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Liquid chestnut for weight loss

Liquid chestnut for weight loss
The use of liquid chestnut for weight loss

Many dream of getting rid of excess weight and gaining an attractive figure. For this, various means and methods are used, among which liquid chestnut is not the last place. How useful is the use of liquid chestnut for weight loss, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this product below.

What is a liquid chestnut?


Liquid chestnut is a powder obtained from the fruits of the South American plant of the Amazon Guarana. It grows on the banks of the Amazon River, its fruits are actually similar to the usual chestnuts. Liquid chestnut has been used in medical practice for a long time. Quite often it is used as a means for weight loss.

In addition to the Amazon Guarana, the product contains:

  • theophylline,
  • theobromine,
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium),
  • effective antioxidants,
  • vitamins.

It is worth saying that a liquid chestnut in a pharmacy cannot be bought. It needs to be purchased on the official websites of online stores.

Liquid chestnut for weight loss: the price in Russia is 1100-1400 rubles, in Ukraine-290-390 hryvnias.

What do manufacturers say? Advantages of liquid chestnut


According to manufacturers, the Flus Kashtan powder product has the following advantages:

  1. In the seeds of this plant there are substances such as polyphenols, xanthin alkaloids.
  2. In addition, it concentrates the vitamins of group A, B and E.
  3. Lucky chestnut does not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach.
  4. The invigorating effect does not cause arrhythmias.
  5. It can get rid of headaches, diarrhea, arthritis and a hangover.
  6. Also in the composition of liquid chestnut there is theophylline and theobromine. These substances enhance the invigorating effect, well stimulate muscle fibers, and not the nervous system.
  7. Theophylline is obtained from tea tree leaves, and theobromine is extracted from cocoa. According to manufacturers of this tool, liquid chestnut has antioxidant properties.
  8. All components that are in this powder help to burn excess calories.
  9. In addition, appetite is dull under the influence of liquid chestnut. Due to which the stomach decreases to normal sizes. For losing weight, this is very important.
  10. All ingredients of the product are well absorbed by the body.
  11. Substances of plant origin in liquid chestnut help to actively cleanse the body of toxins. Thanks to this, metabolism is normalized.
  12. Manufacturers also say that liquid chestnut can increase muscle tone and endurance. Due to which all physical exercises performed during the use of this tool will bring more benefits will become more effective.
  13. For weight loss, it is important such a declared property as acceleration of metabolism. Thanks to this, excess fat breaks down faster, not even having time to delay.
  14. The product with Guarana contains a fairly large number of minerals and antioxidants. Therefore, using it, you can avoid physical overload and the appearance of an aggressive sense of hunger.
  15. In addition, manufacturers say that the Amazon Guarana helps to burn fat cells already laid in the body.

Liquid chestnut for weight loss: Contraindications


First of all, you need to know that it is impossible to use liquid chestnut constantly. Its use is recommended exclusively by courses. At the same time, interruptions between tricks should be taken. Otherwise, a person can disrupt the state of his health. For example, side actions such as tachycardia, deterioration of the state of the nervous system, increased blood pressure are possible. This can, in turn, lead to the appearance of problems with the heart and sleep.

This product is strictly contraindicated:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. People who have vascular and heart diseases.
  3. Nursing mothers.
  4. Those who suffer from mental disorders.
  5. With hypertension.
  6. People with diabetes.
  7. With an ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
  8. With nervous and mental exhaustion.
  9. If there are sleep disturbances.
  10. With epilepsy.
  11. People suffering from anorexia.
  12. For diseases of the liver.
  13. Children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Liquid chestnut: Instructions


Recommended doses

Liquid chestnut contains a lot of energy. Therefore, when taking it, you should adhere to a certain dose. The effect of losing weight does not depend on the amount of the used agent. Therefore, do not allow overdose. It can be taken half of the teaspoon during the day. Moreover, its use should be excluded in the evening. Otherwise, problems with falling asleep are possible.

There is evidence that if you take this tool in the specified dose within one month, you can lose 5-7 kilograms of excess weight.

In what form the liquid chestnut is used

Manufacturers say that when using the Amazon Guarana there is no need to adhere to some strict diet. In the diet you can leave all the usual products, even sweet. But if you change the menu so that only fat-free products are present in it for some period, then weight loss will go faster. Only this can lead to the appearance of sagging skin.

With what to use liquid chestnut:

  1. According to the manufacturers, the Amazon guaran in the form of powder can be added to any dish. For example, in fruit drinks, smoothies, porridge, kefir, juice or meat stew. Losing weight is recommended to stimulate in small doses.
  2. Often, liquid chestnut is added to various drinks. For example, a 0.5 teaspoon is poured into tea, coffee, compote or juice. Only such drinks and in general the product itself should not be consumed on an empty stomach.
  3. In the form of a powder, the product can be poured into a glass of boiled water and drink with yogurt. It is also allowed to first take a mixture with guarana, and then drink yogurt or kefir.
  4. Liquid chestnut can be consumed with soup and with second dishes.
  5. Sweet lovers can add powder to low -fat cottage cheese, flooded with yogurt on top.

Liquid chestnut: doctors' reviews


Liquid chestnut causes an ambiguous reaction among doctors. Many experts completely exclude the possibility of losing weight with its help. First of all, the abuse of liquid chestnut is harmful. So, ingredients such as guaranin, theobromine and theophylline can cause some side effects. Among them:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • dizziness,
  • charp heartbeat,
  • heartburn,
  • severity in the stomach,
  • liquid chair,
  • arrhythmia,
  • insomnia,
  • disorders of the nervous system.

Therefore, when one of the above symptoms feels, you should immediately stop taking the product.

Given the composition of liquid chestnut, it can be safely called a “energy” or “psychostimulator”, which increases motor activity and causes a feeling of light euphoria. And, as you know, abuse of this group of means can be fraught with health and mental well -being.

Liquid chestnut: what manufacturers are silent about

Liquid chestnut: photo


Given the recommendations of manufacturers, the product should be taken half of the teaspoon 2 times a day. It can be diluted in tea, juice, compote, liquid broth or another product. But there is one reservation: half of the teaspoon should be “without a hill”. This is a key moment. Since, given the concentration of psychostimulants, which is mainly the ingredient of the product (guarana), even such a product dosage can be harmful to health.

The creators of this tool inform us that when taking it, the body independently without diets, exhausting physical exertion and training will begin to get rid of extra pounds. At the same time, we are told that the losing weight will disappear all desire to eat food and the need to move more and more actively, getting pleasure from it. Just such an effect is observed from the reception of "energy". Therefore, the words of manufacturers about the absolute security of this tool are very contradictory.

And finally, the active statements of the creators of the means of liquid chestnut that this product consists completely of harmless natural ingredients, are controversial. Since today there are many fakes professionally issued for the original. In addition, not all natural ingredients are automatically considered completely safe. Take, for example, the grass of the Belladonna and fly agaric mushrooms, which also grow in a natural environment.

Does the liquid chestnut helps to lose weight?


Liquid chestnut for weight loss, reviews of which in most cases are positive, in some cases really helps to get rid of excess weight. But you need to do this with great caution and adhering to some simple rules:

  1. Do not exclude physical activity. It will be a key moment with proper weight loss. It is recommended to perform 15-20 squats daily.
  2. No liquid chestnut ingredient is directly related to fat burning, as manufacturers say, but is a strong energy and stimulant. Therefore, before taking this tool, you will receive a doctor’s consultation about the possibility of its use.
  3. Listen to your body. When an alarming symptoms appear, immediately stop taking a liquid chestnut.
  4. Review your daily diet. Exclude fat, fried dishes, fast foods, alcohol from it. Limit the use of pastries, chocolate, coffee.
  5. When accepting the means, carry out daily control of blood pressure and palpitations. To do this, keep a schematic diary, which indicates the value of these indicators in the morning and in the evening.
  6. Eat regularly, but in small portions. Do not overeat. Exclude daily "snacks" between meals. If you feel a feeling of hunger, you can eat natural yogurt or a small apple.
  7. Buy only legal products from reliable suppliers. Therefore, before buying a liquid chestnut for weight loss, ask the presence of appropriate certificates from sellers.
  8. Do not forget about walking in the fresh air. You should walk at least 1 hour daily.
  9. Be sure to follow the recommendations and dosages specified in the instructions. Consider all available contraindications.

Liquid chestnut for losing weight: photo "before" and "after"



Liquid chestnut for weight loss: video



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