
How to make a face thin

How to make a face thin
How with makeup and hairstyles make a face thin

The desire to be beautiful, slim and sophisticated quite naturally for each young lady. The figure can be corrected using diets and sports, and what to do if the person keeps his chubby outlines and does not lose weight? Not often, but it happens, all people lose weight in different ways: one person decreases first, but do not lose their legs, and others are just the opposite. If the outlines of your face seem to be distant from the ideal and do not meet your concepts about beauty, you can try to correct them with the help of simple manipulations.

How to make a face thin: makeup for face correction


Cosmetologists argue that knowing the main ways of correction of appearance, it is possible to make the face of the loudness with makeup. For facial correction, dry and fatty cosmetics are used. Here the selection is carried out like this: if you have dry skin or you are a girl with age, you will fit the means with a fatty tone base, dry powder you are absolutely contraindicated. Dry powder will dry and without that dehydrated skin, and small wrinkles will make more visible and volumetric. A tone base has several advantages, it moisturizes the skin and perfectly holds on it. If you are going to shine at a party, you can pick up a tonal basis for 1-2 tons of darker than your natural complexion.

To adjust the face with a dry powder, it is good to use shades to one tone lighter skin and one tone of darker skin. The basic rule correction rule is to darken the sections of the person who you consider volumetric and large, and clarify the elegant lines. Therefore, it is recommended to apply on the cheeks to the tone to tone darker than the natural color of the skin, and the cheekbones make lighter. When applying makeup, do not make sudden transitions from one tone to another, use a makeup brush for cutting.


Light blush can be used to highlight cheekbones. They are applied to the top of the cheekbones and are rubbed with a brush. On the cheeks that we strive to make thin, apply a darker powder or blush. To determine the darkening area, pull the lips with a tube. You will see the pits on the cheeks, it is in these places it should be stronger to darken the skin.

If you strive with makeup make your face thin, you must remember that long eyebrows and thin lips expand the face. Therefore, all horizontal long lines are better to avoid. It should be taken into account the natural form of eyebrows, and, if necessary, adjust. If the eyebrows are long and smooth, you can shorten them near the temples, but do not overdo it! Smooth eyebrows can be given a characteristic bending with a fixing gel. Raise eyebrows hairs better at the end of the eye iris, closer to the temples. Eyebrows should not be too thick.

Thin lips and little mouth visually expand her face. To make lips shorter and volume, it is recommended not to cross the corners of the lips, but to focus on the middle of the mouth and use the lipstick of a light shade.

So that the face seemed to be thin, you can try to emphasize in your eyes, with the help of shadows of natural shades to give the eyes expressiveness.

What areas of the person need to darken to get a thin face in the photo:


Tips: how to make a face thin

If you have a round face, and you strive to make it more elegant, you need to avoid rounded forms. Therefore, eyes, lips and eyebrows must have an elongated shape. Shadows should not go abroad, and blackouts with powder should begin with the top of the cheekbone and descend on the cheeks. The optimal haircut for girls with such a type of face is straight loose hair to the shoulders.

Make a more thin oval face, it is possible with the help of light circular rustus of the Rumba on the cheekbones, as well as the stretching elongated pattern of shadows. Girls with an oval type of face will suit any hairstyle.

Square face can be "soften" due to rounded haircuts and styling. And so that the face seemed to be thin, it is possible to sharpen distressed areas with makeup: cheekbones, chin, forehead. Each face is individually, so general advice will not help here.

Girls with a triangular face form, when a very massive chin, it is necessary with powder to darken the lower part of the face. Such persons are suitable hairstyles with bulk riding, you can use flavored and multi-layer haircuts.

If the face represents an inverted triangle or heart, it is necessary to apply a dark powder on whiskey and cheekbones. For such a person, the actual will be the average hair length with light waves below the cheekbones.

How to make a face of loud with makeup. Video

How to make a face thin with a haircut

Using some recommendations of stylists, you can make a face sophisticated. First, we offer you several rules that you should stick if you want the face to look thin:

  1. It is impossible to do a smooth short bang, but you perfectly fit a lightweight banging bang to the eye.
  2. Forget about the "horse tail" and the hair refilled for the ears if you want your cheeks seemingly thin.
  3. If you make a hairstyle with curls and curls, they must be located on the back of the chin or below the chin level.
  4. It is not recommended to do the volume in the area of \u200b\u200bears and temples.


How to make a face thin: short haircuts for thin face

To make a face thin, stylists recommend short haircuts with asymmetric bangs. Speakingly pull out the face will help the familiar short haircut of the pixie, made with raised top. Additional volume on the top is made using multi-layered hair and hair length. Bang is recommended to lay the side.

Another option short haircut for a thin face is a bob haircut. In this haircut, the emphasis is exhibited by asymmetric bangs. So that the face looks thin, the haircut A-BOB is more suitable, the whole form of which is built on asymmetry. Front strands in this case have a greater length than the hair on the back of the head. It creates additional lines in the girl's image.

How to make a face thin: haircuts on the middle length of the hair

\u003c\u003e On september 12, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.

If you prefer your hair to the shoulders, you can try to make the face of thin with the help of bangs and the "torn" effect of hair tips. Bangs in this case are also laid on the side. Bang must be long enough, preferably length not above eyebrows and not lower than the top of the cheekbone. It is not necessary to seek absolutely straight hair, light waves will help to lengthen a too round face. Sharms Cascade and elongated bob, most importantly, when laying, do not forget to cover the cheekbones with wavy strands when laying do not forget. Such a reception visually makes the face elongated and thin.

There is an opinion that the haircut of the karea is absolutely not suitable for a complete face. It is not quite so, correctly selected length of the haircut, separate melted strands, will be able to make face elegant and thin.

How to make a face thin: haircuts and hairstyles for long hair

So that the face seemed to be thin, girls with long hair are recommended to make light waves on her hair. Wavy hairstyle should be located below the chin levels. A good option to narrow the face is to wear loose straight hair, not forgetting about gradient oblique bangs. If you are striving for your face to look thin, you need to avoid straight samplers.

Hairstyle "Air beam":


To visually narrow the face, stylists recommend to wear a hairstyle in the form of a soft beam on the top of the top, and along the cheekbone to produce separate strands. Make sure that the strands are light, air and subtle, otherwise the person can visually expand.

In order to make such a hairstyle, it will not be necessary too much time and skill. To give volume, discharge the hair several times from the roots to the tips. Make a high tail, secure with a gum. Divide the tail on two strands and twist them with each other. Gently lay out a bundle on the painter and secure. Your fantasy will tell you, make a bundle of tight, soft or very air. From this will depend on the final result: if you want to be tender and romantic, the beam can be made by air, releaseing light thin strands. If you want to create an image of an impregnable, purposeful lady - no strands! Everything must be smooth and strictly!

Such a hairstyle is suitable for every day, and for solemn cases.

Multilayer haircut

To all seem that you have a long thin face, you can make a multi-layer haircut with light waves that will be framed. The strands should be of different lengths and focus on the line below the chin, then it will look sharper, and face thinner. You can give an easy volume with the help of a cloth or use large curlers.

An important role is played by the main color of the hair. Bright colors attract attention, so stylists recommend released bright strands along the face. You can experiment with the shades of individual strands, but you should know that they should be positioned at the top of the head.

How to make a face thin. Video

As you can with the help of hairstyle to make a face thin.


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