
How to make an antistress at home. Toy antistress do it yourself - how to make step-by-step

How to make an antistress at home. Toy antistress do it yourself - how to make step-by-step
Description of step-by-step production of 10 varieties of anti-stress toys at home. You will learn how your urms make an antistress from a moiver, glue, without glue, out of paper.

The secret of the popularity of anti-stress toys is in two factors: a pleasant eye coloring and an extremely soft filler or filler in the form of a granulate, the impact on which causes pleasant tactile sensations. Toys - "Mnushki" are doubly useful for young children. They not only help to remove the nervous tension, but also favorably affect the development of small motility. The following are described how to independently make anti-stress toys of different species. Each can choose the option, relying on your own taste, skills and availability of materials and tools for manufacture.

How to make an antistress from a ball and flour

This is one of the simplest and most affordable methods of making anti-stress toys. As a result, a nice ball is obtained to the touch, which can be deformed in every way: flatten, stretch, etc.

Would need:

  • balloon;
  • flour (can be replaced by starch);
  • scissors;
  • watering can, empty plastic bottle;
  • cocktail pencils / straw / long thin wand;
  • tools for decorating: permanent markers, plastic eyes for toys and so on.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an antistress from flour

  1. Before filling with flour or starch, the ball must be stretched by infining and release air.
  2. There are several ways to fill the ball with flour. You can first fall asleep flour into a bottle, after inflated the ball, and not releasing air out of it, pull the bottle on the neck. After the bottle turns over, its contents without difficulty shocking into the ball. The latter is gently removed from the neck, the ball's tail is tied with a node.
    You can cut a plastic bottle across, pull the ball on the neck and through the resulting watering can pour flour.
    The ball needs to fill the flour enough tight.
  3. An excess tail of the ball is cut by scissors.
  4. Toy decorated. The easiest way to draw funny faces permanent marker.
  5. After drying the drawing toy you can use.

How to make an antistress from the ball and lizen

From an ordinary balloon and lysun, cooked independently or purchased in the store, you can make several variations of relax toys.

Would need:

  • air balloons;
  • lysun;
  • scissors;
  • the grid (fishing, used for the packaging of fruits, stockings into a grid associated with a thin thread, a ball with many cut holes), permanent markers, glytter - optional.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a ball antistress from lizen and ball:

  1. Fill the lease ball. It is convenient to do with a syringe without a needle. Beautifully look at toys, if lysun and ball or in one color scheme, or contrast with each other.
  2. Release air from the ball, tie a tail on the knot, cut up too much. The basic version of the anti-stress-lysun is ready.
  3. You can make a toy more interesting by mixing lysuine with sparkles, using multiple lysuine colors, coloring the ball permanent markers or wrapping the finished mesh ball. In the latter case, when compressed, the toy will resemble a grape cluster.

How to make an antistress ball without lysun

Not trouble, if there is no lysuer or time for its manufacture. As a filler for a ball, you can use liquid soap, hair gel, gelatin with water or even just water.

Would need:

  • ball;
  • water or other filler;
  • scissors, glitter, dyes - at will.

Step-by-step instruction: how to make an antistress from water or liquid soap and ball

  1. Stretch the ball by one-time inflation and release air.
  2. Fill the ball with the selected filler. For beauty, you can mix liquid with dyes or sparkles.
  3. Tie a tail on the knot, as you wish to cut an excess.

How to make an antistress from lizen and polymer clay

Antistress toys with lysun is made not only in the shell from the ball. From polymer clay and lysun, for example, you can make cool bright relax toys in the form of small fruits.

Would need:

  • polymer clay of different colors;
  • foil;
  • lysun;
  • acrylic paints, brush;
  • transparent nail polish;
  • glitter, bullies (if necessary);
  • rolling;
  • stationery knife or scalpel;
  • high abrasive nail file;
  • disposable gloves.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an antistress without a ball of polymer clay and lysun:

  • The base is rolled out of the foil, in shape resembling future fruit or berry. This is done in order for the fruits to be hollow. For, for example, watermelon will need a spherical billet.

  • The polymer clay of the necessary colors is rolled into thin "pancakes". The base of the foil is wedged by the material obtained. Surplus are cut off, the seams are smoothed. To create a watermelon, the base will alternately become gluing the clay of red, white and green colors.
  • The future of Tsyvina is divided into two halves by cutting on the "equator" of polymer clay. Foil is not required.

  • The billet is baked at a temperature of 110 degrees of 25 minutes.
  • Foil is removed from clay.
  • The edges of clay hemispheres are grained with a sawn.
  • The peel is painted or toned by acrylic paints. To give greater realistic watermelon on its surface, uneven lines "Meridians" are drawn several shades of green.

  • After drying the paint, the outer surface of the clay shell is treated with colorless varnish.

  • In the middle of the toy lay lysun. In the case of watermelon, you will need a "filling" of red, mixed with a black glitter imitating bones.
  • Antistress toy is ready. It is recommended to store it in a tightly closed container. Lizun, if necessary, can be replaced with a new one.

How to make a paper anti-stress

With the help of art origami, you can also make an interesting relax-toy - hexaflexagon. With him will have to tinker, but the result is worth it. As a result, an unusual figure will turn out, in motion resembling a kaleidoscope.

Would need:

  • square sheets of coated paper of the same size - 3 pieces. Newcomers in the origami case for convenience are recommended to use paper of different colors. The optimal side of the square for the first samples is 15-20 centimeters;
  • tools for decorating - optional.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an antistress origami:

  • In the manufacture of origami, it is important to observe accuracy and carefully work out all the bends.
  • A sheet of paper is folded in half, unfolds.

  • Next, the shape must be folded so that the parallel sides of the side lay on the fold line.

  • The resulting rectangle bends in half, the fold is being worked out, the initial position is returned.

  • The narrow sides of the rectangle are put on the resulting fold line, which forms two new bends.

  • The figure turns back to the rectangle. The edges of the parts are bend inside so that the resulting bends formed a rhombus.

  • Then the figure is so that the resulting two bends formed a rectangle diagonal.

  • The vertical rectangle bends are re-working.
  • The actions described above are carried out with two other details of the future hexaflexagon.

  • The assembly of the figure begins. Elements are inserted into each other as shown in the photo. The item is flimsy.

  • By studying vertical folds in the middle of each face, the resulting triangular prism turns into hexagonal.

  • At the top of each face of bends form a small inverted triangle. All three triangles need to bend inside and work out bends.

  • Further, two-color diamonds bend inside. Do not forget to carefully work out the bends and correct, if necessary, the face of the part.

  • Then the figure must be checked by pressing on two-color diamonds and monochrome triangles. As a result of this, after the folding of folds, such a detail will be obtained.

  • We turn the craft. View from below.

  • Then you need to get inside all three small inverted triangles and at the same time press on them.

  • As a result, the upper edges of the moving origami will acquire a rhombus form.

  • Side view.

  • Toy is ready. It can be firmly turning towards him or from herself.

Optionally, you can decorate hexaflexagon with pictures or sparkles.

In the video published below, how to make an antistress origami, in the most detailed and clearly demonstrated the process of manufacturing hexaflexacgon or, as it is also called, an infinite postcard.

How to make an antistress from pva

All familiar PVA glue can be tried to turn into homemade smart plasticine (it is Handgam). The factory gum for hands does not stick to the hands, and depending on the type of impact on it, it can be both elastic and solid or even fragile. Her homemade twin let and does not possess all the above functions, but will not stick to the hands, pleasant to the touch and does not well cope with the relaxation function.

Would need:

  • pVA glue - 240 grams;
  • solution of diamond greenery - 20 milliliters;
  • sodium tetrabrate - 60 milliliters;
  • plastic container and blend for mixing.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an antistress of glue

  1. Glue pour into the container, add "Zelenka" to it, mix well.
  2. To the resulting mixture, pour sodium tetraborate. In the process of mixing, the mixture will be smeared on thick mass and liquid.
  3. After squeezing the liquid, smart plasticine is ready.

How to make an anti-stress from light plasticine and foam rubber

From these materials it turns out extraordinarily beautiful and pleasant to the touch relax-toy.

Would need:

  • lightweight plasticine minimum of two colors;
  • foam sponge of a rounded shape / fluff of a width of about 5 centimeters, a pencil, a round pattern;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • decor at will.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a "munushka" from light plasticine and foam rubber:

  • The base of the toy in the form of a flexible circle is cut out of the foam rubber. In order for the toy to be flat, it is necessary to either cover something round suitable size, as much as possible to cut down and smooth out sharp edges as possible, or take the finished sponge of the rounded shape. In the center of the workpiece, a small round hole is neatly cut.

  • Light plasticine rolls into a layer with a thickness of several millimeters.
  • The foam blank is completely clotted with plasticine chosen for "test". Start the process is needed from the center of the figure.

  • To simulate the glaze, a round layer of lightweight plasticine of another color is placed on top of a stovered blank. A hole is formed in the center of the layer, the transition between plasticine colors is smoothed. To simulate the flows of glaze edges of the circle stretched down, the seams are practically not smoothed.

  • Pitchchik is given 24 hours for drying.
  • You can decorate the donut with a rubber with lightweight plasticine glued on the thermoclauses, or drawn by acrylic paints with multi-colored sprinkle.

  • For air circulation, it is necessary to cut the lightweight plasticine in a circle. This is done by the inner hole of the donut.

How to make an antistress at home from lightweight plasticine and lizen

From the above materials, excellent "Mnushki" are obtained in the form of fruits or berries.

Would need:

  • light plasticine;
  • styrofoam;
  • lysun;
  • scissors;
  • rolling;
  • plastic spatula;
  • stationery knife.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an anti-stress toy from lightweight plasticine and lysun:

  • The base is cut out of the foam, the form of which is determined by the type of future toy. For the lobes of watermelon, orange or lemon need a semicircle.
  • Light plasticine rolls up with a rolling pin.
  • The base is inserted with light plasticine, irregularities smoothed by a spatula. To create a watermelon, you will need two red semicircles and a strip of plasticine to simulate the pulp, a strip of white and green plasticine to create peel and small drowned parts made of black plasticine black for decorating slices with seeds.

  • The resulting billet should dry up in suspender for 7-10 days.
  • Solka is cut in half, the foam is removed, the red lysun is prevented in both halves.

  • Toy is ready.

How to make an antistress do it yourself from silicone and oil

From ordinary silicone sealant and vegetable oil, you can make a fun toy, according to your properties resembling popular squishes.

Sloves are elastic relaxes of small-size toys, which can also be used to decorate phones, notebooks and other things. Squash are produced in the form of baking, vegetables, fruits, berries, animals. Below is described how you can make the silent quotes of the squash at home.

Would need:

  • silicone sealant;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lightweight plasticine or play-doh;
  • disposable gloves;
  • acrylic paints, brushes;
  • dots of different sizes;
  • scissors;
  • mixing capacity;
  • board / silicone mat / plastic table protection napkin;
  • telephone / notebook case and decoration materials;
  • super glue.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an antistress case or notepad:

  • Prepared workplace.
  • The toy is made by casting method, so first of all you need to make a shape. To do this, in a piece of lightweight plasticine or Play-Doh, the match is squeezed out a figure of a future cat.

  • For hand protection, gloves are put on.
  • Vegetable oil is thoroughly mixed with silicone, if necessary, the mixture is painted with acrylic paints.
  • The shape of lightweight plasticine is filled with the resulting mass. On the frozen of a small cat will take several hours.
  • The frozen figures without effort are removed from the form.
  • For absorption of excess fat, it is recommended to cut the cats in the talc or starch.
  • Extra edges of the figures are neatly trimmed with scissors.
  • For coloring the cats, a mixture of acrylic paints and silicone sealant is used.
  • After a couple of hours, the painted areas are dried and the cats of the squash will be ready for the game.

  • To pre-decorated with the help of paint wicker varnishes for nails, felt and other things, the succishes obtained are glued to super glue.

How to make a soft toy antistress

Any small soft toy can be improved, partially or completely replacing the filler on beads, beads, polystyol beads, and so on. Or you can sew a relax toy with your own hands.

Would need:

  • the cloth;
  • needle, threads;
  • filler;
  • pencil / chalk;
  • scissors;
  • paper.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an antistress from a soft toy or textile:

  1. A simple pattern of a future toy is cut out of the paper.
  2. Both sides of the pattern are transferred to the purl side of the fabric using a pencil.
  3. The parts obtained are cut into account 5-7 millimeters of points on the seams, are folded by the front side inside and stitch. For further filling toys, it is necessary to leave a hole of the length of centimeters 5.
  4. To the toy there were no assemblies in places where there are recesses or bulges, small cuts are perpendicular to the seam.
  5. The billet turns on the front side, is tightly filled with balls or beads.
  6. Hole for packing is sewn by a secret seam.
  7. If necessary, the toy is decorated with appliqué, embroidery, etc.


"Mnushka" are not only beautiful, but also useful for health. It is not necessary to acquire the factory toy-antistress, as it does not make it possible to make it.


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