is a very effective alternative to plastic surgery. In contrast to mesotherapy and biorevitalization, bioarming a safer and natural procedure that allows you to activate collagen and elastin production processes in cells.

In this article, consider the features of the bioarming procedure, we note the positive and negative aspects of such rejuvenation. We describe the most popular and high-quality drugs for bioarm.

What is bioarming

Bioarming is a salon procedure for skin rejuvenation, the removal of wrinkles and the giving the skin of a natural healthy shade. The name of this procedure is consonant with a building term "reinforcement", which is used to strengthen various buildings and housekeepers. Reinforcement is also in cosmetology, it is in the introduction of special metal or synthetic threads under the skin, which artificially support and stretch the skin, giving it smoothness and smoothing wrinkles. In the last century, the bioarmination of gold threads was very popular, which was trying by many Hollywood stars. This method is characterized by its high cost and unsuccessful, since the doctor must have extensive experience and skill for such a jewelry procedure. In addition, not every woman will like to walk with a wire under the skin after bioarming. Not all cosmetic clinics in the list of their services have a similar procedure.

Bioarming is a safer and natural procedure, which lies in the injection of gel threads, which includes hyaluronic acid, which is an important component of human body tissues. Therefore, this procedure can be considered natural. Explain why this happens. For youth and freshness of our skin, proteins, collagen and elastin are responded, which are produced by skin cells. These active skin components do not allow it to stretch, help her keep the shape and be elastic. Elastin production stops after 14 years, and collagen - after 25 years. It is from this age that our skin cease to recover naturally and it needs support. Inserted gel threads during bioarmination force the cells naturally start developing collagen and elastin again, which contributes, in turn, the natural rejuvenation of the skin of the face, neck and neckline.

In essence, bioarmentation is the creation of a supporting frame for the skin with a hyalurone gel that stimulates the production of collagen cells of the skin.

Types of bioarming

Today there are many cosmetic drugs that are aimed at improving skin condition, however, the same creams are not able to penetrate deep into the skin layers and correct the cause of surface problems. It is for this that the procedure of bioarmination is carried out, the effect of drugs is directed to deep layers of skin, to stimulate collagen production by naturally. Several species of this procedure can be distinguished: hyaluronic acid bioaming and polyolic acid, which are delivered using fillers, as well as bioarming of threads, which in recent years has become less popular. Consider the features of each type in more detail.

  • Bioarming with hyaluronic acid fillers. This type of rejuvenation procedure is the most popular and in great demand in women from around the world. Hyaluronic acid is involved in microprocessions of skin cells, so after its introduction by injection, these processes are accelerated, the skin is saturated with moisture and becomes more touched. During bioarmination, gels with hyaluronic acid are introduced under the skin and forms a whole network of connective tissue, which support and strengthen the skin. Hyaluronic acid molecules attract water molecules, thereby moisturizing the skin. To obtain a more persistent and effective result, bioarmining with hyaluronic acid fillers must be brought to several stages with an interval of 1-2 months.
  • Bioarming with flores with polyolic acid. Fillers with this substance are aimed at stimulating the production of collagen skin cells. These drugs are affected on the deeper layers of the dermis than the fillers with hyaluronic acid. Therefore, bioarmination with polyolic acid has a longer result and bright severity. Accordingly, the price of bingarming with fillers with polyolic acid will be higher.
  • Bioarming threads. A few decades ago, the procedure for bioarming the neck, faces and decollete were performed only with the help of threads. The effect of the threads is that after entering the skin for several weeks, they are enveloped with tissues and a peculiar capsule consisting of collagen and elastin is formed around them. For some time, the threads hold the connecting fabrics in the stretched position, subsequently they themselves are able to create a tone and increase skin elasticity. Threads can be very different. Cosmetologists use biodegradable threads from polyolic acid and caprolac, as well as non-disseminating gold or platinum, suture material and teflon. From the most famous drugs, you can select the filaments of Lightlift, resorptil., APTOS threads, Gore-Tex. All threads may vary in appearance: may be smooth, relief, with cones and nodules. By numerous reviews, bingarming threads allows you to achieve a more pronounced effect and a long result. This type of rejuvenation is recommended for women with large age-related skin changes. The effect remains up to 5 years, however, the cost of such a procedure is quite impressive.

Bioarming Face and Neck - Popular Preparations

In service with cosmetologists, there is a large list of various drugs that can be used in the bioarming process. Each of them consists of practically similar composition and is aimed at strengthening and pulling up the skin, stimulating collagen production. Consider the characteristics of the most popular among cosmetologists of drugs with hyaluronic and polyolic acid.

  • Preparation "Ellanse". This is a French development preparation that is used for deep skin suspenders and the correction of the facial oval. It is a hyaluronic acid with the addition of silk yarns. This mixture has the name of polycaprolactone and is used most often in microenvaluing aesthetic surgery.
  • PERFECTHA DERM. This drug consists of hyaluronic acid in a liquid state and is used to correct wrinkle 2 and 3 degrees. Cosmetologists are often used the drug for bioarm under the eyes, nasolabial folds and forehead areas.
  • Prepass "Princess". This drug was designed for deep impact on skin layers. The effect of bovarming such a filler is comparable using Botax, with the exception of injury to nerve endings. The skin looks tightened and there is an opportunity to create the volume of lips and chests, thereby adjusting to the face.
  • The drug "Juviders Ultra". This preparation cosmetologists are used for surface or median exposure to the layers of the dermis. Most often they are conducted by the bioarming of the neck, cheeks and chin.
  • Preparation "Restylane Vital". One of the most popular drugs for bioarming among cosmetologists. It is this gel solution that creates a dense frame of the threads almost immediately after the session, so you can immediately see the result.
  • Preparation "Sculptra". This drug consists of polyolic acid and silk threads. Released in powder, which is divorced by water before the procedure. The effect of it is stronger, due to the fact that after the introduction, a very dense frame of fibers is created. It is enough to carry out bioarming with this drug once every 5 years.

Indications and contraindications to the bioarming of the face and neck

Bioarming is a salon procedure, so it has a number of indications and contraindications that are detected at the time of consultation with doctors. They must be taken into account to prevent negative consequences. When using drugs based on hyaluronic acid contraindications, much less than when using other techniques, they are still present. Consider first of all the items according to which you can make a procedure in the cabin.

Indications for bioarmentation:

  • First of all, the procedure is shown to women and men aged from 35 to 50 years. However, age does not always play a decisive role. It is important to take into account the condition of your skin.
  • The procedure is shown to girls who want to raise the corners of the eyes, lips or remove the hung in the eyelid.
  • Bioarming can help pull out the general contour of the lips, lift and highlight the cheekbones, remove the second chin.
  • After 40 years, you can use bioarmination to improve the facial oval. This is achieved by tightening and supporting the skin in the cheek area.
  • The bioarming procedure is shown to women and men with deep wrinkles on the forehead, on the whole face or in the field of nasolabial folds.
  • With fading and flabby skin in the neck area, the bioarming procedure is also perfect.
  • Bioarming is carried out to improve the tone of the skin, its elasticity and elasticity due to the affected age changes.
  • Gialuronic acid bioarmination can be carried out in order to prevent. With the help of such drugs, it is possible to delay the appearance of signs of gravitational aging.

Contraindications for bioarmentation:

  • The procedure cannot be carried out pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding.
  • In the presence of diseases of blood vessels, the use of such a method of rejuvenation is also contraindicated.
  • The contraindications are autoimmune diseases.
  • The bioarmination procedure is not allowed during a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Also, it is also impossible to make bioarming while taking antibiotics.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases are contraindicated to conducting the procedure for rejuvenation by the method of bioarm.
  • It is not recommended to carry out bioarming up to 35 years and after 50 years. However, the final decision is made after the inspection of the skin.
  • In the violated metabolic process, it is also not recommended to conduct a procedure.
  • Poor healing of wounds and scratches can be an obstacle to the conduct of bioarm.
  • Contraindication to bioarmination is a tendency to form keloid scars and scars.
  • A significant excess of tissue on the face can be contraindicated, since in this case this procedure will not be able to help. It is usually necessary to resort to the plastic surgery.

Since the contraindications of this procedure are still present, it is necessary to consult it with a doctor who, if it is impossible to make bioarming, will be able to choose another technique for you.

Positive and negative side of bioarmentation

To understand completely in the peculiarities of the bioarming of the face and neck, it is important to take into account all the positive and negative sides of the procedure.

Pluses of bioarmentation:

  • First of all, this procedure can be an excellent replacement of the plastic surgery.
  • The effect of bovarming is visible almost immediately. When using threads, you can see the result immediately after the procedure. For an effective result, after using Hyaluronic acid fillers, several sessions must be carried out.
  • A sufficiently long effect - with hyaluronic acid up to 12 months, with threads up to 5 years.
  • The bioarming procedure is considered almost painless. It is enough to lubricate the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a gel with lidocaine.
  • With the help of such a procedure, you can carry out smoothing of the skin of the face and its suspender, you can also remove wrinkles and a second chin.
  • When using threads, even after the procedure, you can change their tension.

Cons of the procedure:

  • In the case of the use of threads, this is quite expensive.
  • There may be insignificant side effects in the form of edema, redness that pass within a few days.
  • The feeling of discomfort and tightening when using threads.
  • With a constant use of hyaluronic acid, long-term edema can be formed.
  • To obtain a better result, you may need from 2 to 8 sessions. This applies to the use of hyaluronic acid preparations.

Preparation for bioarming procedure

On the Internet you can see a large number of photos of the bovarming of the face and neck. Looking at such chic results, I immediately want to try the procedure for yourself. However, before it is necessary, it is necessary to carefully prepare and take into account all for and against.

  • It is not necessary to carry out the procedure of bioarm during menstruation, as well as one week before they started. During this period, pain is enhanced.
  • If you take antibiotics, you must first finish the course of treatment, after which the month must pass. Only after that you can conduct a procedure. When bioarmining a person during taking antibiotics, the drugs used can enter with them to conflict, which can cause a strongest allergic reaction.
  • If you often suffer from herpes rash, then be sure to start taking anti-inflammatory drugs a few days before the bioarming procedure must begin to take anti-inflammatory medications.
  • It is recommended, with the permission of the doctor, about 3-4 hours before the procedure start taking the "ditinon", which improves blood clotting.
  • Approximately 2 weeks before the procedure, it is also necessary to stop receiving all sorts of painkillers of the analgin, aspirin.
  • If you enter the threads under common anesthesia, you must pass the tests and make a mandatory consultation with the anesthesiologist.
  • It is recommended for three days before the bioarming procedure abandon smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, harmful food. So you can prepare your skin to the procedure.

Bioarming of the face and neck - description of the procedure

The bioarming technique depends on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin chosen by the drug doctor. The sequence of the rejuvenation procedure is almost the same.

  • The very first stage will always be a consultation with a dermatologist-cosmetologist, which will collect your full history, carefully examines the skin, clarify the presence of various diseases and reveal possible contraindications.
  • In good clinics, you will definitely make an analysis on the reaction of your body to the injected drug. A small part of the drug is applied to the inner bending of the elbow and in this state are left for a while. If redness has not appeared, you can conduct a procedure.
  • The procedure is always carried out outpatient, so you will first assign a convenient time for you.
  • First of all, the doctor with a soft tool removes cosmetics and all pollution from the patient's face.
  • After that, a painkiller should be applied to the processed area. When using hyaluronic acid fillers, it is enough to apply a gel with lidocaine. Such a cream is applied to a smooth layer and withstands about 30 minutes. You can also use a film for anesthesia, the action of which is a bit stronger than cream. If the threads are used during bioarming, local anesthesia or, in some cases, general anesthesia may be needed.
  • Next, in the target area it is necessary to remove the affected painting cream and process this area with an antiseptic.
  • One of the most important steps in the process of conducting bioarmentation is the application of a special markup scheme, according to which gel threads or metal threads will be introduced.
  • Next, there is a queue of the bioarmination itself, which is carried out by special syringes - graces that have a longer needle, which ensures painlessness procedure and more accurate gel administration. On average, 1-2 gel syringes are sufficient for one procedure, it all depends on the skin treated area.
  • After the procedure, the doctor handles the area where the threads were introduced, a special antiseptic.
  • One procedure can a total of 30 to 120 minutes.
  • When using a gel based on hyaluronic acid, several procedures may be needed to achieve maximum effect. Usually there are 3 sessions that pass every 3-4 weeks.

Bioarming - Video of the procedure

Skin care after bioarming

  • Often, after the procedure of bovarming on the skin, swelling, bruises and punctures are visible. These unpleasant consequences are held within 5-7 days.
  • Within 2-3 days after the procedure, it is necessary to process the skin with an antiseptic to prevent inflammation.
  • The doctor may prescribe a special cream that helps to remove swelling.
  • If you started to take anti-inflammatory drugs before the procedure, you need to take some time after bioarm.
  • A visit to the sauna, bath or pool is not allowed.
  • Also, it is also impossible to have a long-term thermal impact on the face: stand for a long time at the slab, make the compresses, be under the right sunlight.
  • It is impossible to use creams and cosmetics to full wound healing. Also cannot be applied scrubs and creams that require rubbing into the skin.
  • It is not recommended to play sports.
  • To secure drugs under the skin, the first time is recommended to provide a mimic quiet.
  • With a sense of discomfort in the field of injection, the doctor may prescribe a taking painkillers.

The effect of the bioarming procedure

To achieve the end result, several procedures may sometimes be needed, after which you will see high-quality strollers.

  • The skin will become moisturized, its tone will increase.
  • The contours of the face will become clearer, sagging skin sections will disappear.
  • Small wrinkles after the procedure fully disappear.
  • Deep wrinkles are becoming less noticeable.
  • The skin on the processed area will become more elastic and elastic.
  • Improve the overall condition of the skin, its texture.
  • The skin color will be natural and fresh.

Bioarming - Photo before and after

You can more clearly see all the qualitative changes after the bioarm procedure can be used on the photo provided below. This method of skin rejuvenation allows you to abandon plastic operations and outpatiently safely tighten the skin in problem places and improve its condition.

Bioarming Face and Neck - Reviews

  • Taisiya, 40 years old. For a long time, I was afraid to admit that the skin is no longer the one: a lot of small wrinkles, slightly sought the cheeks and the nasolabial fold showed acutely. Missed between a large number of procedures, until he stopped its choice on bioarmination, as it considered it the most optimal for my age and the safest. The procedure has passed quite quickly, I did not feel special pain sensations. It took three procedures for me, after which I did not believe my eyes - the skin became an elastic, tightened, moisturizing and some inner radiance returned. At the first wrinkles - bioarming perfect exit.
  • Olga, 35 years old. I ran into the problem of the accusative century and the corners of the eyes, although I thought it was a little later. He knew about such a method as bioarmining, from a friend who had already used this procedure and was satisfied. I needed two procedures, after which I forgot about my problems.

Each woman is trying to remove the moment of approaching old age and resorts to the most different methods and procedures. Bioarming is considered one of the most efficient and safe skin rejuvenation techniques for people from 35 to 50 years, which will allow you to postpone gravitational aging and enjoy young and shining skin for a long time.


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