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The use of tea tree oil for the face. Tea tree essential oil from acne on the face. Facial masks with tea tree oil

The use of tea tree oil for the face. Tea tree essential oil from acne on the face. Facial masks with tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a natural remedy that will help maintain healthy clean skin.

Tea tree essential oil is a natural product that will help restore clean healthy skin. The antiseptic, anti -inflammatory and tonic properties of tea tree essential oil are actively used both in cosmetology and medicine. More and more women prefer natural means of finished cosmetic products.  From this article you can learn more about the benefits of tea tree oil for the skin and its methods of use.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree essential oil is used very widely. It contains fifty chemical compounds, some of which are not found anywhere else in nature. Tea tree essential oil is used in the following cases:

  • acne on the face;
  • dandruff;
  • skin irritation, dermatitis, eczema;
  • plaque on the teeth;
  • oral cavity, stomatitis;
  • nail fungus;
  • influenza and colds;
  • strengthening immunity.

In many drugs and cosmetics, they add tea tree essential oil. However, unlike most other essential oils, it is safe for use in pure form. On very sensitive skin, redness and burning can sometimes occur, which passes within a couple of hours. Otherwise, the essential oil of tea tree has only a beneficial effect on the body.

  • Tea tree essential oil has antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. This means not only that tea tree oil is effective for any colds. Acne on the face is the same inflammation caused by various causes. Essential oil fights with the cause of acne and ensures the prevention of their repeated appearance.
  • Also, tea tree oil tones the skin, strengthens the immunity and promotes better regeneration. Thanks to the tonic effect, the skin gets more nutrition and is restored faster, strengthening the immunity allows you to quickly get rid of infection, and skin renewal allows acne to heal without scars and traces.
  • Among other things, the essential oil of tea tree has a purely cosmetic positive effect on the skin - with regular use of tea tree oil, the complexion is normalized and aligned, the skin becomes more smooth and elastic. Tea wood oil can be used for any skin type - it will help provide the best diet of dry skin, and on oily skin will contribute to the regulation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. With caution, it is worth using this essential oil except for a particularly sensitive thin skin.

With problems with acne, tea tree essential oil can help as follows:

  • dry acne, contributing to their healing;
  • fight bacteria, viruses and fungi from the inside;
  • promote the rapid restoration of skin without scars, scars and red traces after acne;
  • contribute to the removal of inaccessible pollution - in particular, black dots, which often cause acne;
  • accelerated healing of microcracks and irritation will help not only return the skin to a aesthetic look, but also prevent the development of infection in damaged areas of the skin.

Ways to use tea tree essential oil for the face

Shops now offer such an abundance of various cosmetics that you can probably find a tea tree based in almost any pharmacy, a large supermarket or a specialized store. Nevertheless, you should not refuse home methods, because it is no more difficult to purchase pure essential oil. With home remedies, you can say with confidence that you use only high -quality natural ingredients. In addition, homemade masks often cost much cheaper than cosmetic products.

Applying pure tea tree on the skin

Most essential oils are strictly not recommended to apply unnecessary to the skin due to too intense exposure. This rule does not apply to the etheric tea tree oil. Pure tea tree oil is safe for almost any skin. Unless a slight irritation can occur on particularly thin, damaged and sensitive skin.

If you doubt how the tea tree oil will act on your face skin, you can make a small test. Apply a little essential oil to the back of the palm. If within a few minutes you do not observe any negative skin reaction, most likely the oil is suitable for the rest of the skin.

Pure tea tree oil is excellent for acne treatment. In this case, it is not necessary to apply oil to the whole face if you are afraid of unpleasant sensations and redness. You can apply undiluted tea tree oil only to the affected areas of the skin. To achieve the result, such a procedure should be repeated twice a day for one to two weeks, until the acne completely passes without a trace. After that, you can use this tool less often - for example, once every few days or dilute oil and apply to the whole face. This is necessary for the prevention of acne in the future.

  • You can apply tea tree essential oil in pure form only on clean skin after washing.
  • For point application, sponges, cotton pads and cotton sticks are suitable.
  • If you want to distribute oil over the entire skin, this can be done with your fingers.
  • Move light massage movements in the direction of facial wrinkles.
  • Avoid essential oil in the eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Hold the oil on the skin for 15-20 minutes, and then wipe the excess with a napkin if it did not have time to absorb.

Washing the skin with tea tree essential oil

Another simple and quick way to use tea tree oil is to just add a few drops of oil to your usual washing tool - the advantage of this method is to save time - you just wash yourself, and tea tree oil at this time affects the skin. The main disadvantage is that the effect does not last long - it is not recommended to keep the soap on the skin for longer than a few minutes. Therefore, this option is more suitable for the prevention of acne than for its treatment.

At the same time, tea tree oil will allow your wash to wash your skin to cleanse the skin better. If you have clean and healthy skin, such washing will help prevent any problems. However, if you want to cure acne or dermatitis, you can add tea tree essential oil to other skin products that you use. For example, lotion is suitable after washing, mask or cream. In this case, the effectiveness of tea tree will be much higher, since you do not wash off such funds for a long time.

Leather compresses with tea tree essential oil

Compresses with tea tree oil will help fight acne, dermatitis, eczema and other inflammation on the skin of the face. For dry skin, prone to irritation, microcracks and acne, compresses with tea tree essential oil will become an effective prevention of such problems.

Compresses should only be applied to clean skin after washing. For compress, tea tree essential oil must be diluted in any other vegetable oil. Suitable grape seed oil, olive, almond or argan oil, and even unrefined sunflower oil. Vegetable oils are excellently nourish and moisturize the skin, and also soften the too aggressive effect of essential oil - all this makes vegetable oils with a good basis for such compresses. For the best effect, the oil should be slightly heated before preparing the compress.

  • Only a few drops of tea tree oil should be added to a small amount of oil.
  • Then, abundantly moisten a cotton pad with an oil mixture and apply it to the skin of the face.
  • Compresses can be done on the whole face or only to problem areas - usually it is a nose, chin and forehead.
  • After you put cotton pads with oils on your face, they should be covered with a towel or bag. So you can save heat and prevent the oil from drying ahead of time.
  • Compresses with tea tree essential oil should be kept on the face for a long time-about two to three hours.

Despite the fact that this method takes so much time, it is worth paying attention to it - compresses are very effective for combating acne and their prevention. For intensive treatment, such compresses should be done a couple of times a week, and for prevention it will be enough to do them a couple of times a month.

Masks and scrubs with tea tree essential oil for face skin

Homemade masks and scrubs are an excellent alternative to finished cosmetic products. When making skin care products yourself, you can choose high -quality natural products and adapt to the changing needs of your skin. Masks and scrubs are effective means for solving various kinds of problems, because the useful effect of tea tree oil in them harmoniously complements other ingredients.

Home masks and scrubs will not take you too much time-most of them are easy to cook in five minutes, and keep them on the skin, on average, takes 10-15 minutes. Both for the treatment of acne and inflammation, and for prevention, it is useful to include home masks in regular skin care. In most cases, such drugs have not only therapeutic, but also a cosmetic effect: the ingredients of masks and scrubs positively affect the condition of the skin of the face as a whole - they make it more elastic, tone and improve blood circulation, and restore a healthy complexion.

Home scrubs and masks are not only an effective skin for skin, but also cheap enough. You can make them from simple products that are always at home. At the same time, in its effectiveness, such means are in no way inferior to cosmetic products. Perhaps they are even more useful, since they are fully prepared from natural ingredients, which means they do not have side effects. Unless you should ensure that you have no allergies to the ingredients.

Facial derivalum recipes

Homemade masks with tea tree oil will help to cope with many skin problems - the main thing is to choose the right composition. However, if you already have a suitable mask that you use on a regular basis, you can try to just add a little tea tree oil to it. It will help get rid of acne quickly and without scars, cure irritation on the skin, improve blood circulation, moisten dry skin and get rid of excessive oily. You can also try one of the simple recipes listed below.

Clay mask for face oil with acne from acne

This mask will help to cope with acne on the face perfectly. Clay has a disinfecting effect on the skin. In combination with tea tree oil, it allows you to influence the cause of inflammation. Thus, such a mask fights with existing acne on the face and does not allow new ones to appear.

Clay and tea tree oil also contribute to the regulation of the sebaceous glands, so the skin will become less oily. To combat acne, this is important, because it is on oily skin that inaccessible pollution and black dots usually occur, which create a favorable environment for the development of infection and lead to acne. At the same time, clay creates a film on the skin, which helps to keep moisture inside, so the skin will never be too dry after such masks.

How to cook a clay mask with tea tree oil:

  1. Clay can be purchased in dry form or already diluted in small bags. It is sold in pharmacies and large supermarkets. If you have diluted clay, it should simply be squeezed into a small container for the mask.
  2. If it is dry, slightly dilute it with water and mix until a thick mass with a creamy consistency is obtained.
  3. Add a little tea tree oil to the clay, mix the mask and quickly apply it to the face until she had to harden.
  4. Keep such a mask for 10-15 minutes. To treat acne, make a mask several times a week, and for prevention, it will be enough once every 10 days.

Nutrient face mask with tea tree oil, honey and avocado

For normal skin, masks with tea tree oil are also suitable. This recipe will help maintain healthy, elastic and smooth skin without acne and dryness. Avocado perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin - it is a source of many vitamins and healthy fatty acids necessary to maintain female beauty.

Honey is known for its nutritional properties - this is a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. In addition, honey is with antiseptic properties - along with tea tree oil, it will help prevent acne. After such a mask, your skin is leveled, the contours of the face will become clearer, and peeling and dryness will pass.

Method of preparing an avocado mask and tea tree oil:

  1. To make such a mask, you will need about 1/4 often avocados. Clean it, take out a little pulp, open it until a homogeneous soft consistency and put it in a prepared dish.
  2. Then take a spoonful of honey, mix honey with avocado pulp.
  3. If the texture of the mask is not too soft, you can add a little vegetable oil or a decoction of herbs - St. John's wort, chamomile or thyme. The mask should turn out to be soft and delicate, like a cream, so that it is conveniently applied to the face.
  4. When you achieve the desired consistency, add a little tea tree oil, mix the mask and apply to your face.

Homemade scrubs for facial skin with tea tree oil

Scrubs will help to deeply cleanse the skin of pollution and black dots, as well as allow to exfoliate horn scales, contributing to the renewal of skin cells. Also, scrubs can help in the fight against small acne resembling a rash. However, it is strictly contraindicated to use scrubs from subcutaneous acne or acne. Abrasive scrub particles can injure thin skin in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation, which will lead to the spread of infection on the skin, and also increase the risk of scars, scars and traces after acne healing.

Coffee scrub, yogurt and tea tree oil for face

This scrub helps to fight small acne, and also cleanses, nourishes and tones the skin. The ground coffee here forms abrasive particles that contribute to the purification of inaccessible pollution - excess tonal cream and dust are not always easy to remove from the skin even with the help of washing gels. With regular use, the scrub allows you to get rid of black dots. In addition, he perfectly exfoliates the skin, contributing to its renewal and healing.

In addition, the skin contains many nutrients for the skin and has tonic properties. It will make the skin elastic, smooth and restore the natural healthy complexion. In addition, coffee improves blood circulation, which means that the skin will receive more nutrition from the inside. Yogurt, in turn, moisturizes the skin and soothes it.

How to make a scrub with coffee and yogurt:

  1. Instead of yogurt, you can also use low -fat cottage cheese. If you choose yogurt, it should be thick and without additives. For one mask, one tablespoon will be enough.
  2. Mix yogurt or cottage cheese with one spoon of ground coffee. It is best to take large grinding coffee. Soluble coffee is categorically not suitable, since it does not form abrasive particles for intense purification.
  3. Add a little tea tree essential oil to the scrub, and you can proceed to application.
  4. The scrub should be applied with soft massage movements so that the particles of coffee are felt on the skin, but do not cause discomfort. The skin should be massaged in the direction of facial wrinkles.
  5. Distribute the scrub on the skin with your fingers for several minutes.
  6. Then leave it on the skin for a while and rinse it with cool water.

Scrub with honey, salt and oil of tea tree for the face

This scrub is perfect for the treatment and prevention of small acne and black dots. It will also help to fight excessive oily skin. Salt has a drying effect, disinfects and removes pollution. Tea tree honey and oil neutralize the cause of inflammation. With the regular use of such a scrub, you will get healthy skin without oily shine, black dots and acne.

How to make a honey scrub with tea tree oil:

  1. Before applying a honey scrub, it is advisable to steam my face, I use a steam bath or a hot compress.
  2. For a scrub, sea salt is best suited. It is better that it is large enough. Mix a spoonful of salt with a spoonful of honey.
  3. If the consistency is not thick enough, add a little vegetable oil.
  4. Mix a scrub with a small amount of tea tree oil.
  5. Apply to the skin in the same way with your fingers, distributing it with light massage movements, as in the first recipe.
  6. Rinse the scrub is also best with cool water to close the purified pores and avoid repeated pollution.



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